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╰•★Why? (Why?) 내게 why?
빛을 잃은 채, I fall
텅 빈 손끝에 흩어지는 ash
눈 감을수록 선명한 firе
날려 버린 이성 너머로 gunshot

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╰┈➤Heeseung is the eldest, the most crackheaded responsible person, but that doesn't mean that he doesn't deserve to be taken care of too.

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this is for Jake_Engene the lovely person who's comments motivated me to write

Request by: Maeve (Guest)
 Hi. Would you be able to do a heeseung centric where he is sick or injured.

There you go lovely! Hope you enjoyy <3

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Heeseung was used to being one of the responsible ones. Yes, Jungwon was more responsible than most people his age; being the leader but Heeseung was the oldest anyways. As the oldest of the seven of them, he had taken on the role of being the crack headed yet responsible hyung. Jay was more responsible that him anyways.

Of course he'd seen them all go through their ups and down, all of them had. He comforted Ni-ki when people were accusing him of bullying, talking to the maknae late into the nights; when it was just the two of them, letting him sob his heart out while repeating over and over again; "I'm not a bully hyung... I never wanted to hurt Sunoo hyung, I swear I didn't" and Heeseung's heart had broken, shattered into pieces and he had felt a surge of anger at the idiotic people who kept criticizing him. Didn't they understand Ni-ki was just a kid having fun with his older brothers? He was just fifteen, had they forgotten their childhood? Were they all just goody two shoes who never pulled a prank, remained prim and proper their entire lives? Honestly who the hell makes such a scene at teasing and fucking candle?

Heeseung hated it, he hated the fact that his baby had to endure such horrible accusations at such a young age. He swore he would end all of them- all of them who hurt his maknae. Being the youngest in his family he never knew what it was like to feel a white hot rage and a desire to hurt all the people who'd hurt his younger sibling. Heeseung held Ni-ki when he got lonely and became homesick. Generally; Jay would be Ni-ki's go to person in this sort of situation, because he spoke Japanese fluently and there was something soothing about not talking Korean. Yet, there was something special about Heeseung, as Ni-ki had told all of them. Maybe it was the way he held him so softly, never asked questions at all and just focused on making him feel better. Heeseung's heart had warmed to the extent of the sun, when he heard this and he swore to protect them, always.

Then, when people had started to doubt Jungwon's ability to lead a group at such a young age, and started whispering about how he was the one who was going to bring the group down even though Jungwon was the one who ranked first during I-Land. He'd felt horrible, when he stated that he, Heeseung, couldn't be the one to lead Enhypen. He felt horrible shoving such responsibilities on a literal child, but it was the truth. Heeseung couldn't do it. He'd lain awake the night before wondering, complementing weather he should just take on the role of the leader and spare his dongasaeng the huge burden.

And when he'd said that he couldn't do it, Heeseung wondered weather it was too late to change his mind, run back screaming that he'd do it, let Jungwon be a kid, let him enjoy, and take on the role. But he couldn't. And now, seeing how successfully Jungwon lead the group, Heeseung couldn't be prouder. How Jungwon led them to accept awards, how he made speeches, how he controlled the six of them and made sure they didn't get too chaotic, negotiated with the company for them and made sure they were healthy while doing a massive amount of work himself, schedules and everything else under the sun. The hours they'd spent just talking and laughing, taking care of Injang, making rameyon and then accidently tipping all of it into the sink and then laughing at their idiocy was worth more than Heeseung could ever express.

Sunoo, his darling sunshine. Sunoo was the brightest, cutest thing in the world no doubt about it. He was like a piece of the actual sun, beatifying everything his radiance fell upon. He had absolutely adorable cubby cheeks that everyone loved to give a pinch and then smile at how, when they let go, that part was slightly red and Sunoo would rub at it in the cutest way possible while giving them those oh-so-adorable big eyes and seeing them melt before his gaze. The kid was only two years younger than him and yet Heeseung felt as if he was a father to an extremely small child who needed to be protected at all times. And then, came the fat shaming. Honestly, Sunoo wasn't even fat, he was just slightly cubby in a baby fat way. The baby fat that would never vanish even if he buffed up. It was hard to imagine a buff Sunoo.

