➼ Bhrata Shani, What do you want?

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Yama smirked the moment he was back in his study at his abode. His baby brother hasn't even realized that he was being protected from those idiots, who calls themselves mortals of Hastinapura. While he had immense respect for Himavatkanya Ganga, the same could not be said about her son. 

Who does he think he was to scold his baby brother? His Karna can only be scolded by his parents, adopted parents and siblings. Everyone else was off limits. 

Rather he agreed that the entire court proceedings have been rather boring. 

Shani, my part is done, murmured the Ravisut within his mind, contacting his younger brother, You better get our baby brother in Martanda Desh by sunset.

I will deal with the rest. Worry less, Jyesht.

He smiled as the confident voice of his brother floated in his mind. 

Then his eyes fell on his enemy - the most hated one. Paperwork!

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"Ah, Mitra?" said Duryodhana after a few seconds of silence. 

Karna, who had been busy thinking how to find his bhrata Shani jerked up at his bestie's call, "Yes, Suyo?"

"What was that?" 

"What?" repeated Karna with a befuddled look before he understood, "Oh that! Ignore that. My Jyesht is a bit protective, that's all. He was probably here to see if I was doing well or not."

"He is a bit protective? " Ashwathama looked at him incredulously, "He threatened Mahamahim."

"That's minor. He does that to every person who tries to scold me," waved off Karna, looking to be in thought; Yuddhisthira gaped while Bhishma looked like he was about to faint, "The major problem is Bhrata Shani is here and if we don't find him soon, Hastinapura will be in chaos."

"Okay," said Duryodhana, sitting down on the nearby throne, with an audible 'thump',(the throne happened to be Karna's), "Let's get this straight. You are not a Sutputra. You're a Suryaputra. The God of Death is your eldest brother and The God of Karma is currently in Hastinapura and if we don't find him, he will cause chaos, correct?"

"Absolutely!" said Karna with a bright smile, "Except one thing. I am a Sutputra as much as I am a Suryaputra."

"When did that happen?" asked Ashwathama, feeling the onset of headache, "This Suryaputra thingie?"

"From birth, silly Ashwathama," chided Karna softly, "Surya deva is my birth father and I am a Sut, which I am proud to be, mind you, as Baba and Ma are my adopted parents."

"Okaaaay," trailed off Dronaputra, before furrowing his brows, "What of your sister?"

"You have a sister?" asked Yuddhisthira and Duryodhana in sync, both looking dazed.

"Yeah," nodded Karna, not even trying to hide it like before, "My twin younger sister, Saaravi. She is getting married in a few days and that has everyone busy."

"What else have you hidden from me?" asked Duryodhana sulkily.

"I have hidden nothing from you Suyo," said Karna eagerly with a gentle look in his eyes, "I just did not inform you of my godly connections. That's all, really!"

"So your twin sister has the same father?" said Arjuna, still trying to digest the information bomb dropped on them. Karna sent him a 'are-you-an-idiot' look.

"Right!" Arjuna shook his head, his face red, "Sorry."

Karna shook his head before turning towards Yuddhisthira, "You're coming with me."; completely ignoring his startled look, he glanced at the twins, "Both of you as well."

"Why are you taking them with you?" asked Bheem threateningly. 

Karna raised an eyebrow, "Perhaps you would like to know the consequence of speaking in such a manner with me?" He gave a sickly sweet smile at a cautious looking Bheem, "The only reason my father hasn't taught you some manners because I am holding him back. If I hear you using such a kind of tone with me again, I will send you straight to Jyesht's Yamalok. I assure you that you need not be dead for the journey."

Bheem gulped disgruntled as even Yuddhisthira gave him a sharp glare. The son of Yama turned towards Karna with a small nervous smile, "I apologize on behalf of him.....Kakashri."

Karna stared at him unblinkingly for a few seconds. Did he just call him Kakashri? What the hell!?

He shook his head, letting it go, "Alright, you three are coming with me to find bhratashri."

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"Isn't that Bhratashri?" murmured Karna as he looked at the handsome figure clad in royal blue and gold jewels. Said figure was sitting on the steps of the Shiva temple, popping roasted peanuts leisurely, chatting with Maharani Gandhari merrily.

Karna sighed happily before looking at the scene again with an astounded look. His bhratashri was with Mata Gandhari? 

