Triwizard Tournament Entry

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Rayne waited patiently for them to take her to the first task. Her face was calm and passive, but she could feel her heart beating fiercely within her chest. She sat in complete silence and she felt it press in around her. Suddenly she heard the creak of the door to her right. She quickly turned her head to catch sight of an unfamiliar wizard. He was tall and plain faced, and it only took him two strides to reach her chair. He stopped at her stool and Rayne flinched at his hand on her shoulder.

"This will be over in a jif, miss," Rayne found his voice pleasant and she began to relax under his touch.

Suddenly, with the determination and speed of a snake claiming it's prey, a needle pierced Rayne's shoulder. Her eyes blurred, and she fell into the void that was a short, yet deep slumber.

Rayne faltered in her sleep, a soft light beckoned from beyond her closed lids. She lay there, supremely confused. When had she gone asleep again? Why was she asleep on the first place? As she probed her mind for some sort of answer to her perpetual confusion she slowly opened her eyes. It was the Gryffindor dorms, and yet, it was not.

She felt the comfort of her own bed, but not the comfort of muffled voices or steady breaths. She pulled back her curtains to see that hers was the only bed, and there were no trunks or people. She suddenly felt an empty nostalgia, that she simply could not place her finger on. Three white lines graced the floor at different intervals; otherwise there was only wooden floors, red walls, her own bed, a few torches, and a door that called to her imperiously. Rayne immediately responded to the call of the great wooden door as she stepped out of her bed and into the soft, eerie glow of a flame. Her boots sounded harshly in the nearly empty room as she took a few tentative steps towards the first white line.

Rayne knew that she had to get to that door, and she also knew she was utterly alone. One thing she didn't know-but had a very strong feeling about-was that as soon as she stepped over the first white line, something big would happen, something magical.

She pressed her toes to the edges of the chipped, white paint and stared at the door ahead. She had to do this; now or never. She promptly jumped over the line.

With a sudden gust of magic that filled and surrounded her, Rayne found herself not facing the door, but a complete and utter drop off that never seemed to end. She took a step back to see that the floor had fallen out all around her, except for a one foot in diameter circle. Rayne felt the need to sit on the small piece of wood and clutch it tightly, but she stood proudly.

Internally, Rayne was panicking like she never had. Her mask of pride faltered under her stress. Rayne began to think, but unfortunately, her brain transported her to the balcony of an old three story townhouse.

Her 8 year old self leaned leisurely over the edge to peer at her six months pregnant mother below. She giggled and smiled at the stately, brunette woman. Her mother waved back, and Rayne leaned just a bit more, when suddenly the railing crumpled beneath her. She was free falling towards her horrified mother.

"Arresto momentum!" She heard her father call. Rayne was trapped among sharp splinters of wood and the open air. Her mother and father looked worriedly towards her, and their panic blinded them. Many precious, tense moments passed before her mother's eyes lit up as she called out, "Wingardium Leviosa!"

Rayne floated slowly towards her family, and as her memory self touched the ground she was transported back to the present. There was no one to save her now.

Suddenly a burst of Gryffindor courage propelled her shaking hands to still, and her eyes to blaze, as she jumped into the bottomless pit.

"Wingardium Leviosa!" She pointed her wand at her own torso and directed herself towards the strip of wood that led to the next line.

Rayne felt new adrenaline coursing through her veins as she calmly made her way across the next line. She felt an eerie peace overtake her as she felt, again, the smooth gust of magic fill the air around her. She closed her eyes, knowing she would again face a terror untold. She opened her eyes slowly to catch sight of a glass wall in front of her, she quickly turned to see glass behind her as well.

She began to shake as water quickly rushed all around her. Her knees gave way as the water reached her neck. She began to hyperventilate and she could not think. Her anxiety overtook her as she squeezed shut her eyes. Her body went limp and she let the water carry her nearer and nearer to the ceiling. Desperate screams from her memories filled her ears.

Her eyes snapped open as her head hit the ceiling. As soon as her head touched the roof, clarity came to her, and the screams ceased. She quickly went through all the useful charms and spells she knew. She was quickly losing oxygen and she knew it. She let out a stream of bubbles  as the answer came to her.

Rayne quickly cast the bubble headed charm and took in a gulp of air. 'What to do about the glass?' She thought to herself as she felt her heartbeat finally begin to slow. She swam so that she was facing the pane that led to the door. She made a graceful, yet violent, swoop of her arm (which was difficult underwater, mind you), and shouted as loudly as possible with a bubble around her mouth.

"Bombarda!" She yelled with a rage full of fear, adrenaline, and courage.

The glass shattered before her and the current ripped her towards the next line. She struggled against the water that was sweeping her towards what she was sure was her next challenge. She pressed her boots against the wood, leaned back and grappled for something to hold on to. She could feel shards of glass cut her skin, but she still scrambled against the current.