Netizens, toxic Engenes and solo stans all over started fat shaming Sunoo, apparently thinking it was their idols they were following, because of all the edited videos circulating around the internet. Those people apprently felt that it was okay to treat them like toys without feelings or emotions. He'd seen how much the comments took a toll on Sunoo and spent weeks reassuring the boy that he was perfect in every way possible, making sure that Sunoo would not slip into an eating disorder. Then, Engene let all hell break lose and started to massively report the comments and the edited videos and Heeseung was extremely grateful for them, but it still made his blood boil to remember the nights Sunoo cried and begged to leave the group, saying he wasn't the one who deserved this idol life. He was right and wrong. Sunoo didn't deserve any of the hate but he did deserve to be popular and loved.

Sunghoon. He was right smack in the middle of the group, and he was neither the oldest nor the youngest leading to him to be ignored at times, his cold manner sometimes not helping. During debut, everything had happened so fast and it all felt like a blur at times, month after month was moving forward, in leaps and bounds and everyone was exhausted, vulnerable and just over all tired. A small argument between Sunghoon and him, had escalated and he'd said some things which had set them all off and it had become a 6 upon 1 fight. Days passed in this manner, all of them arguing over the littlest things with Sunghoon. One day, after a particularly loud argument; where things such as Sunghoon was not the only one who was having a hard time so as to say, the other five had left the room in a huff, leaving only Heeseung and Sunghoon. Then the latter had broken down completely, hung his head and cried like it was the end of the world.

Heeseung had rushed forward, and held him as he completely broke down in his arms, and it was then he'd realized just how exhausted Sunghoon actually was, and just how tired he was. Heeseung has gently picked him up, noting how light he seemed and removed him from the living room and into his bed room. There Sunghoon had confessed everything, how he was so scared that they would hate him forever and he couldn't bear to let it go on any longer. He'd apologized over and over again even though Heeseung continuously reassured him that he was okay, they'd all forgiven him. Sunghoon had fallen asleep crying, and at that moment Heeseung could see just how hard of a time Sunghoon was having. First thing the next morning, before Sunghoon had woken up, Heeseung held a team meeting and explained the situation to them. Needless to say, Sunghoon was immediately forgiven and his continuous apologies to them all waived aside.

After that they'd all started to notice small things, as how Sunghoon sometimes stared longingly at his skates that were placed in a corner, and how he kept looking at video's of him skating as a young boy. It was then they all had realized how much Sunghoon missed the ice. For a while they'd tried to distract him and make him forget the ice but it never worked for a long time. The ice was a part of Sunghoon and he longed to be back on it, to feel the wind flying though his hair, hitting his face as he performed his graceful moves. The perfect opportunity had come when they filmed an ice skating episode for En O'Clock. Heeseung skated like he was a natural at it and he was delighted. After that particular episode, Heeseung regularly took Sunghoon to ice skating rings as often as he could and the two spent many happy hours skating. Heeseung could see how much it delighted the boy and how much happier he seemed. Mission accomplished.

Jake was something of a wonder really. He and Heeseung were as similar as one could get, they both adored ramen earning them the name Ramyeonz, loved making Engene's blush and doing random lip bites in lives. Chairs had a similar disliking for Jake as they had for their sunbae, Jimin. The floor loved them both too, and Jake would occasionally just fall to the floor for no apparent reason and the times he didn't were the times Heeseung caught him before he fell. His favorite times with Jake were almost all centered around ramen, the pair of them talking over bowls of ramen, excitedly comparing recipes, experimenting with new recipes, one of them which had gotten Jake to get a face full of cold ramen soup and Heeseung to roll over the floor in laughter as Jake glared balefully at him.

One crisp autumn evening, Jake had sat on the balcony of their apartment building, gazing at the city skyline. His heart felt heavy with longing for the familiar sights and sounds of his homeland. The scent of eucalyptus and the sound of kookaburras seemed like distant memories, fading with each passing day. And that was where Heeseung had found him, gazing longingly at an aeroplane that appeared to be heading out of the country. Heeseung had sat beside him not uttering a word. The two of them simply sat there until Jake questioned weather Heeseung ever missed his family. Heeseung who'd chosen his words carefully after being silent for over five minutes, had explained how he did, but didn't at the same time. They weren't exactly there but still in the same country. Jake had given a small smile and Heeseung, the ever soothing person, who'd seen this coming; had told him how he and Jungwon had gone to the company the previous day and asked for a month long holiday. "They said yes, we're leaving in next week." said Heeseung smiling, liking how Jake's face lit up like a Christmas tree. "Our next concert is also in Australia" and Jake positively leapt for joy at the thought of connecting with his family and Layla again. With a huge hug to Heeseung, Jake had rushed off to pack his bags. Heeseung had shaken his head fondly. He felt pure joy seeing Jake's face light up with joy at his announcement.

