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✎ [ɴᴀᴍᴇ] ༉‧ ♡*.✧

ʏᴇᴀʀ年: 200X

ᴘʟᴀᴄᴇ場所: ɴʏᴄ, ɴᴇᴡ ʏᴏʀᴋ

ᴛɪᴍᴇ時間: Saturday, 11:34 A.M


"Alright, Kirakira-Sama! Give us a charming gaze! Give us adorable! Give us dazzling! Give us everything!! Ugh! Yes indeed! You are a star! So much more; you're the genuine sun!" The photographer kept calling out to me. Flashing the camera as I move through various postures. 50 different positions, 50 different costumes. Modeling might be difficult if you lack motivation. But knowing that I'm doing good at what I do gives me just the motivation I need to finish the shoot.

The theme today was a strawberry look! Mmmh~ strawberries actually sound really good right now. My face is supposed to be in the front cover on all types of magazines. But they're trying to make it where each magazine is a collectible, because of the different faces I make. I don't understand really the purpose? But if people like it's who am I to complain?

Finally, after 6 hours of modeling since 5:00 this morning. I was finally done. Thank goodness... "You are all good to go! I shall have my photographer team get all the pictures taken care of. Once we're done with making all the copies of the magazine. We shall send some to you. Ciao, dear." Blowing a kiss at me. I smile and wave. Telling him to have a fantastic day.

"~sigh~ I need something sweet...Aprill~ Can I please get something to eattt~ I haven't ate all morning!" I groan to her, dramatically falling into her arms. Her taking out the strawberry headband from my head, then responding. "Alright alright, I'll order us some-" "No! I want to go to the cafe! Please!! I promise I won't be spotted! ~puppy dog eyes~ I'll even disguise myself! Please!" I pleaded my manager. who sighs, pinching the bridge of her nose.

"What about your eyes? What if someone notices you because of them?" She asks me. She presses her finger to on my nose, making me huff and balling up my fist. "I'll wear sunglasses! And even if someone were to suspect! I'll just tell them I'm a huge fan of myself! That way they'll believe me! You can count of me! ~winks~"

April was going to say something. Until, her bodyguard comes in the room. "Excuse me ladies, I couldn't help but over here that the infamous Kirakira would like to go out to eat for once?" He was one of my new bodyguards that they hired for better security. He's really tough and strong! Super cool and fun too!

"But out, Jones. It's to dangerous. What if something happens to her and we can't be around. Even if we were to bring security, then that would cause an even bigger uproaring because they'll know who she is." April, mom lecturing us. Made me lose hope that I was never going to convince her....until~

"C'mon babe, let the girl go have fun. She's had a very busy week. Why not give her a break? She has us on speed dial, not to mention she's also been learning self-defense class for a year now. She will be okay. Give her some hope, don't you trust her? Besides, how can you say no to that face?" Mr. Jones having his hand on April's hips. She tries to keep a stern look at Jones, but it didn't last as she giggles.

"Alright, you can go-...[Name]?" By the time she turned around to tell me I could go. I was already gone, out the door. Adrenaline and excitement rush through my veins. I was practically flying out of my room and into my closet. Because of the multitude of clothes I wear and create for various events. My closet in the bedroom needed to be divided.

Of course with any clothes I don't wear or I grow out of, I always make sure to donate it after all. One woman's trash is another person's treasure. Not saying my clothes are trash, I love all my clothes!

I was rummaging through several shelves and racks, looking for an outfit that would help me fit in with the New York style. Thank heavens it's fall, and I can wear a coat and hat. That way, I'm confident no one will be able to spot me. I'll also need to find a pair of glasses.

╭┈──── ◌ೄ◌ྀ ˊˎ
·˚ ◌༘₊· ͟͞꒰➳ [Author POV]

"Hello, can I please have a [Fast Food] combo with a large [Drink], please." The idol graciously asks the young man at the register. He had no idea it was the famous idol because of her sophisticated disguise and phony deep voice. She was dressed in a long dark brown trench coat, a dark forest green scarf, a black beanie, and sunglasses to complete the look.

