Chapter 22

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Next time I see Jay? I punch him for all he's worth, which, sadly, isn't a lot.

        "Silver Silver... We couldn't tell anybody." I whispered quietly and she sighed.

"Jays pretty upset." said James, walking in.

"How much?" I asked.

"So upset... He threw his lunch at me."

"Thats... Pretty mad." I agreed.

"And its all my fault." groaned Silver, putting her head against the wall.

"Its not your fault." James and I said in unison. I gave him the stink eye--I hate it when people think and say the same things I do--and looked back at Silver. "Really its not. He shouldn't ask for people to talk about their past lives, no one should." 

"But still--"

"No. You know what? Forget about Jay. Forget about all these stupid problems." said James and I looked up at him, blinking. "You just need to calm down. Jay will get over it sooner or later, I mean.. I did."

"Yeah but still! You would barely talk to me for a week! If you did that... Then what would Jay do?" cried Silver.

"He'll only ignore you for a day." said James immediately. "Come on, you two have more in common then you and I ever did. He's going to come around, you just gotta wait. If he's not the one for you then you'll find another. But I'm pretty sure Aphrodite has matched you two up." 

"Wow James, smart words for someone who was fighting for Silver."

"Thank you Lightning Dolt." he said, looking very pleased.

"Ah, my pleasure Scale for Brains."

"Scale for Brains, thats new." he said and I grinned. Silver looked up at us and cracked a small smile.

"Your quarrels are always so interesting." she whispered.

"Quarrels?" I asked, doing a mock offensive face.

"We never have--" started James but I quickly cut in.


"Your just stick to that word--"

"Quarrels." I confirmed.

"Quarrels!" screamed Silver and we all laughed.

"Hecate needs us." said James suddenly and I blinked.

"Why?" I asked.

"Lets go find out!" said Silver cheerfully, getting up.

"Deal." we all said.

"Heres to the Big Three!" I yelled and we all laughed.

"Come on." he said, dashing off.

"He's got to much energy." I told Silver and she just shrugged.

"BATTLE TIME!" screamed James and I burst out laughing.

"SHUT UP!" screamed Perce and I stopped laughing.

"BLOODY GODS OF OLYMPUS!" yelled James and he came running back into the room. "Um um. Run now, fight later?" he asked.

I look over to where he had come from, Perce was mad. Very. Mad.

"Yes." Silver and I said in unison, running off. On the way we grabbed everyone who was ready for battle and appeared on the surface world. People work way fast when they are being threatened by Perce.

Slowly Hecate appeared by us, and she looked as if she was in serious pain. Nemisis stumbled and face planted on the ground as she appeared. She breathed heavily, looking up at our army.

"TELEKHINES!" I screamed and a lightning bolt came down onto an army, turning a dozen to wonderful dust. Which blew right at us.

"DIE!" screamed Perce, appearing on the surface world. She charged the army full of demigods, demons, and all kinds of monsters. Personally I thought she was going to die. Yeah... it didn't happen like that.

"HEY! THEY BROUGHT CASTOR BACK TO LIFE!" screamed Pollux. CHING "NOOOO!" Perce was on a killing rampage. She sliced through the telekhines, pummeled the empousai to oblivion, and turned the hell hounds to dough. Little ray of sunshine eh?

"Ummm." said Silver, blinking.

"Hmm. Much better." said Perce, walking back toward us. The kids parted to avoid her sword and she grinned.

"Hey guys?" asked James and I tilted my head. "LAISTRYGONIANS, FOUR O'CLOCK!" 

Silver got out of her daze and drew her sword, charging at the monsters.

"DIE U LEO COPIERS!" screeched Leo, charging at them. They threw fire balls at them, but all it did was make Leo more excited to kill them.

"Come on. battles over here." said Silver, coming out of the battle and looking at James. She was already drenched in sweat and blood was smeared on her forehead, but she looked as if she had just come out of a party and had to much sugar.

"Alright." said James, drawing his sword and charging back in with Silver.

"HELL HOUND!" screamed Silver and I sighed. Must be hard to kill one of your own. More monsters had come to join the fight.

I charged into the battle, turning my left arm into ice so it would instantly freeze any monster that touched it, I also turned into electricity. Human form, but I was generating electricity so if anyone touched me they would blow away like Percy did when Thalia shocked him.

So basically no one could touch me.

I punched a knife (which actually DID indeed hurt) and it froze. I looked around and realized Silver had become a hell hound--I could tell it was Silver because James was on her back screaming something about Poseidon. Jay was holding up pretty well too, blasting monsters in the face with some water, occasionally adding in a fish or two. Seriously if you've ever seen a fish kill a monster you would laugh.

"DIE MONSTERS!" screamed Scarlet and I whipped around. She charged through the ranks, slashing and hacking like a maniac. She also had a red glow around her, like Tartarus light was around her (don't ask Silver told me). It was the Blessing of Ares.

"ITS THE BLESSING OF ARES!" yelled James. Thanks Captain Obvious. 

"THE GODS ARE HALF ALIVE!" cried Silver everyone cheered, fighting with renewed strength. Together we pushed the enemy back, killing every last monster. The glow faded from Scarlet who looked like Leo during a sugar rush. Silver turned back to human, laughing.

"Well, that was fun." said two voices in unison and we whipped around. I shut off my electricity and ice arms and looks up at the two gods. They looked renewed in power and very strong.

"Thanks." said Hecate, and with that the two gods vanished.

"Why would... Gaea attack them?" asked Will.

Silver's eyes grew wide and she screamed, kicking a rock which ended up hitting James' forehead.

"Uh. Sorry." she said.

"'s okay." he muttered, stumbling back. He managed to stay awake, but barely.

"So Silver, what would they want with Hecate and Nemisis?" asked Jay, clearing his throat.

Silver looked at everyone. "Hecate is the goddess of crossroads and the mist."

"And... Nemisis is the goddess of balance..." I said slowly, putting it together.

"So if they destroyed those two gods..." whispered Scarlet.

"Then humans would be able to see through the mist, because there would be no mist." I said.

Silver confirmed our worst fears with the last sentence "And the balance in the world... Would disappear." 

BOOOM! Who wants to hear an authors note? No one? Good cuz I'm tired. NOW GO TO BED!


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