Chapter 37

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Another Nico chappie, I sorta have to. You'll see why. I'm not starting this as I usually do, though. So enjoy!

        I wake up to rumbling and I look at my clock. 1:00 in the afternoon? Come on! No one EVER wakes me up! Groaning I get up, take a shower, slip into some new clothes, then walk out.

"Whats happening?!" I asked Reyna, finding as she was one of the few leaders left.

"Big battle." she replied, "We're fighting to protect balance."

"Nemisis and Hecate." I whispered, my pupils getting small and I'm pretty sure my skin got even paler then it already was.

"Mhm. Better get up there." she confirmed. By the time she finished that sentence I was already gone. I felt my skin dissolve and a cold, creeping feeling developed. My face felt like it was being torn off, I heard a distant scream and sounds of terror and pain. In other words, my second love.

I heard distant shouting and suddenly I appeared in my battle outfit. My Stygian sword at my side, skull helmet on, and armor strapped on. I appeared on the surface world, completely surprisingly a snake woman. I slashed at her, immediately turning her into monster death. This sword is wicked awesome.

Slowly I raised my sword, whispering a few words. Spirits shot out of the ground and another cold feeling settled over me. I leaned against a tree, my whole body trembling. Dead roamed the earth, slashing and hacking.

"Nico!" screamed a voice, "Can't you go one stupid battle without raising the dead!"

"CAN'T YOU GO ONE DAY WITHOUT BEING A WISE GIRL!" I yelled back at Annabeth, which nearly killed me.

Before she could answer an explosion filled the air. Hecate and Nemisis landed next to me, coughing. I looked at them.

The world drew to a dim light and Hecate slowly dissolved, turning into nothing but the ground in front of me.

Nemisis burst into a coughing fit, "You will all die!" she screeched at the monsters, "The universe will not allow this to happen without punishment!"

I sunk into the shadows as someone came out of the fighting. What monster was that... Gods of Olympus. It was Polybotes.

"The reign of the gods, is over!" he roared. Monsters cheered and Polybotes cackled as Nemisis slowly dissolved. Then all Hades broke loose.

Sword flew everywhere and monsters killed and slashed. Finally the half bloods couldn't take it anymore, the ground was shaking, and we were all about to die.


        Suddenly the ground lurched forward, yes. The ground. So darn close too!

"Its gone." whispered Lily and I looked at her, "Whats gone?"


As she said it I could feel a deep chill settle over the Underworld. Oh gods no.

"We have to get to the mortal world, NOW!" I screamed.

"What about Perce and the quest?" yelped Scarlet, rocks falling out of the sky.

"She'll be safe for now! We have to get out of here!" screeched Lily, grabbing onto every ones arms. I took her hand in mine and we all vanished from the crumbling underworld.

As we appeared on the surface world we were horrified. At least I was. Mortals were screaming and running around, pointing at monsters. A human flickered into the shape of a snake woman, then flickered some more. Finally it settled down on the snake woman. A kid screamed as the snake slithered toward him.

"Get to the hide out!" I ordered the others.

"What about you?!" asked Jay.

"I got some people to save." I replied, and with that I dashed off into chaos.

I'm so sorry for the short chappie! But I wanna leave it off at a cliffhanger so. MUAHAHAHAHAHA.

Anyway next chappie wil be from... Maybe Scarlet's P.O.V, Jewel's, Jay's, James, Lily's, Bone's, or Silver's.

-_- look at that list. xD I got my work cut out for me. Anywayz bai NoobFangs! Fruv y'all! <3


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