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"It must be them. No one else."

Yeontan, who was sitting beside me, got up, frustration etched in every corner of his face. "I don't believe you. My brother is innocent. Also, collecting money from kids? I don't understand why you behave like you own everything here!!"

"Isn't your brother Rich man Mr. Kim Taehyung that type?!", Jimin argued, annoyed.

"He BUYS things!! You just own them WITHOUT buying!!", Yeontan proclaimed.

"He also FORCES people-"

"Can you please stop, guys!", I interrupted them, exasperated. Why do they keep fighting?

Jimin and Yeontan both gave me a sheepish smile.

"Okay. Thank you, Jimin. I'll go now."

Jimin pouted at me. "Why are you leaving so early? It's been really long since I've seen you!"

"I'm really sorry Jimin... I'm not in a good mood right now. I am completely distressed about my parents... murder."

"Um... okay, I understand. Just remember... I'll help you anytime!", He said, giving me a reassuring smile, to which I returned a grateful smile. Yeontan was still grumpy.

We both left the house and turned to each other. "Okay, so I need to collect my thoughts right now... I'll go home."

"Are you sure you'll be fine, all alone?", Yeontan asked, concerned.


"There's ghosts and all..."

"Yeontan. You believe that shit?", I asked, in disbelief. It's totally dumb to worry about ghosts.

If they really are there, I'm ready to fight them off!! I'm gonna make sure they die twice!!

If they killed my parents... of course.

Also, I won't be thrown behind bars if I kill ghosts... That's a really good advantage.

Though killing them is impossible, as far as I know.

Yeontan was silent beside me, his orbs boring into mine. It showed a tint of amusement. Only then I realised that I was drowning in my thoughts, almost forgetting that he was beside me.

"What?", I asked.

"We live near a graveyard. Ghosts are obviously there! Here, they torture in the daytime too!! Fuck movies. They give all wrong information about ghosts."

I was surprised. "I think you are scared of being alone... Taehyung-ssi will be there. Don't worry."

"Hey I'm not scared of ghosts!! How can a person who is not scared of THE craziest amusement park rides be scared of non living things?!", Yeontan scoffed, while I could make out through his expression that he was clearly lying.

"Well, I've heard of a guy whose scared of LITERALLY nothing, and is THE BRAVEST, but is only scared of one thing...", I said, giving a pause to show the corner of my lips lifting up to a smirk.


"Microwaves? Oh why?", Yeontan asked, amused.

"Poor boy, he's scared it might blow up.", I said, shaking my head, feeling pitiful for him.

Yeontan muttered, which I almost couldn't make out, "Oh well, even I'm scared of them though..."

"What?", I asked, tilting my head sidewards, in amusement, pretending as if I couldn't hear what he said.

"I said, it's something really silly to be scared about-", He began, when I decided to play with him.

"BOOOOOOOOOM!!", I exclaimed, jumping, making Yeontan literally fall backwards, due to the shock. He glared at me, with a small pout.

"Okay, I'm not scared, so I'm going! Bye!!", I said, waving, and also suppressing my giggles.

"So you're gonna escape now?"

"Escape? From who?", I asked, shrugging. Before he could say anything, I gave a tiny 'bye' and quickly ran back home, playfully.

I opened the door with the large, almost-rusty key. I have to duplicate it soon...

When I opened the door, the death of my parents just flashed in my head, and I sat on the spot, my knees weak and my smile faded.

How can I forget about that? I feel like I shouldn't be happy until I find those murderers.

My heart's just aching. I love them so much, I just can't let go of them, like this. They never wanted someone's bad condition... then why give them such a condition?!

I pressed the palms of my hand against my chest, slowly letting down the tears, which were threatening to escape often, while enquiring the neighbours...

I couldn't meet them for 2 years, in real, because of my schedule. If just I was there...


I leaned against the doorframe, letting a sigh escape my lips.

They're... gone.

My phone buzzed, indicating an incoming call. I took my phone from my pocket and rubbed my tears away, sniffing. I read the name of the caller, and sighed.


I picked it up, after taking a deep breath.


"Yeona? Um... Are you okay now? Did it all go well?"

"Uh yes..."

"I don't know, it's probably rude, but I need to know... When are you coming back? I need to plan your schedule based on that."

