Chapter 1

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"Silver... Whats going on?" Scarlet whispered. Her eyes were filled with pain. Silver couldn't take much more of this battle. It was going by too fast. And too many deaths. Too many lives were on the line, all because of ol' potty sludge herself.

Silver was known as a daughter of Hades, commander of the Hellhound army. Known around the camp for being strong and brave. But really? No one knows who her mom is because she went to camp at age 1. Her mom was really Aphrodite, goddess of love and beauty. Yes, the girl who was born from the first murder. Says something about Silver, especially if her dads Hades.

Her mind hurt like crazy. She could feel everyone as their lives were whipped away, fast as that. The fates were cutting more and more strings the second. The war had been going on for way too long. When was it going to stop already? Maybe Silver could try to stop it, maybe she could persuade the monsters, or Gaea.

But deep down Silver knew there was no stopping this war.

The mortals walked around casually, as if they weren't stepping on a battlefield. Before the battle, the gods had come together. They had created a force so the mortals couldn't see what was really happening. The last thing they needed was the mortals finding out that the world was ending.

Silver shook her head. She couldn't be thinking about all that stuff at the moment. She looke down at Scarlet and knew exactly what she had to do. Wings sprouted from her back and she flapped them, trying not to gag at the smell of blood in the air.

She heard footsteps and a small growl behind her and she whipped around, lashing out her sword and striking a monster in the chest. The monster shuddered and turned to dust which sprinkled onto the girl. Yuck. Can't these monsters be more manageable with their remains? she thought, her nose twitching.

Silver kept on flapping her large dragon wings, hoping to at least get away from the ground battle, if only for a second. 

When she got up a ways it didn't help much. The smell of blood was so strong it probably could've been smelled all the way from China. Slowly she looked down at her friend. Scarlet, daughter of Ares. She had green eyes that used to light up a room. But then the war had come and demigod life had changed. Everyone was always tense, and who could blame them? They were at the biggest war that they've had in centuries.

"S...Silver?" asked Scarlet, her eyes getting a far away look. The kind people get when they're about to die. Panic flared up inside of Silver, but she managed to stay clam. For the time being.

"Yeah Scarlet?" she asked quietly, trying to keep the fear out of her voice.

"Don't forget about me..."

"I won't. And you are not dying, even if I have to go to the Underworld and crush everything for it to happen." said Silver, but it was more of a joke.

"Alright..." a small smile spread across her friends lips, and just that was enough to make her anxiety level go from a 10, to a 7.

"I'll get you back to safety Scarlet, I swear it on the River of Styx." 

"Safety? Is there any place still safe?" she questioned.

"There is. Remember that hide out we were talking about? We finally made it. Its big enough for everyone."

Scarlet swallowed, but even that seemed hard for her to do. She nodded slightly.

"You need to rest now, Scarlet." instructed Silver. "It'll be okay. I'll take you there. And I'm not gonna drop you."

Scarlet sighed and closed her eyes lightly, and hopefully not for the last time.

Concentrating Silver tried to find the location of the hide-out. Shadows flooded around her, and she felt her and Scarlet melt into them.

People brushed passed her, yelling at the Apollo kids that they weren't 'doing something right'. 

"We're trying!" snapped Will Solace.

"What kind of a world are we living in?" she whispered quietly before going into a room.

She sat down in one of the chairs to the wooden table and put her head in her hands.

Then... Silver did something she hasn't done in a long time. She cried. She just cried. She was a leader, she couldn't have been seen crying. But... She couldn't cope with any of this anymore. All the deaths... There was a knock on the door and Silver turned around, wiping the tears away.

The girl took in a deep breath, trying to pull herself together. "Come in." she said and the door opened.

"Woah, Silver, are you okay?" asked Lily. One of Silvers best friends. 

"You want the truth?" I whispered quietly and she nodded. "No. No I am not okay!" cried Silver and Lily came up to her.

"I saw Scarlet." she said quietly, wiping off Silver's messed up mascara.

"She could die... Her life force is so dull! I can't lose another friend Lily, I can't!" cried Silver, putting her head on Lily's shoulder. The daughter of Hades cried her soul out that hour. Her friend lily murmuring comforting words from time to time. But the words didn't help. The world of the gods was dying... And it made Silver crack. 

Sorry its so short! D:

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