Jay was his eldest dongasaeng, and more of a parent than Heeseung at times. Jay was the culinary master, a nickname given to him by Ni-ki and as they all believed could make anything under the sun. Jay's cooking was a marvel much like Jay himself. Since Jay was always so self reliant, Heeseung looked out for him a tiny bit less than he did for the other dongasaengs. They both were the eldest and so they understood each other well and were each other's rock during times. Heeseung himself relied on Jay a lot, for Jay was the one to reassure Heeseung constantly that his singing was more than satisfactory. On dark nights when he himself needed comfort, though that was seldom, because Heeseung always tried to hide his problems as hard as he could; he went to Jay. Jay was also hilariously sarcastic and would easily manage to turn his tears into laughs.

Which is why it was odd to see Jay lost in thought when Heeseung came into the kitchen. He was standing over a pot of bubbling something- that smelled really good as Jay's cooking always did. Though, Jay himself was standing, gazing at nothing, a sad expression on his face as he occasionally, absentmindedly gave the soup in the pot a stir. Jay had jumped, startled when Heeseung had called out his name, having not realized Heeseung was behind him. "Are you okay?" Heeseung asked looking concerned. Jay forced a smile, not wanting to burden Heeseung with his troubles. "Yeah, just cooking dinner. You hungry?" Heeseung shook his head, his gaze softening as he noticed the tension in Jay's shoulders. "Jay-ah, I can tell when something's bothering you. You don't have to pretend with me." Jay sighed "Its nothing hyung. Dinner will be ready soon, could you please set the table?" Heeseung recognized a dismissal when he heard one, and he knew Jay well. He wasn't about to reveal anything now and it would be fruitless to push him. So, he just nodded and got out the plates and chopsticks.

The next day Heeseung finally figured out what was wrong. One of the manager's a puffed up crackpot, whom they all hated dearly, had thrown a hissy fit at Jay's vocals and performance. He'd kept Jay there till 3 o clock at night forcing him to work on his vocals until the manager deemed them quote "mediocre", end quote. He'd discovered the footage from the secirity camera's and wanted to murder the man for his more than harsh remarks and his constant threats. At one point he'd even slapped Jay which made Heeseung bubble with rage as hotly as the stew had the night before. The defeated and saddened expression on Jay's face had done nothing to calm his temper. He had taken the manager aside and not so calmly told him that if he kept his behavior up, he -Heeseung- would make sure that he was fired and never worked for a company again. The manager did not take his warning seriously, and the next thing he knew was that he was being hauled to the CEO, and asked to resign before he was thrown out and blacklisted. Heeseung had felt enormous satisfaction at that.

He loved his dongasaengs more than life itself and nothing, nothing could take that away from him.

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It had started with a tickle in his throat, barely noticeable at first. Heeseung brushed it off, chalking it up to a change in the weather. Though the fear that it could more than just that, persisted. There was a bout of flu going around the dorms; and Heeseung was the only one who hadn't caught it. It wasn't unexpected for him to catch it now. The pervious week, Heeseung had spent it all rushing here and there trying to bathe Jungwon's forehead with a cold cloth, while feeding Sunoo his medicine, getting a bowl of hot soup for Jake, and yelling for Ni-ki to leave the gaming console alone, you're sick for Gods sake... OR ELSE...

Jay and Sunghoon (who'd gotten the worst of it) were quiet patients much to Heeseung's relief. They would not go bouncing around the dorm as if they were on a sugar rush unlike someone (cough, Ni-ki, cough). Who the hell got a sugar rush from medicine that tasted like orange peels anyway?! Weren't you supposed to lie in bed looking pale, sleeping, not throwing up again thank you very much, and not making any noise at all?? Sunday was the only day Heeseung allowed himself to rest, a long peaceful day spent sleeping and eating ramen as well as screaming like a banshee when Ni-ki unexpectedly burst through the door and almost destroyed Enhypen's career by giving their eldest member a heart attack.

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Monday was the day their schedules started up again. Due to the fact that they'd taken the previous week off (not like they had a choice, Jake fumed) all their schedules for the previous week had been shifted to this one because the managers were incompetent fools who did not know how to manage. The distribution of the schedules was simple the next week, they barely had any schedules and photoshoots and variety shows could have easily been adjusted, if only the maddening managers listened to them.

