¢нαρтєя 3

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Riya:Why r u even doing this Avu??

Ali:What's the need Avu??U knw ur life will be changed after this........(calmly)

Avni:I am doing this bcz of my need,,,there isn't many reason but just one reason which is everything for me,,my mumma..Nothing important then mumma for me,,what's the use of my life if my Mumma is not stable(tears flow down her checks)

Riyali felt bad but they also tried to make her understand that they can find any other way or they could help her but she didn't agree & at last they give in.............

After launch Avni was sitting in her room while Riyali was gone to college long back she didn't felt like going today so took a leave,,she goes to college even when she felt sick but couldn't make it today,,,,after sometime she starts getting ready for her job at the cafe,,,after getting ready she goes & did her work,,then met with her Mumma & comes back home........

Riya(opening the door):Woah i thought u will be at ur night work at this time.......

Avni(getting inside):Yeah i would've been but today didn't feel like to go as college(tiredly)

Ali:Koi na hojata he today was very hectic so chalta he re baba(in a jolly mood)

Avni & Riya laughs at him & they finished their dinner,,,,,when Avni goes to her room wishing them night her phn rings she looks at the caller id and it was an unknown number.............

She receives.......


Person:Hello sorry to disturb u at this time(apologetic)

Avni:It's fine but may i know who r u?(confusingly)

Person:Oh yeah sorry again,,my name is Sia,,i am speaking from "The Growing Generations Program"

Avni:What,,i didn't get u sorry(becoming more confuse)

Sia:Ms.Mehta from the surrogate agency........

Avni's face become pale,,her body turns cold but she answered anyhow....

Avni:Uh-Oh yeah sorry the name just got out of my mind....

Sia:It's ok,,so back to the point we have got a match for u(casually)

Avni gulped hard : What?B..But i thought u didn't match me with someone until after scanning-that's what the website said......

Sia:Yup,,but there is someone specific who has shown an interest in u.They would like to meet with u as soon as possible...

Avni:What??Who r they??

Sia:Sorry that i can't tell u over the phn but i can tell u whoever the person is,,interested in ur surrogacy service & ur benefit as well.....................

Avni was zoned in with her thoughts that she didn't even replied her.



Sia:That person will contact u shortly,,we just wanted to let u know

Avni:Oh great(hesitantly)


Avni kept thinking about this whole thing from starting & soon she dozed off........

Next day was Sunday her day off,,,now she was getting ready to meet with who showed interest in her this soon,,at morning she got a call from the person's PA who told her about the timing & place.....

After getting ready she left not before meeting with her bff's,,,,she takes a auto and reached there in about 45 mins,,,the meeting time was at 4:30pm,,,she gets out from the auto & goes to the receptionist but before she could say something a man comes near her most likely a bodyguard

Man:Ms.Avni Mehta.....

Avni(while being confused):Yeah but how u kn..................

Man(cuts her off):This way,,,Boss is waiting for u(in a professional tone)

<<Avni's Pov>>

This man is very strange,,he doesn't even let me complete nor listen to me & asks me to come with him,,huhh..But i think his Boss is the one who shows interest in me,,,i hesitant but followed him to a private area of the cafe where there was none....except a man sitting in front of him there was a laptop on a table which practically hided his face & there was some other mans standing around him whom i assumed as guards................I walks towards the table when i was close i could see him & Oh my....................He is so handsome,hot,cute,dashing & many more,,,Shut the hell up Avni & focus(i said to myself huffing)......He didn't look at me but spoke still typing....

Neil:U r late...

Avni(confused):Huhh.................................this time he looks at me & stare at me for sometime without blinking i felt conscious but then he looks away.............

Neil:I don't like to repeat myself,,,U.r.2.min.late(coldly)...................i looked at my wrist watch and saw it's 4:32,,,i looks at him in disbelief...

Avni:R u even serious TWO-MINUTE...........

Neil:Yeah 2min,,,it's very important,,,i don't like them who r not punctual(sternly)

Avni(huffing):Fine,,,sorry(annoyingly)............he indicates me to sit,,,how rude he didn't said 'it's ok' huhh.........

When i took a sit opposite him he finally shuts his laptop & looks at me while unknowingly i was checking him out & guess what he caught me staring at him & he smirks at me OH GOD....I looks away but his smirk depend i just hope he doesn't say anything more to embarrass when i am already...He cleared his throat &I shuts my eyes cursing me in mind...............

<<Neil's Pov>>

She was checking out me & it was completely normal for me cuz it's not new but this one feels different,,i mean i liked her doing this,,,why?I don't knw,,,i smirked at her and she became embarrassed & looked away i mentally chuckled then cleared my throat to gain her attention but she closed her eyes & was murmuring something which was inaudible to me but i found it cute,,what??

Neil:Ms.Mehta..............................she opened her eyes & slowly looks at me when our eyes met she immediately looked down at the table,,,,i sighed & signed my guards to leave,,,when they does i directly comes to the point......i placed a file in front of her on the table she looks at it then at me in confusion.

Neil:It contains every information about our deal....

She looks at me then at the file for sometime before taking it she holds the fold to open but stops and looked at me while i just stare at her raising my brow...

Avni:Ok it's all apart first i should know u,,u already knows my name so tell me what's ur name??(innocently).....................................while i looks at her as if she is mad,,,,i mean really she don't know me,,,ME.....

Neil:I am Neil Khanna......(more likely saying to myself)

Avni:Oh(casually).....OH U R NEIL KHANNA(huhh,,now she got me)

Neil(back to attitude):Yeah Neil Khanna.....

Avni:Nice name by the way but aisa lag raha he kahi suna he,,leave it............................................saying this she opened the file while i was like she don't know me,,she doesn't recognize me,,she doesn't know THE BILLIONAIRE NEIL KHANNA,,,now i want her to be my surrogate at any cost.........

I looked at her & saw her eyes getting wide as she reads the file,,i was curious to know what she saw but she then looks at me in disbelief...............

Neil:What's wrong??(furrowing)

Avni(barely whispers):The money amount.....

Neil:Yeah it's 5 crore(i said casually,,,,,oh she expect more maybe after all this amount is nothing for me)......U need more??

She widened her eyes more & looks at me as if i am some alien..............

Avni:R u mad this money itself is much more than i expect & u r saying if i need more(in shocking tone),,in fact i don't need this much money,,u can less the amount..................................but it shocked me more than her how can she deny the money after all she is doing this only for money......

Neil:But u r doing this only for money right...then??

Avni:Yeah i need money but for some emergency purpose(oh yeah for her mother's treatment,,but she is very innocent & honest)

Neil:Alright this amount is perfect i don't wanna less the amount but 'i want everything & specially my baby absolutely fit-n-fine' (in a warning tone).............and noticed she become all silent but then spoke....

Avni:U can choose someone better then me,,,i have no idea about this things at all(looking down)................no i don't want to choose someone else cuz i have already has chosen her......

Neil:I already has done that,,,,so no more excuses & u r perfect for my work(coldly),,,tomorrow at 11:30 is the doctor's appointment be ready & don't get late like today.....................



***Allah hafez***

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