"Alright, your total is 3.84$"The guy responded with a cracked tone of voice. Must have recently reached puberty. She nods her head and takes out the precise change. He takes it and gives her the recipe. She thanks him and takes a seat at a booth. Waiting for her meal to be called.

Looking outside the window. She was awestruck by the beauty of New York. She was making the most of her time with the scenery. Until the sound coming from the TV handing up in the corner of the ceiling began to speak.

"This is just in! A group of suspected criminals escaped from prison this morning. They are said to be armed and quite dangerous. If you or a loved one saw these men. Please call the number displayed on the screen. Back to you, Martin."

The women stared at the TV, terrified. The city was tough enough. Why not just add to the picture? She hoped no one was hurt, and that HE would show up and save the day. Just like he does every night. The young woman felt herself falling into a daydream. Just imagining him made her consider writing a song for him.

She began to imagine whether or not he was attractive. Not that, in her opinion, it matters! She was simply relieved that someone shared her enthusiasm for this city. Just thinking about the video clips she's seen of him in action makes her squeal aloud.

"Man, wouldn't it be cool to actually meet him in person! It would be just wonderful to go up to him in person to thank him... ~gasp!~ what if he's heard of me! Of course, he wouldn't be a fan of me- but what if he respects me! GAHH!! Haha!!" [Name] giggles in her mind.

"Number 45? Your food is ready." The teenage register clerk yells. Her stomach rumbles loudly after that. Standing up, she clears her throat. Reaching the front counter, she picked up her purse. She turned to go, thanked him, and turned around.

However, she had suddenly turned. She violently fell back after running into someone. Wearing the sunglasses made it really difficult to see. Her sunglasses and beanie fell off as soon as she hit the floor. The entire establishment fell silent, and then there was a gasp





In [Name]'s mind "April is going to kill me..." Gazing upward at the man who had just bumped into her. He stood rather tall. Around 5'9 or 5'10, perhaps. She and he had almost the same style. He, too, covered up with a cap and oversized trench coat. She simply keeps staring intently at the figure. Everyone started to encircle the pop star. Despite the fact that she really wanted to stay. That would not be good for the company. She wished not to cause any kind of trouble. She knew she had to leave even though she felt terrible for ignoring her admirers.

"~laughs nervously~ Your all to kind! But I-I really should go! Sorry!" She books it right out of there. The sound of footsteps behind her raised the hairs on her arms. Having a rush of adrenaline. Her stilettos clack against the pavement. She turns sharply, sliding her heels as she passes through an ally. Trying to blend in as much as possible, she pressed her back against the wall.

Watching as the crowd of fans rush past her. Waiting a bit, before signing in relief. Sliding down the brick wall, her heart pounding against her chest. Holding her hand on her chest trying to steady her breath. As she was about to walk back out- she felt someone harshly drag her back by her hair.

She yelps in pain. But the person behind her quickly covers her mouth. "~Chuckles~ Lookie here boys, first day out of prison, and we caught ourselves a celebrity~ She's quite the looker." A deep raspy Boston accent says out loud.

"Hey, she's really famous. One of the most popular icons right now...people would pay top dollar for her, boss~" Another strong, brutish voice emerges from behind her. She felt someone dig their fingers into her hair. As another character comes into her vision.

He had a tall, somewhat slender build. His hair was bleached blonde, and his face had more metal than an automobile. Seeing the three men surrounding her, she gulps. They all start putting their hand on her body. She was so repulsed. Savagely bending her body forward and kicking her back leg under the man. firmly kicking him in the crotch.

He lets go of her in pain. Falling to the floor and holding on to his groin. [Name] quickly running away from them. Back realized the ally was cut off short...She just had to pick this ally of all places. She curses under her breath. Looking around for any thing she can use as a weapon.