But as the week wore on, the tickle turned into a full-blown cough, and Heeseung found himself feeling more fatigued than usual. He was now waking up exhausted and aching every morning, and his nose felt like it had jumped of during the night, went diving in a mud puddle and came back without cleaning up. He tried to ignore it, pushing through dance practices, photoshoots and interviews with determination, furious with himself for getting sick now of all times and promising himself that he would not be the one to disrupt the group, not now. They'd just released a new album and getting sick right now, with promotions going on would earn him a long, long lecture from the company. 'I'll be fine.' he thought to himself.

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But he wasn't fine. His voice cracked during their live performance, and he struggled to hit the high notes. The Engenes in the audience didn't seem to notice, but his members did. They exchanged a set of glances, filled with concern. They all gathered around him backstage with concerned looks on their faces. Heeseung turned around looking surprised at the crowd around him.

"What happened?"

Sunghoon gave a look, a you - know - what - happened - don't - fake - ignorance look.


Jay sighed. Then in a voice that would be appropriate for teaching a three year old that one plus one equaled two, he said "Hyung, you voice cracked. Your voice never cracks." looking at Heeseung expectantly.

Heeseung chewed his lip nervously.

Waving a hand in the air in a way that indicated dismissal, he said "I'm human too, Jay-ah. And I'm not always good at everything." Heeseung gave a fake, exaggerated gasp. "I know! Hard to believe right? Me, Lee Heeseung the ace of aces the best of the best, is human too! Besides I'm nearly invincible." and gave the an annoyingly wide grin. The members relaxed. If Heeseung was making the most idiotic jokes ever, then yes he was alright. Only Sunghoon didn't look convinced, so later after the show Heeseung dragged his dongasaeng to eat ramen on the rooftop. He could see the conviction of his sickness fading away as they both enjoyed the best food in the world- well according to Heeseung anyway.

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The next morning dawned with another stuffy nose and aching body. Heeseung couldn't will himself to get up as much as he tried. His eyes kept closing, and he just kinda laid there till he could summon the strength to get up. Thanking every god he could think of for his private room Heeseung finally mustered the energy to stand up and get dressed. The water was absurdly cold, and Heeseung came out shivering, feeling worse than ever. He was still shivering when he went downstairs and saw the members gathered around the table, just about to start eating.

"Hey hyung!" Jay greeted him with a smile, which turned into a frown as he noticed just how bad Heeseung was shivering.

"What happened?" he asked getting up and guiding the eldest to the table like he was a fragile child. By this time conversation had ceased as well and everyone was staring at Heeseung looking concerned.

"You told us you were alight just yesterday!" said Jake in an accusing tone.

"I'm f-fine." Heeseung mumbled. "Its just that the water was ice col-ld" tucking his arms further into himself as an attempt to warm up.

"I'll go check." said Jungwon looking suspiciously at him. He returned one minute later, marched to the sink and turned on the hot water and promptly stuck his hand under the warm gush.

"It feels colder than Antarctica." Jungwon informed them turning around after a solid thirty seconds of complete silence.

"How the fuck did you bathe that that hyung? And for how long?" Ni-ki piped up getting up to get a shawl that he wrapped around his hyung's shoulder.

"Language young man" scolded Sunoo in the background.

"Oh shut up." Ni-ki retorted, lightly whacking Sunoo on the nose, who retaliated with upside down slap on the back of Ni-ki's head.

Before they could get into an all out brawl, Sunghoon interjected "Ni-ki's right. How long did you stay in there hyung?"

"A-about half an hour I think..."

"HALF AN HOUR?" Jungwon exploded from near the sink, his hand still under the constant stream of water. "Hyung I stuck my hand under for thirty seconds and it still feels cold, how- how did you stay there for thirty minutes?!"

Heeseung just shrugged and helped himself to the warm breakfast put in front of him by Jay, shooting a grateful look at him.

They left the house for dance practice ten minutes later, and Heeseung could hear Jungwon muttering. He couldn't catch all the words but what he did was "Mental... absolutely crazy... Antarctica hyung, Antarctica!" as well as "how he stood that... felt... ten really big ice buckets..."

Practice... did not go as well as Heeseung would have liked it to. His moves were more sluggish than he'd anticipated instead of the usual sharp moves that Engenes joked could knock anyone out if it hit them, and he kept having to swallow several coughs which, unless you've tried it you wouldn't know how difficult it is. His vison blurred at odd times and then came back clearly, and he was sweating way more than usual. His limbs felt like someone had used the Jelly - Legs Jinx on him from Harry Potter, but he forced himself to go on. It wouldn't do at all to collapse now not now- not promotions month, absolutely no. The company wouldn't care if anything happened any other time, but if something did during promotions the company would have a lot of words to say about it.