He blinked. Then he blinked again. Again and again. Nope, the scene did not change.

Jeez, what was his elder brothers up to today? Why are they suddenly appearing out of nowhere?

"O Mahadeva, help me!" He murmured, before dragging Yuddhisthira by the arm (poor guy). He gestured to his other nephews (the twins) to come with him.

"Um...where are we going?" asked Sahadeva, a slight nervousness in his voice.

"There!" pointed Karna, making Nakula gasp, "Is that Shani dev?"

"Tatshree," said the God of Divine Judgement, as he suddenly appeared in front of Nakula, who stumbled back but was stabled by Shani's firm hand, "I am your second oldest uncle. You will address me as such." Nakula nodded timidly only to pale as Shani continued, "And I am foremost displeased by your behaviour towards your Kakashri. You will apologize to him sincerely."

Nakula nodded, gulping at the intimidating aura of his elder uncle? Yes, elder uncle, Tatshree. He turned towards Karna, who looked exasperated at the interaction, "I am sorry, Kakashri."

"It's okay, it's okay," Karna said, waving it off, glaring at his nonchalant elder brother who simply smirked at him.

"Vasusena?" called Gandhari, coming froward, "Your brother is immensely humorous. Why didn't you introduce me to your elder brother before, putra?"

Karna coughed, turning wide eyes at a completely relaxed elder brother. Yuddhisthira, Nakula and Sahadeva glanced at each other, wondering were they had gotten entangled.

"Don't worry Mata. I will come visit you once in a while," said Shani, with a impish look at a terrified Karna, "My anuj tends to be forgetful."

"Mata Gandhari," Karna took control, before his darling brother manged to create anymore problems, "Bhratashri is immensely humorous. He is actually a bit angry that I have not yet gone to help. You remember, I told you about my sister's wedding?"

Gandhari nodded, a bit confused, while Karna continued, glaring at Shani, who was watching with a very amused smile, "You see he is very busy with our sister's wedding. Why, Pitashri even called him just moments back," Shani tried to hid his laughter at the nonsense his brother was spouting, "So, he needs to be escorted back. Such a big palace, he could never find his way to the gates, you see. You don't mind right, Mata?"

"No of-course not Vasusena," said Gandhari with a small smile, "Putra Sauri?"

"Ji Maate?" Shani's voice was soft and respectful while Karna gave a small smile at the loving look in Gandhari's face. He knew his brother used that tone, only when he respects someone. Looks like the reigning Queen of Hastinapura had gained his respect.

"Do visit sometime, yes?"


Karna gestured Nakula and Sahadeva to help Gandhari back to her room, while he turned towards Shani, only for a roasted peanut to be stuffed in his mouth. Ugh!!

"Bhratashri," said Karna, speaking around the peanut in his mouth, only to be bonked in the head gently. 

"Don't speak while eating," said Shani, "Haven't you learned that?"

Karna gulped the peanut down his throat, giving his brother an annoyed look, "Now, may I speak?"

"Before that," said Shani completely ignoring Karna's resigned sigh, "Tell me, where should I eat? I am rather hungry!"

Karna blinked at his words. What is he up to?

"How about you come over to my house?" offered Karna, "Ma would be delighted to cook for you."

"Nah," waved off Shani, "I don't want to trouble your Radha Mayiya."

"Okaay?" He said, wondering what trouble would it be as Radha ma would be making lunch anyway. The only thing she would do is increase quantity, that's all. He shook his head at the thought, before turning to Shani with a questioning look, "Where do you want to eat then?"

"Um..." Yuddhisthira interrupted hesitantly, bringing the attention of the brothers on him, which made him even more nervous, "We would be glad to serve food to you, Kakashri?"

Shani gave him an amused look, "Are you telling me or offering me, pyaare bhanje?"

Yuddhisthira wondered why it sounded so much like Shakuni mama's address to Duryodhana, before he gave a small smile, hoping it was as nervous as he felt, "Um...offering you, Jyesht Kakashri."


"Okay?" Karna looked at Shani incredulously, who shrugged, before he turned towards Yuddhisthira, patting his shoulder sympathetically,  "Best of luck, bhanje. I pray Mahadeva give you tolerance."


➣  So, How's this one? 

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