Slowly falling for him

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Yeona POV-

Yoongi and I sat together for dinner. I tried to avoid him until then, and was successful.

But, I really have to face him. It's not like I hate him... I just get embarrassed when I'm with him... Just don't know why...

"So... I let you be by yourself today. But, we need to talk. We need to find who killed your parents, right?", He said, softly.


What happened to the Min Yoongi I saw until now?!

How's he so sweet, suddenly?!

"See, you probably won't believe me, but I'm honest. Your parents came to me, suddenly. I didn't understand why. Because they rarely talk to me, even though they are always sweet and kind. They poured out everything they could, about the murderer. But, no matter what, because of some forces, they can't reveal his name."

"What?! What did they say?!", I asked, worried and curious.

"They said, this murderer, is different from whom we actually see. He's a sweet, jolly and kind person normally. But at times, just like the time he was with your parents, he goes mad. Mad, I mean, LITERAL mad. He gets angry, and remembers his past and screams out in pain, and it's really chaotic."


"Yes. When I heard how your parents described it to me, I realised it was none other than... Dissociative identity disorder."

"Wait. What?!"

"Yes. That person has a split personality. And I don't know if he's aware of it, or not. If he is, it's bad. If he doesn't, it's worse."

"Now, how do we find who has that?!", I asked, worried.

"We have to observe everyone. Day and night. Your parents said that he got mad when they talked about his past... So, try to ask others of their past and try to make them a bit mad at you."

"What if they kill me??", I asked, panicking.

"Will I let them?", He asked, winking at me.

My heart fluttered. I didn't expect him to give such a comment. I thought he'd tell something different.

Something like, "Well, then we'll know who it actually is. Sometimes, you have to sacrifice for the society..."

Or, "Just like I said. He has a vengeance over your whole dynasty."

Probably, "I'd kill you even before they try, so shut up."

Who knows, "Don't worry, I'll make sure your grave is next to your parents'."

"What else did my parents say?", I asked, ignoring my heartbeat's quick pace.

"Well, they gave this detail about the murderer and told me to keep you safe, and take care of you. They did want you to find the murderer. Not to revenge him, but to find the ACTUAL reason why he killed them."

"Murdering itself is a CRUEL thing, now it even has a REASON?!"

Yoongi gave a smile. "Well, I do understand... But, just like your parents explained, he has a disorder. He must have killed them, while in a mental trauma. These disorders arrive because of childhood experiences of repetitive abuse, like physical, mental, emotional, anything. Now, it might have been like, they were trying to help him, and he got mad, and lashed at them. And with some conversation, he must have gone mad, and killed them, I guess..."

"How can it be possible?! Killing them because they're helping?!", I asked, in disbelief.

"See, mind is a powerful thing. Only some people can actually control it well. The others, even I, have trouble managing it. Just small experiences can cause big changes in your head. Now he's been repetitively abused in his childhood, so he might have assumed that the people in front of him are trying to torture him, and might have tried to defend himself. Do you remember? Your parents were badly beaten up, and then choked. Not like how regular murders happen with a knife or gun."

I was speechless. I didn't know how to react or what to say.

"So, that's all your parents told. They told me to inform this to you, take care, help you and marr- and that's all!", Yoongi said, awkward for a moment.

What was he going to say? Why did he hide it?!

"Okay... I just need some time to process your information...", I said, and got up and took my plate and put it in the sink.

"Well, you can think and wash dishes so...", Yoongi began, and I glared at him.

Nonetheless, I washed the dishes, and was thinking hard.

So... Overall, what I know about my parents' murder is, the murderer has a split personality, who's a mad guy behind the happy and jolly personality.

Well, Jimin, Hoseok, Yeontan, Namjoon and... That's all I guess...

I just don't know, I wish it isn't Jimin or Yeontan...

Wait. What if Seokjin is the murderer?! I mean, he was sweet and friendly in the beginning... Then in the night, he started getting mad and shouting loudly and crazily.

But why would he help in searching the criminal if it's him itself? I mean, he can just choose some random strong hints and blame it on others... Anyways, he has a pretty good detective background...

Probably it isn't him. Jungkook himself said that Seokjin was not in the village.

Then even Yeontan is not the culprit! He too, was in a vacation!

Okay, then let me see. Namjoon, Jimin, or Hoseok.

But today morning, Yoongi was talking about love letters sent to some girl... By Taehyung?

But as far as I know, Taehyung ISN'T jolly and friendly. He's an intimidating, handsome and hot guy...

I need to make Namjoon, Jimin, and Hoseok angry, as much as I can and also try to make them talk about their past.

Also this ARMY headstone... I've heard from mom and dad that it's very strong and magical... It also gives the villagers some extra energy and power than regular human beings...

How can a thing like that break easily? There must be some chemical which has the capability to destroy such a thing.

Then, this is done in purpose. I remember Yoongi telling that it must be done to distract us from my parents' murder...?



By then I finished the dishes and was just staring at the clean and shiny sink.