They sat down for a thirty minute break after almost four hours of continuous dace practice. How Heeseung got through it, even he didn't know. He closed his eyes and leaned his forehead against the wall beside him, enjoying the cool feel of the brick. He heard a soft thud beside him but he couldn't be bothered to open his eyes an look. A hand descended on his shoulder and a soft voice spoke. "Are you okay, hyung?" Heeseung recognized it as Ni-ki. Opening his bleary eyes with more effort than it required Hercules to complete twelve stupid labours, Heeseung turned around and looked at his maknae tiredly. He could feel more than see the gazes of the others upon him as well.

"'m fine 'ki don't worry" he said his voice slightly croaky. Ni-ki's frown only increased. He clearly didn't believe Heeseung. Choosing not to comment on it, he put one hand on the side of Heeseung's head and gently coxed him to rest on his shoulder. Heeseung complied with surprising speed, and snuggled into Ni-ki's shoulder and closed his eyes again. Immediately he felt Ni-ki tense and then he called out sharply "Hyung's burning up!" The loud voice irritated Heeseung, why couldn't Ni-ki speak softly when he wanted to sleep?

He heard a loud crash as if someone had fallen and then came the sound of five pairs of feet jogging towards them. He lifted up his head and gazed reproachfully at the six concerned faces that now filled his vision. One of them, he couldn't make out who, so blurry was his vision, ah- yes- he could see now, it was Sunghoon who lifted a hand and pressed it to his forehead, and then his cheeks. Sunghoon turned and said something worriedly to the others and then he felt two strong hands grabbed him and hauled him to his feet and wrapped their hands around him to keep him steady. He didn't know who it was, and he didn't care anymore. He just wanted to sleep.

By the time they got to the car, Heeseung could barely keep his eyes open. He just wanted to rest so bad, why did the universe keep denying him of that wonderful feeling of just sinking into sleep, blocking out the mean world and just resting. The ride back to the dorm was half an hour long, and Heeseung couldn't keep himself awake that long, however much he tried. His eyes shut down firmly and refused to open and he spent the journey sleeping, curled up into a tired ball in Jake's lap, who's hand was softly running through his hair and Sunoo on the other side softly stoking his cheek which made it even harder to stay awake.

He didn't wake when they reached the dorms, and Jay volunteered to carry him inside. He didn't wake when Sunoo anxiously took his temperature with the members worriedly breathing down Sunoo's neck. He didn't wake when Jungwon came with a damp cloth soaked in a bowl of cool water. He didn't wake when Sunghoon turned everybody out, changed him into his soft pyjamas. He didn't wake when Ni-ki and Jake peeped in through the door and were turned out by a mother hen Sunghoon, who only remembered how annoying it was to be woken when you were sick and wanted to sleep, as he'd gotten the worst of the flu. They would have been worried, but they'd all just gotten through a week of flu and knew the symptoms and the aftermath.

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He finally stirred when Jay brought a bowl of steaming hot soup and his medicines with Ni-ki tailing behind him to change his wet cloth. Jay set down the tray and shook his hyung slightly and gently. It took a couple minutes to wake Heeseung up but soon he was sitting up, blinking tiredly as Jay fed him his soup. Heeseung, the ever stubborn person had insisted that he feed himself but that had only resulted in the bowl almost dropping hot soup all over him had it not been for Ni-ki's quick reflexes. With a stern look at his hyung who was pouting like a child Jay took back the bowl and spoon fed Heeseung who only reluctantly opened his mouth for it.

"Better hyung?" asked Jay softly as Heeseung managed to finish the bowl. This was good, if he could manage to eat that without refusing it after a few bites he'd get better comparatively quickly.

"'m sorry" Heeseung mumbled softly.

"What?" asked Ni-ki who was in the middle of dampening the cloth again.

Heeseung started down at his hands. "In the middle of promotions... you guys taking care of me... distraction... troubling you..." Heeseung looked up at them begging them to understand, stuggling to convey his emotions.

"Hyung no! How could you think that!" Ni-ki said loudly as Heeseung flinched at the loud noise and Jay glared at him.

Suddenly there was a sound of running and the door opened with a crash that made Heeseung's ear drums curl up in his head and beg to die. It bounced of the wall and four people stood there looking alarmed.

"Is everything okay? We heard loud voices"

"Yeah... kinda." Ni-ki replied. "Someone here seems to think that he's being a burden on us by getting sick after taking care of six very sick people the past week."