"You stupid bitch! I'm gonna cut off that pretty face of yours!" Threatened the criminal. Taking put a pocket knife that shined in the light. She gulps and picks up the only thing on standby. Which was a rusty old pipe. She held it firmly. The three men all laughed at her attempt to act tough.

Not letting them get to her head. Holding it up like a baseball bat and glares at them. Before any acts of violence could concur. The sound of something heavy dropped behind her. She didn't have enough time to turn around and react, she felt a pair of hands gently cover her eyes. Except, they weren't really hands...

"Relax, I'm not here tuh hurtcha. Quite de opposite. But I'ma need yuh to keep your eyes close. Can yuh do that for me, you can trust me, promise."

A voice said gently to her. She felt her spine shiver just by his voice and accent alone. Should she take his word for it? Not that she had much of a choice, she nods her head. Bringing her hands up to her eyes. Squeezing them shut, she could feel the wind of the stranger behind her running. Moments after, the sound of grunting and groans in pain followed up behind it. Even a few cracks, indicating something definitely broke.

After what felt like only a few seconds. The sound had stopped. Not wanting to remove her hands just yet, even though the curiosity was killing her. "You can open your eyes now...your safe now, miss."

That voice. It was a deep Brooklyn accent. So rough yet, so calming to when spoke right. She removes her hands away from her eyes and looks around. All three of the men were beaten badly, pretty badly. Tired up with a chain, and hung upside down off a fire escape ladder.

But there was no sign of the man that saved her. "Wait! Where did you...go ...?" She looks around. Trying to find where the mysterious man was. She really wanted to meet him, he did just save her life after all.

"You really should head back home. It's not safe for yuh. Especially, while your not in disguise. The mob of fans aren't tuh far. You should call someone tuh pick yuh up. I'll stay right here, until you do." He spoke again. She couldn't tell exactly where he was coming from.

"I-I will! But can you please show yourself! I want to thank you properly. Please! I owe you everything for saving my life. I really wish to repay you. Anything! And I won't take no for an awnser." She places her hands on her hips. Looking around, not budging until she gets her answer.

A faint chuckle could be heard. "Very persistent aren't cha?...yuh really are to kind...I guess ther is one thing you can do for me." The sound of something being dropped down can be heard. Looking at it, as it was a pen and a.... magazine? Wait, her magazine!!?

She was baffled. Was he a fan of her? It seemed he just wanted her autograph. "Are you sure this is all you want?...Okay then! Anything for a fan!" She opens up the pen and began to write her signature. "Thank you again for saving me. I don't know what would happen if you weren't there." She finished signing it.

"Now...can you...come out now so I can see your face?" She asked. Holding onto the magazine in her hands. Really wanting to know what the man looked like. "....no...if you saw me ...then you would be more terrified than you were with those a men." His tone came out more upsetting.

"Not true! Thoses men nearly killed me and try to sell me! Why would I make fun of the way you look when you JUST saved my life! If you truly are a fan, you know that I love EVERYONE! My heart sees the goodness in everything! So, challenge me! Let me see what you look like, hero!" She demanded kindly. Her eyes sparkling in the darkness of the ally. Her aura glowed from the amount of determination she felt in her bones.

The sound of a sigh in defeat can be heard. She knew she won. She looks around waiting for him to show up. Wondering where he was going to pop up at. "Just don't scream please..." Was all she heard. Until a a figure dropped down in front of her.

She couldn't see who it was at first. They were big and pretty wide. Her eyes adjusting better in the dark. But she still couldn't see properly. She asked if he could take a step forward. He hesitant, but proceeded with her request

Her eyes lit up. Her heart went a 100mph and her face turned hot...Was she dreaming? No she couldn't be...was she hallucinating? No, she definitely wasn't...she had to admit it...She was right in the presents of....

"The Nightwatcher...!"

.·:*¨ ✘Raphael✘ ¨*:·.