I knew she'd ask this question. I planned everything out, so I told her the fake reason for staying back. She surely wouldn't let me stay back, if I wanted to investigate.

"Um... in two weeks probably? It's just... I need to rent it out or keep a caretaker to make sure the house is well maintained. I know, schedule's gonna be pretty stiff if I don't come back soon, but I know, I'll manage it."

"Oh... um... then, okay! I hope you're eating well, and taking care of yourself. And please make sure someone is always around, because when you're alone, you never take care of yourself."

"Don't worry. They ghosts are enough company..."


"This place is near a graveyard and ghosts haunt this place it seems!", I said, in a deep, and sinister tone, to make her freak out.

Oh boy she did.


"Calm down miss! There are no ghosts. It's all grandma tales. Don't worry."


"Hyuna-ssi, don't worry, I have plenty of kind neighbours around...", I said, even though I hardly knew about them.


"Okay dear, okay!", I laughed, shaking my head, and cut the call.

As soon as I cut it, my face fell, coming back to the harsh reality. I felt like I wasn't a good daughter if I didn't cry like an idiot, making myself drown in grief.

I thought hard. I shouldn't cry. No, I shouldn't. Why should I?! I should be angry! WHO KILLED MY PARENTS?!!

Yes. Perfect.

I shouldn't be crying like a fool, but burning with anger, because my parents don't deserve to die like that!! I need to find that idiot!

Yes. I must!


I walked a few steps more, almost dragging myself. I wanted to visit my parents once, before going to bed. at least, a small 'Good night' to them?

I dropped on my knees, hitting it against the thick and rough grass, probably bruising them. A tear trickled down my cheek, which I rubbed away, before beginning to speak.

"Mom... Dad... Hey."

"I... miss you guys so much-"

I just couldn't continue, and began sobbing. The wind blew gently against my face, as if it were trying to comfort me.

"I wish I could have spent at least a few days... before it happened... But now...", I sniffed. "I just can't even cry on Min-seok's shoulders... He too, left me, just like you both..."

My hands gripped the grass beside me, in extreme agony. My heart began pounding against my chest rapidly, and I was almost struggling to breathe. I began sweating, and I felt slightly dizzy.

Oh no, it's that shit again. Whenever I remember him, I begin to react like this...

"Okay Yeona, you're alright.", I muttered, closing my eyes gently, and taking slow, deep breaths, to calm myself down. "One... Two... Three..."

I felt better soon, and opened my eyes, slowly. "Good.", I whispered to myself.

I turned to the grave, and sighed. "I'm really sorry... I promised you that I'll not have panic attacks after a few months after Min-seok's death... But now you're away. Far away. I have no one with me..."

"But, don't worry. I'll not cry over your death. It's hard, but I'll find who killed you, give them what they deserve, and continue my work."

"Good night dad, mom... I love you both, so much..."

"I wish... if ghosts are there, then my parents and my brother should haunt me.", I muttered, slowly getting up.

"Okay... Good night. Sleep tight. Don't let the mosquitoes bite. Also, don't forget to switch off the light. When I'm gone, don't fight. You wrong me, me right. Tickly-tickly sickly sight...", I said, remembering one of the memories I shared with my family.

I repeated the line I said, every time my mom kept singing these silly lines, before I went to bed. "Mom, it doesn't even make sense."

"Just like your dad's brain.", She would say, winking.

I gave a small laugh, and walked away, slowly. I'm gonna miss them way more than I thought...

I slowly walked away from the graveyard, rubbing off the last few tear stains from my face.

Suddenly, I heard the creak of dead, withered leaves behind me. I turned behind swiftly, nervous after the unexpected noise. I don't want to believe in ghosts, but it's dark here, and just a few metres away, there's a GRAVEYARD.

I stiffened, after feeling a movement behind my back.

An arm pulled me against it's owner's chest roughly, and it wasn't long before I felt a cold metal threatening to slit my throat.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?"



Idk I wasn't satisfied with this chapter, so I didn't publish it soon... But... I don't know...

Anyways, I really hope this chapter was good and didn't bore you. If there was ANY mistake or if you didn't like it, please tell it to me honestly so that I can work better.




Okay, no more caps lmao. Hope this chapter did not disappoint you, and Ily guys so much 💜 thank you for supporting me!!

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