I dashed quickly to Yoongi's bedroom because I couldn't find him in the living room. I twisted the knob and barged in, pushing the door, excited about my discovery.

Now, he'll know that even I have a CLEVER brain!

I saw him lying on the bed, his arm folded against the headboard, scrolling through his phone with a wide gummy smile. He wore a baggy T-shirt, with a pair of shorts, his jet-black, messy hair covering his forehead, which he flipped, and turned to me, surprised.

He said something. But, I was so lost into his eyes, I couldn't hear anything. The way he flipped his hair, WHAT THE HELL?!

There were plenty of handsome and hot actors I met, and even Taehyung of this village too... But, I just don't know why this guy just makes me go crazy over him.

What could he have been smiling at? He looked so adorable then... His gummy, adorable smile, with his eyes-

I snapped back to the reality when I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Hey!! What happened?!"

"Ahh sorry! I came here to tell you something important!!", I exclaimed.

"What is it?", He asked me, curiously.

"Uh... I forgot.", I said, scratching the back of my head, puzzled.

What was I thinking about?!

I forgot everything after looking at his face. I turned back to him, and lost into his orbs again.

I smiled dreamily, after seeing his monolid and double eyelid combination. It looked adorable, and unique.

Suddenly, I remembered what I wanted to say. "AH GOT IT!!"

"Why are you shouting now?", Yoongi asked, amused.

"Sorry. What I wanted to say is, the person who killed my parents must be aware that he does have the disorder... Because he could have PURPOSELY distracted us by breaking the headstone!"

"See. Remember one thing. It's just a guess that it is the same person... It can also be two different people with different intentions..."


"Yes. Now, go to sleep, let's try making some people MAD tomorrow!", Yoongi winked at me, with a laugh.

I smiled, seeing him as a cute boy for the first time.

"Now, go to sleep...", He said, pinching my cheeks gently.

I said, "Good night.", And left the room as soon as I could. He makes me shy, what the-


I heard someone calling me and turned behind, to see a wide, adorable, gummy smiled Yoongi waving at me, which I couldn't help but mirror.

We were standing on a bridge, with a beautiful scenery around us, and the sound of the birds chirping made me feel relaxed.

I walked towards him, and he had a hand behind his back the whole time. Curious, I peeped behind him, but he hid it, laughing.

"Ahh Yoongi! Show me!", I exclaimed, pouting.

"Wait wait~ Patience~", He laughed, hiding it behind his back.

"Okay. I'll wait.", I said, and pretended to be angry, and walked away from him, when he called me, shouting, "Ms. Yeona!"

"What?", I asked, still walking away.

"Do you want to be Mrs. Yoongi?"

I turned to him, shocked. I couldn't believe my sight, when I saw him, kneeling on one leg, with a small box open, in his right hand.

I ran towards him, tears pouring down. He stood there, nervously, while I literally fell on him, hugging him tightly. I screamed as much as my throat could let me.


After somehow recovering, I let go of him, and he slid the ring into my finger and I stared at it, with love.

"Is 'Y' for Yoongi, or Yeona?", I asked, cutely.

"Y has many meanings...", He began, with a serious expression. "Yoongi, Yeona, that's the names. You, yours. I belong to you. I'm yours. Yes, that you just screamed. Yes, that you agree to be with me, forever, even after we die and become ghosts. Young forever. That's when I'm in love. And, of course... Yin and Yang..."

"Aww Yoongi, you turned all philosophical...", I said, amused.

Suddenly, I heard a door open, and Yoongi who was in front of me disappeared. I stiffened my breath, no idea why.

"Wait. It's a dream!! I'm dreaming right now! GET UP IDIOT!!", I thought, trying my best to wake myself up.

"Okay, she's sleeping. Good.", I heard a low voice and heard the sound of a door close.

"GET UP BISH!!", I thought desperately and thankfully, got up, and looked around, in a daze, for a moment.

I jumped off the bed, and slowly opened the door, peeping to look around, if anyone was nearby. I walked away from the room, closing the door quietly after seeing no one.

I didn't have time to think about my crazy dream when I noticed the front door close. Is that a burglar?

I quickly dashed to the front door, almost falling down the stairs and opened the door, to see someone closing the front gate. After waiting for the person to leave, I opened the door, this time closing it, after getting out.

My heart beat faster, as I shadowed him, slowly. When I observed how he walked, I thought, "Is it Yoongi?!"

I saw him take a turn, only when I could observe his face for a moment to confirm that IT IS YOONGI.


WHY's he going there?!!


Hey guysssss

My classes are going to begin from tomorrow and I'm kinda nervous, and excited... It's gonna be new and a different turn because it's a Pre-University, and I'm like- OMG time runs so fast!!

And guys, I'm not sure if I can give updates as quick as I do rn... So I'm sorry :') but I will try to!

Thank you guys SOOOOOO MUCH for reading, you guys mean a LOT to me and I'm REALLY grateful for alllll the love and support!

Borahae 💜💜✨

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