"Hyung thats nonsense!"

"Of couse not!"

"You're not a burden! Not one bit!"

"Where did you get that ridiculous idea?"

A chorus of voices immediately overwhelmed him and Heeseung shrunk back from the noise. Jay noticed and took the responsibility to of shooing everyone out of the room, glaring at them.

He then sat down on the edge of Heeseung's bed, and spoke in the softest voice possible which reminded Heeseung a lot of his mother.

"Hyung.. you're not a burden. Please never think like that ever again. You care for us so much and a lot of everyone's best memories are with you and because of you. You cared for us so much last week. This time; allow us to care for you?"

"But... the company?"

"To hell with the company." Jay said firmly. "Jungwon and I, we'll go there tomorrow and sort this all out. But for now hyung you rest."

Heeseung looked at Jay, and he saw concern, understanding and love in his face. He smiled and nodded accepting Jay's help to lie down and allowing him to tuck him in. Jay placed the damp cloth on his forehead and departed with a soft good night.

Heeseung allowed himself to sink back into dreamland.

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Heeseung awoke with a start. His bleary eyes focused on the digital clock on his bedside.

A bright glowing 4:09 AM glared back at him.

Heeseung groaned. Why did he have to wake up at this unearthly hour?

A sharp feeling at the back of this throat made him cough, which turned into a hacking cough, which made it difficult to breathe. He tried his best to muffle the coughs with his blanket, so as to not wake any of the members up. He stopped after a couple minutes, and looked around cautiously. He still felt exhausted and the cloth, which was now dry had slipped off his forehead and was now lying on the sheets looking forlorn. Heeseung felt sorry for it for a second before he lightly whacked himself.

"Feeling sorry for a cloth? What is wrong with you?" he berated himself, while looking around for a glass of water to soothe his burning throat. There was none. Reluctantly, he swung his legs off the bed and almost fell at how weak they were. Somehow he managed to make his way to the kitchen without falling. He'd just filled a glass of water and was in the process of drinking it when a voice behind him said "hyung?" Startled he almost dropped the glass, but managed to catch it before it clanged on the floor.

"'Ki? What are you doing here?"

"I could ask you the same thing hyung."

Heeseung pointed to his throat then the glass still clutched in his hand, and Ni-ki understood. Heeseung then pointed to him and made the why gesture, while placing the glass in the dishwasher.

"I was going to check up on you, hyung and then I remembered that no one left any water so I came to get some for you."

Heeseung smiled at his maknae's thoughtfulness. He truly had one of the best in the world. Suddenly the fact that he had the flu caught up to him and a wave of tiredness crashed over him, making him stumble. Ni-ki noticed, and came forward to steady him and Heeseung thinking he was going for a hug, hugged back. It surprised Ni-ki, but he returned the hug. They stood there for who knows how long, Ni-ki practically holding him up. Heeseung was only a little shorter than Ni-ki so his head rested comfortably on the maknae's shoulder.

"Hyung? Do you want to go back to bed now?" Ni-ki questioned softly after a few minutes of silence.

No response.


Ni-ki turned his head just to see his hyung had fallen asleep standing, head resting on his shoulder and mouth slightly open. It was adorable. Ni-ki shook his head fondly and then half - carried and half - dragged Heeseung back to bed. The latter did not even stir. Ni-ki carefully put his hyung back on the bed, and tucked him back in. Heeseung immediately sunggled into the blankets with a contended expression on his face. Ni-ki watched fondly, why was his hyung so adorable?

He looked between the door and Heeseung, and then making up his mind, made a makeshift bed for himself on the pullout couch. He'd have loved to snuggle with Heeseung, but the flu one in two weeks was enough for him. Pulling out a small sheet and a pillow from the drawer beneath the pull out couch, Ni-ki too snuggled into bed. He lay there looking at his hyung's face that was illuminated by the moon, feeling adoration bubble up inside him, untill sleep claimed him too.

Heeseung would be okay. 

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this is the only request i've been able to do completely bc writers block is a terrible thing. for the sunghoon part i didn't know wot to write but then i remembered that one interview w that bald guy who had an egg broken over his head by... felix... i think.

alsooo theres this new grp called Big Ocean who are the first deaf kpop grp. stan them!

btw whats happening in Palestine is obviously awful and if you dont want to stop steaming at least please dont buy any merch from hybe :)                                                                   

lmk of any spelling mistakes and anything i can do to make the fic better <3

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