The water was only to her thighs now, and in a few seconds it was at her ankles. She slowed to a stop as the water drained out. She halted just before the last line and the last challenge.

Rayne did not have the same ignorant bravery as the first challenge, nor the adrenaline induced calm of the second. This time as a faced the line she was absolutely and entirely terrified. She didn't want to step across that line.

She stood stock still just before her last challenge. She knew she had to get to that door, but she did not know if she would be able to overcome her last challenge. She he place was playing on her worst fears, heights and her even more terrifying fear of drowning. Rayne had never encountered a boggart, so she had no clue as to what her next and last challenge would be. For all she knew, the door led to an even worse trial.

She felt her self tremble while contemplating what she knew must come soon. And then, it was if someone had yanked her hair and made her turn towards the door. She felt, with the firmest resolve, that she would not survive if she could not reach that door, and in the spur of the moment she stepped across the line.
There was no gust of magic this time. There was nothing, it was exactly as it was before she had stepped over the line. She warily placed her other foot over the line, yet still nothing happened. She looked back at the line, and suddenly she heard the creak of a door.

Rayne whipped her head around to look at the great wooden door. It slowly opened wide, but there was only darkness beyond. As it opened wider, she could feel a slight breeze. It contained the same light, airy magical feeling as the other gusts of wind, yet significantly less powerful. Suddenly from the shadows, a foot appeared.

It started with a boot, then a rumpled sock, then a plaid skirt, a white button up, and a Gryffindor tie. Rayne finally stared, horrified into her own blue eyes. The copy stepped menacingly closer. Soon they were nose to nose, the REAL Rayne having stood her ground.

"You're bloody pathetic, you know?" Copy called.

"I don't think I've failed yet," Rayne replied snarkily.

" I mean that you're weak," the mirror image rolled her eyes, "You're wort fear is yourself, that's sad."

Raynes mouth dropped open at the last comment. Was it true? Was she really her own worst fear?

"Go ahead," the copy called, "Walk out the door," she purred while stepping aside. Unfortunately, Rayne's curiosity overcame her.

"What are you," Rayne pressed.

"I gave you your chance," the copy sighed, "I genuinely wanted to help you, now you will have to suffer." Not-Rayne swiftly touched her middle finger to Rayne's temple. Rayne felt herself freeze, she had no control of her body, she was trapped. She recognized the effects of petrificus totalus. Her doppelgänger, meanwhile, turned to the doorway as if waiting for someone.

A few seconds later, another shock came through the door. It was Elias. Rayne' best friend since first year.

"Hey crippled!" Her twin taunted.

No, please no! Rayne fought against her mental bonds.

"Rayne?" Elias asked softly, a confused look in his eyes.

"Yeah, stupid, can't you see me?" not-Rayne smirked, "At least you can see better than you can walk." Elias looked sullenly at his prosthetic.

"I thought you cared Rayne," Elias yelled tearily, "But I guess I was wrong, I hate you!"
Rayne felt silent tears trace her cheeks. Couldn't he see the real her? Didn't he know she would never say such a thing.

Elias hobbled quickly out the door, but was replaced by a girl. Harley. Rayne prayed her fear-image would not be so harsh as last time. Rayne watched her little sister step tentatively closer.

"It's your fault dad left!" The copy cried. Rayne watched her sister begin to sob and run out of the room. Rayne screamed forcefully within her mind, 'No more! No more!'

Unfortunately, there was. Rayne watched, scandalized as her own mother walked through the door.

"You let dad leave," her mirror image whispered, "You're evil."
Rayne couldn't take it. Her melancholy was replaced with a fiery, passionate rage. She refused to be held any longer. They had to know the truth, all of them. She focused on one thought and one thought only.


She felt a tingling sensation spread throughout her body. She remembered instantly the day she began working on inventing the spell, the day her father left. He had cast petrificus totalus upon her, so she wouldn't run after him. She knew from that day in that she would never be stopped again.

Rayne was brought out of her thoughts as she finally gained full control of her body, and opened her eyes to stare back at her copy. Not-Rayne was millimeters from her face. Rayne wracked her brain for some way to defeat the doppelgänger. In a flash she remembered the internal debate she had before she passed the third line. Boggart. Could it be that simple?

Rayne thrust her wand under the chin of her boggart and murderously whispered another spell, "Ridikkulous."

Not-Rayne's eyes widened as she dissolved into smoke and was sucked back through the door; which promptly slammed shut. Rayne stalked confidently towards the door. She stopped mere inches from its surface. She traced a simple carving upon the door, 'There is nothing to fear but fear itself.' Rayne smiled softly and slowly moved her hand towards the handle. Deep breath. Rayne turned the pewter knob, and pushed.


WooooooOOOO over 2000 words danggg!
Hope you like ThePatronusWriter

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