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James René



"A very jealous man and super overprotective. He has trust issues and is constantly going through his lover's phone by using all kinds of hacks. He also has a bit of autism and relies on the lover for everything. He's very organized and needs to to the gym every Saturday." While James is clingy, he is also very loving and supportive of his lover.

James was diagnosed with mild HFA (High-Functioning Autism) when he was in fifth grade. He was very smart, but a little bit awkward in social situations, and clumsy at times. His parents weren't very supportive, and they got him emancipated as soon as possible, so by the age of seventeen he had his own place and was working hard to succeed in high school. He graduated early with a 4.1 GPA and went off to a large university that you and him now go to.

He is anything but in love with chocolate and has to restrain himself from eating to much. It's hard...

People who make fun of him or leave him alone... He hates being alone.

You're in your last year of collage, and they just assigned you your new roommate - James. You have been excited to meet him, and are just about to open the door to the dorm room when you see that it is already cracked open. Peeking in, you notice and attractive young man laying face up on one of the beds, his eyes red as if he had been crying.



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