Chapter 54

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"Annabeth! Whats wrong?" I ran out of the room, looking at Annabeth who had tear filled eyes.

"I-its Percy..." she whispered quietly, trembling.

"He's gone back to the dark side." finished Piper and Annabeth burst into tears. I looked around at the campers watching and I narrowed my eyes.

"I'm getting him back, and if possible giving Nyx a big slap on the cheek."

"H-how do you know hes with Nyx?" asked Annabeth.

"The last time he was taken. It said he dwelled in the land of Nyx. So we have to go to Tartarus."

"We finished the training." said Jay and I nodded slowly.

"Well, no time to wait. Lets go."

"Now?" asked Clarrisse.

"Yes. Now."

I grabbed Hazel, Piper, Annabeth, Jay, James, Calypso, Bone, and Lily. Without warning I teleported to Tartarus and we slammed down onto squishy ground.

"Ah gross is this his SKIN!?" screeched Hazel.

"Yup..." I replied, wrinkling my nose in disgust. I have to do this... I can't faint. 

I still kept my gaze on the ground, taking in sharp breaths. The breath of Tartarus was even WORSE. It smelled like pickled onions... Not my choice of air.

"Okay..." I said, slowly looking up. Oh gods. I shook my head, trying to shake off the queasiness that was overcoming me.

"W-we have to hurry." muttered Annabeth, slowly standing up.

"I agree..." muttered Piper, slowly get up to her feet.

"Guys...?" I whispered quietly and they looked up.

"Gods, haven't you cursed me enough already?" hissed Calypso. What was she talking about?

"Wait a minute, Calypso, who do you see?" I asked slowly.

"I-I see, O-Odysseus..." she whispered quietly. I was confused. 

Wait a minute. "Hazel, who do you see?"

"S-sammy." she stuttered, shaking her head and closing her eyes.

"Thats odd..." I muttered, "I see... him..." My brain tried to figure out what was happening. But, as always, the information left me just as I needed it. What was happening? Suddenly I started hyperventilating. Usually I would have stayed calm, or hide my panic. But there was no way I was hiding this.

"Silver, Silver. Silver." Jays voice echoed, but at the moment I wasn't paying attention to that. I felt like my body was drifting away from the world, ready to dissolve at any moment. For those who blame me for being so freaked out, imagine your worst fear just came up right in front of you and said, "HELLO!" as if it was greeting you for a nice cup of tea. You wouldn't just go 'Hi' back you would probably scream and run away.

Then I collapsed. My feet gave way and I fell. I stared at the image in front of me, breathing quickly and lightly.

"Silver, come on. Deep breaths. Deep breaths." whispered a voice and I shook my head, gulping. I felt my head be propped up against something--maybe someones lap.

As the creature approached I could hear scuffling, as if all the girls were backing up. What does that mean it was only affecting the girls? WHAT? Unfair. UNFAIR.

"Go away!" hissed Lily, only it came out more like a weak hrrrr sound.

"Leave the girls alone!" snapped Bone, his voice filled with anger. "Get back you nasty siren!"


I heard the draw of a sword and I opened my eyes, wanting to fight. But my limbs had other ideas.

I could barely lift my own head, forget about my own body. I couldn't understand, what was this? Was this a spell? Or was this just pure fear. I've faced millions of monsters at the same time, every challenge Gaea or the universe through at me I could defeat it. But just not this one. Not this one.

"Silver, Silver. Look at me." Jay's voice was far away, but firm. Later on I came to realize I had been trembling so badly Jay had thought I was gonna die.

"What do you see?" he asked, keeping a firm tone.

I opened my mouth but no sound came out. I pushed myself up and into Jay's arms, quietly sobbing.

"He's back!" I wailed.

"Whos back?" he asked quietly, kissing me lightly on the head.

"T-t-t-thes... Thes...." I couldn't even finish the name. Apparently the shock of seeing him again had destroyed me. There was no physical damage, but... If you could take an X-ray, and have it look at my emotions, everything would be shattered. And I mean, everything.

"Shh... You don't have to say his full name." he chided, keeping me in his arms. His grip did not slacken nor hurt. 

"T-the battle?" I whispered hoarsely.

"Its going well." Jay assured me, "It's only one siren, though all the girls are out for the count."

"Remind me to slap a siren later on..." I whispered quietly, trying to make a joke in that moment of panic.

I felt Jay's jaw move a bit, so I was pretty sure he had just smiled, if not just a bit. "Deal. But one thing, your not dying on me. Not before you become my wife."

"I'll try." I replied, a small smile appearing on my lips before another shudder ran through my body. My head lolled against Jay's head, and for a second I was scared he was going to loosen his grip and let me fall on accident.

"Don't worry..." he whispered quietly, "I got you, you don't have to be so tense."

"I just... I just worry." I muttered.

"I know you do, but you have to rest."

"Y-you sure?"


Slowly I closed my eyes again and drifted to sleep in Jay's arms.

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