Crap....this isn't how I wanted things to happen. But I just can't say no to her... Thank goodness I still had my suit of armor laying around next to my bike. Which just so happened to a coincidentally be just near where Kirakira-Sama was being attacked.

She'll be able to see me without actually seeing me. I wonder how she'll take me... What does she dislikes me just like the police?? Or what if she tells the police that she spotted me? No no...she isn't like that. I need to stop being paranoid. Besides she...


Is she....


"~Squeals!!~ OMG! It's you! It really is you! I can't believe it's actually you!" She gets closer to me. Making me take a step back. I honestly...was NOT expecting this reaction. Was she a fan of me?

"ACK- Sorry! I didn't mean to get to close...it's just that ....IM A REALLY BIG FAN! Ever since that day you first showed up on the news! I think your really friggin cool and amazing! Your just what this city needs! It's an honor to meet you in person!"

I felt my heart clench. I held up on finger at her. Telling her to give me a moment. Turning around and holding my chest. "HOLY FUCKIN CRAP SHES TO CUTE!...Who would have thought me and her would both be fans of each other...Gosh, she's to cute. I can't even hold decent eye contact. Get yourself together Raph!"

"You okay?...Ah! That's right! Here, my autograph. I never expect such a great hero to be a fan of little ol' me." She smiles sweetly at me... Jesus, this women is going to freaking kill me I swear...crap! I haven't said a signal word to her yet. Speak you idiot!

As I was about to say something. The sound of a car pulling up and honking could be heard in front of the exist of the ally. "[NAME]! There you are! Are you okay??" A women's voice shouted at who I assumed to be Kirakira-Sama....So [Name] is her name...

"April! I'm fine! I was saved by ...huh?...where did he-?

"We got to get you home and- What in the world is that!!?" The red head who came for [Name] looks up at the thugs who were chained up. I was out of site though. I can't risk anyone else tho to see me. I'm already not supposed to be out of the sewers so early in the morning.

Her face held disappointment. Like she wanted to chat longer...so did I. Never once did I thought I'd get the chance to actually be face to face with her...Her skin was very soft...her eyes are even prettier up close. She really was like a star.

She finally gets in the car and leaves. Feeling my heart ache slightly. As I was about to head back. I noticed something on the ground. I hop back down into the ally. Staring at what was in front of me. It was the magazine she had signed....and a piece of paper that was on it. I hold it up and read what was left on it.

I look at the note. Reading every bit of it. My face turned redder than my own mask.

She...she gave me her number!? Holy sewer apples! She gave me her-

Cool it, Raph. She wants to meet up again. But that can be dangerous...what if an enemy sees you with her. They could seriously hurt her!...Nah, that won't happen. Because I will be her knew bodyguard. And I'll make sure NO ONE lays a hand on her.

She may see me as the hero...but she has no idea how many times she's saved me...She may love me for my heroism. But I love her in general.

"But that will remain to myself for now..."

⌦ .。.:*♡

₊❏❜"ʸᵒᵘ ᵃʳᵉ ᵐʸ ˢᵗʳᵃⁿᵍᵉ ᵃᵈᵈⁱᶜᵗⁱᵒⁿ. ʸᵒᵘ ᵃʳᵉ- ᵐʸ ˢᵗʳᵃⁿᵍᵉ ᵃᵈᵈⁱᶜᵗⁱᵒⁿ. ᴹʸ ᵈᵒᶜᵗᵒʳ'ˢ ᶜᵃⁿ'ᵗ ᵉˣᵖˡᵃⁱⁿ. ᴹʸ ˢʸᵐᵖᵗᵒᵐˢ ⁿᵒʳ ᵐʸ ᵖᵃⁱⁿ. ᴮᵘᵗ, ʸᵒᵘ ᵃʳᵉ ᵐʸ ˢᵗʳᵃⁿᵍᵉ ᵃᵈᵈⁱᶜᵗⁱᵒⁿ."

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