Self Control

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I came to visit cause you see me like a UFO, that's like never cause I made you use your self-control.

That night the two crossed paths twice
An ominous shadow hid in the street light. The hot summer night caused RenJun's breathing to hitch. His breathing only increased as his heart rate went up, sweat trickled down his temple. He brought his arm up once again to wipe off the sweat running down his face. His grey hoodie managed to accumulate the summer heat. The sounds of sirens faltering from the distance caused him to flinch and because his heart rate pace to pick up even more. The parking lot was mostly empty and few cars were parked outside of the diner.

His hands shook as he finished the wiring, his blood pumped furiously. Another moment of suffocating silence, the boy stood up and closed the hood of the red car. He took a glance around and stuffed his hands in his grey hoodie. He smiled to himself.

He began to walk back to his car, his hands stuffed down his pocket. The night sounds subsided as the low light flickered in the gray parking lot.
The boy was thrilled as he waited.

The morning after
It was a cool morning in September and I sat in my chair, fidgeting with a pen.

I decided it was time to take a break from writing so, I stood up and stretched out my tense muscles. The sun peaked through the curtains and cool breeze slipped through the window.

Abruptly, a loud ringtone rang out causing me to scramble for my phone. I read the name, RenJun popped up on my screen.

Pressing the 'answer' button, I spoke with an unexpectedly low voice.



"Hey, how are you?" I asked as I laid on my bed. The sunlight spilled into my bedroom, peering through my blinds and directing landing on my face.

"Good, good. How about you?" He chuckled. His voice sounded different over the phone, it was more hoarse than usual. It was around 10 in the morning which meant he might have gotten up a few minutes ago.

"Great, actually." I rolled on my side, my back facing the other way. I cleared my throat and let out a small chuckle escape from my lips.

"So what are you doing up at this time?" I asked. There was a short pause before he let out a sigh.

"I wondering if you were free today," the boy answered. He sat on his bed with his sketchbook and pen in his hand. He had opened one of the previous pages he had written in and started to scribble on it.

"Oh, yeah I'm free today, what time?"

"Maybe 6:00? A roller skating rink?"

"Sure, sounds great. I'll meet you there." I perked up at the sound of the idea. I have always wanted to go out on late nights at the roller skating rinks, I found it as a perfect place to hang out with friends and just vibe without a worry in thought.

"See you there," RenJun replied back. He could not help but let a smile creep onto his face. The call ended and he put down his phone to continue a new page in his sketchbook. I began to sketch a layout of a figure on the page, quietly thinking to himself. The boy could feel himself feel with excitement and giddiness as he thought of his plans with the girl.

I can't wait.

6:00 had hit and I scrambled to get into my mom's car. My own car was getting fixed due to it shutting down that night. I had to call the company early in the morning just to get it fixed. Luckily, my mother was nice enough to let me use hers. Also, I had spent way too much time deciding what kind of outfit I should wear and how I do my hair and such. So many doubts came to my mind as I started to drive down to road.

"Did I overdress? Is my makeup okay? Is this a date?" Such thoughts came into mind that I almost recklessly ran through a red light. I gasped in shock as I caught myself dazing off. Luckily, I stopped before I could do so.

I was a few minutes late to the roller skating rink but I still managed to get there. I saw a familiar figure standing nearby the entrance.

"Hey!" I ran over to him and gave him a small hug which he returned

"Hey, let's go." He gave a small smile and we both walked into the building.

I looked up in awe observing the rink that was decorated with different colored LED lights and had pop music blasting through the speakers. Many people crowded the rink and guessed it was because it was a weekday and everyone was off.

We both headed off to grab a pair of roller skates. Once we sat down to put them on, RenJun looked at me with the brightest smile ever and I couldn't resist it. I smiled back at him, adoring his snaggletooth that protruded from the side of his mouth every time his lips would curl up.

"You ready?" He asked. I nodded in response and unexpectedly, he grabbed my hand and pulled me into the rink and we both glided our way into the entrance. I, in fact, had never been on a real date before. Most of the time they were just meaningless hookups and such. I could not help but let guilt wash over me every time that I remind myself that I am not a bad person for making those irrational decisions of sleeping with whomever I wanted. I needed to change and I believed that I did. I wanted to be happy but I was far from that and I was too naive to know why I wasn't.

We both skated, hand in hand and I could feel my blood pumping. The music was booming over our heads and I was still in shock that I was on my first real date with someone who was quite attractive and might I add, smart as well. I never would have expected Huang RenJun to be my type but somehow, we were there on a date in a roller skating rink.

That night I felt out of my element and for once was satisfied. Who would have expected that someone out of all people would have made me feel this way? I felt that I was walking on clouds and that I was so far from the ground that I only wanted to go higher up. Maybe it was the adrenaline from my excitement or my satisfaction but I did not want this date to end.

I wanted it to last forever.

He looked at me with those eyes as he listened intently to what I have been saying. He would always respond with a bad joke or a witty reply which made me laugh.

"Hey, wanna try out the games here?"

"Sure, sounds good." I could not help but smile back at the excitement in his eyes. After we finished our food, he led me to the clown knockdown game. I was impressed at how good he was at it. I threw the ball and it directly landed on the target, knocking it down.

"The last time I been here was for Park Jisung's birthday party. It was the first, like, normal-kid thing I did after my dad died," I recalled. The memory was hazy but I remembered Jisung balling his eyes out because he did not get the cake he wanted. I laughed at the memory.

"I'm... I'm sorry."

"It's fine. Yeah, he...killed himself." I mumbled the last part.

"Oh..." RenJun was silent but he continued playing the game. I cursed at myself for making it awkward but I wanted to open myself up more. Soon after, we got tired and we took a break and decided to take a break and get some food.

"So what are you planning to study?" He asked. I was slightly taken back at the sudden question.

"Hm. Probably just general education stuff. I mean, I was planning to go to a community college. But I am gonna take a few psychology courses."

"Is that you want to do, get into psychology?" He asked. I was not really sure if I wanted to but I found psychology interesting enough for me to like it.

"Um, I don't know. It's interesting to me. People are interesting to me," I shrugged. RenJun nodded and glanced up before turning back to me with a serious expression.

"Can I ask you something really important?"


"Okay, have you taken a good look at the DJ?" He asked with still a serious expression on his face. This made me laugh at how serious he was. I followed his gaze to the DJ was painfully awkwardly dancing to the blaring music. I let out a loud laugh causing RenJun to turn his attention towards me.

"What? Why are you laughing? He's just vibing." RenJun's response made me laugh even more. The music was cut off abruptly, a few murmurs from the crowd of people was heard.

"What's up my roller skaters, y'all better keep those wheels spinning 'cause I'm gonna keep to party going. Or at least we close which is at 10:00 tonight." The DJ's voice emitted from the microphone. I chuckled at the guy. Dang he's trying way too hard.

"So right now, I'm gonna do something special for y'all. It's time to slow it down and grab your significant other in for a spin.." A slow song turned on and I and RenJun met eyes, both of our faces lightened up. We both stood up and instantly headed towards the rink once more.

Hand in hand, we circled around the rink. The flashing lights lighted up the area as we both skated to the music. At that moment, I enjoyed the feeling of being invulnerable and being able to do anything. The thrill came back and I wanted to do something crazy that night. The feeling of walking on clouds was never going to end.

And you made me lose my self-control.

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