Chapter 66 Silver's Underworld Time/ The end

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        Next time I get a life, I'm putting in a request to make my death peaceful, because man I am tired of my deaths being so dang PAINFUL. 

I closed my eyes as the final breath of life left me, and then... Darkness. 

Then a strike of pain was sent up my body and I opened my eyes. I look up to see Charon. And this time, I was actually a ghost.

"Come back for another quest?" he asked me as I came close to him.

"No." I muttered quietly. I set a golden drachma on his desk and sighed.

"Wait..." he looked at me closely then raised an eyebrow. "You really are dead."

"It was worth it." I replied with a small shrug, "I saved the world. Then died for it. Like I said, worth it."

"Come on." he said. 

I reached the end of the river and waved goodbye to Charon.

"Goodbye!" I called.

"Good luck!" he called and I nodded.

"I'll need it..."

I took in a deep breath, trying to calm my nerves. Then I broke into the room where the three judges sat. My ears immediately bent down and I gulped, looking up at their masked faced.

"Silver NightHound." boomed one of the judges.

"Y-yes?" I asked.

Images flashed in front of me. When I was one years old, my parents giving me up to the camp. When I was five, wandering around, looking for a place where I belonged. Six, when I had met Lily. When I was eight and I had finally earned every campers respect by coming back from a quest, the only one alive. More of these scenes flashed, like when I met James, Red, Jay, and so many others.

It landed on the day of Percy's death, when we had attacked Night's fort in hopes of getting him back, then... Today. The power I had drained out of myself to open up a crack in the earth, defying Gaea's magic and sending her deep, deep into the ground. I saw everyone celebrating, then... my death.

"What do you think?" asked one of the judges.

"More good than evil." the two others said,

"I agree. Silver NightHound, I grant you into Elysium." I let out the breath I had been holding and a giant doorway opened up in front of me. It shimmered with gold, showing a paradise like island. I slowly walked into Elysium, my hair and tail trailing after me. 

I stepped a few feet into Elysium and immediately I was greeted by Percy.

"Silver! We've been expecting you." he said.

"We?" I asked.

"Of course! We have to have a reunion!"

"Well, Seaweed Brain. I'm up for a party." I replied.

"TO THE PARTY!!!!!" he screeched and I followed him through the hills and lakes, laughing.

Now. There are normal parties, big blow out parties, Olympus parties, and Elysium parties. If you ever, EVER, get a choice. You have to go with Elysium.

Music blared as we entered the place. Lakes were filled with nectar, plates filled with ambrosia, and tons of awesome mortal food flooded the tables. Everyone was talking and chatting. There was a dance floor, awesome tunes, it was incredible.

"Silver! Glad you made it!" yelled Silena, waving. I waved back and Beckendof waved as well.

"Is everyone really here?" I asked.

"Yup!" confirmed Percy. "Come on!" I burst out laughing as I was dragged to the dance floor. The song, 'Light up the World' came on and I started dancing along with Percy. A bunch of other heroes joined us, laughing and spilling their drinks all over the dance floor.

I was spun around a few times, party streamers going everywhere, food flying, it was the best thing ever.

I suddenly slammed into a muscular body. It smelled like the sea... But I could tell it wasn't Percy. Percy was dancing with someone... Slowly I turned my head up and I found that I was face to face with Theseus.

"Theseus..." I muttered and he looked at me, a small smile appearing on his lips.

"Hello Silver." he replied.

We walked over to the chairs and sat down. He hadn't aged very much, and I could still see the man I had fallen in love with, right before my first death.

"I knew you'd come back. I knew it." he whispered, "And look, your an even bigger hero than me."

"That could never be true," I chided. "But really and truly, I think you have to let go."

"B... But why? I've been waiting for you forever." he stammered.

"Last I heard you were with someone named Phaedra, and you're going to find someone better than me."

"I don't know if I will."

"Theseus, listen to yourself. I mean, your sitting here, talking to a demigod who would drema about having the life you had. The glory. I mean, your The Theseus. The one who slayed a giant pig, the one who saved a princess from a sea monster."

A small smile cracked onto his face. "You know Silv, I'm gonna miss you. But I guess your right."


"Fine. I know your right."

"Yeah you do." I leaned forward and hugged him, smiling. "Now, go in that crowd and find yourself the most awesome est girl ever." 

"Yes ma'am." he nodded, laughing and ran back into the crowd.

Suddenly a ringing sounded in my ears and I looked around. Where was that... The ringing got louder and I ran away from the party, quickly. I ran toward the visitors area and found some people waiting for me.

Lily, Jewel, Bone, Nico, Hazel, Aphrodite, Hades, James, Scarlet, Sunlight, Annabeth, Leo, Calypso,  Jason, Piper, and Jay.

"Hey guys." I said, a bit surprised. "Come in come in, we're throwing a party."

"A party?" asks Lily.

"Yeah, I can hear the music." agrees Jay.

"Come on, we'll catch up later." I invited, leading them all toward the party.

As soon as we all got there it was incredible. Mr. D even showed up, probably because he sensed a party.

Even my dad was in a part mood, which was good. I danced with Jay, introduced him to Theseus (which was a bit weird), I heard Annabeth and Percy have a reunion, and a bunch of other campers started catching up with each other.

I stayed in Jay's arms for about... The whole time. I finally pulled away when my dad said it was time for them to go. 

"Dad... Can you please, please let Percy and I back onto earth?" I asked.

"I don't know. Sometimes I have to respect the laws of death." he said,

"What if we found a loophole." I suggested, "Percy and I both made it to Elysium, we could both ask for rebirth, but not have to go through the River Lethe, like I did before. We... We could be reborn, but be as we were before. You could just say its us being reborn."

"Hmm... I accept this idea, Silver. Enjoy life."

The world of Elysium melted away and I kissed Jay on the lips as we passed through the world. I turned around and saw everyone behind me, including Percy.

That was it. We had defeated Gaea, and now it was our turn for a happy ever after.

                                                                           THE END

        Hello readers! My first authors note in a long, long time. This is the end of their journey for now. But more adventures are to come. Remember, there is never a time where demigods get a break for very long. 

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