cнapтer тwelve

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[ cнapтer тwelve ѕтarт ]


"WHAT THE HELL? What about 'get the fuck frack kit kat bitch slap away from me' do you not understand?!"

"The part where you've been a stressed depressed not Fortnite-obsessed mess for the past week," Jeno replied calmly, standing with his arms crossed in front of his chest on Jaemin's bedroom doorway.

Their mothers were out — obviously — and they had been screaming at each other back and forth, Jaemin's locked door a barrier until Jeno had finally knocked it down.

The cause of their fight?

Ever since that night spent at Renjun's, Jaemin just hadn't been the same. Immediately after the Chinese boy confessed his love for Jeno, Jaemin had pretended to be too tired to stay awake and fell back on the blankets laid out and wrinkled on the floor, faintly snoring. When he got back to the comfort of his own home, he immediately locked his bedroom door and jumped on his bed, burying his face into a pillow to muffle his sobs and screams.

He had liked Renjun for so long, had spent an eternity admiring the boy from afar, his pale and perfect skin, fluffy raven hair that rested gently on his head, bright smile with cute pearly teeth that could outshine the sun. His personality, so bubbly and warm one moment, mount spitting straight fire the next.

Jaemin might have even loved Renjun, had the older boy's named etched in his heart forever.

But that same etched name broke Jaemin's heart, splitting the fragile thing until it shattered, broken pieces too abundant to be gathered and mended. Jaemin could remember in vivid, painful detail how his gut wrenched, a violent pierce to his body that made his chest close up, and bile rise up and out of his throat.

He had liked Renjun for so long, yet it had only taken not even two months for the older to fall for another boy, the one boy Jaemin hated for longer than he'd liked Renjun.

This resulted in Jaemin's suffering, holed up in his room bawling. He was either staring up at the ceiling, making analogies of the empty space to his soul, or flat out crying, the tears flooding his being until everything else was drowned out, all he could think about was Renjun, Renjun, Renjun. He would shower and groom himself, but wouldn't leave his room to eat something with actual substance, just rely on the random stashes of snacks and energy drinks he had.

Jeno had noticed this, had heard the occasional scream sounding from Jaemin's room, and could guess the source of the younger's misery. The raven-haired, being the kind-hearted soul he was had tried for the past two days to reach Jaemin, screaming, texting, calling, sending short letters that read, "i wanna play fortnite, unlock ur fuckin door", through the small crack between the floor and bottom of the door. He had even contemplated getting in through Jaemin's window, but decided against it because who actually had the energy for that? No one. Ew.

Until now, when he decided enough was enough.

"I have a right to be depressed, you broke my fucking door!" Jaemin moaned from his bed, curled up in the sheets staring at his phone.

"Oh my fuck," Jeno sighed, "we leave for school tomorrow, you needa get your ass out of this room and save your last five brain cells."

"Brain cells?" Jaemin mumbled. "I don't fucking know that whore."

Jeno sighed again, deciding he'd have to resort to the one thing he knew would get Jaemin's ass up. He leaped on top of the younger, grabbing his phone and pinning his arms above his head.

"Come on, Jae-bitch."

"Stop being kinky, leave me alone. Oh, and fix my fucking door."

"Fuck your door. Is this because of Ren-cunt?"

"Don't call him that."

"That's literally his username tho--" Jeno started, confused, then shook his head as he continued his uplifting, truly enlightening speech, "Anyway, if he rejected you... uh, don't worry. Love never flies-- I mean, uh, dies. Some dumbass will love you eventually."

Jaemin rolled his eyes and relaxed his tense body, seeming so exhausted and in despair. It was now that Jeno realized how bad a state Jaemin was in. He must've really liked Renjun if his skin had a sallow tinge, if there were deep purple circles splotched around his eyes, if his eyes themselves looked void of life, the light gone and replaced with black.

"I really liked him," Jaemin murmured, his voice just quiet enough for Jeno to hear. "But even though I liked him for so long — years, Jeno, fucking years — he's never liked me back. And he won't ever in the future."

Jeno bit his lip, suddenly feeling something for Jaemin he never had before. Seeing Jaemin like this, so heartbroken and empty struck a chord with the older, and he felt horrible.

Suddenly, Jaemin laughed. A shaky laugh, without humor. "But guess who he does like?"

Jeno knew the answer to that and he closed his eyes momentarily.

"You," Jaemin said softly. "He likes you, of all people. I've liked him for years, and he just met you, but he likes you."

"I'm sorry," Jeno whispered quietly, opening his eyes to look into Jaemin's sad ones. "You told me to back off, and I didn't, and now--"

"Even if you did back off, he probably still would've fallen for you," Jaemin stated matter-of-factly. "Do you know how bad it feels? To have your heart stabbed?"

Nodding, Jeno replied, "Yeah."

The younger continued, ignoring the older, "He told me he likes you, then he goes on a cute little rant of what he likes about you, and I had to sit there looking at his cute shimmering eyes, listening to him telling me about your 'beautiful' smile, which is the ugliest fucking thing I've ever seen by the way, it looks like a baby's buttcrack--"

Jeno snorted. "Well shit, now I'm the heartbroken one."

"I'm only speaking the truth," Jaemin smiles, for the first time in those two days.

The other smiles back, not a single part of his expression resembling the crack between the buttcheeks of a fetus.

"Can you get off me now? You're fat," Jaemin groaned, the light of his smile restored and shining in his eyes.

Jeno didn't move and instead gasped, "Oh yeah! So there's been a problem with school." Jaemin furrowed his brows as the older continued, "They sent in the mail some shit, but also something that said we'll be roommates."

Jaemin shot up, Jeno falling backward and tumbling off the bed to the floor. "WHAT THE FUCKING HELL?!"

"Warn me before you fucking murder my ass!" Jeno hissed.

"For the last time, stop being horny!" Jaemin snapped. "Why the hell are we roommates? Can't we switch with other people?"

"Don't you think I tried asking that already?" Jeno asked, still in pain. "But they're fucktards and said we have to suck it up."

"But I've been living with you for the whole summer!" Jaemin whined, clenching his fists.

"Yeah, I know, I've heard you crying for the past two days! But now we have to live together for a whole motherfucking school year."

"Lmao take a shot every time we say 'But'."

Jeno smacked the laughing younger, as Jaemin continued, "Anyway, I want to overdose."

"And I want to Luhan my way out of this. We don't all get what we want."

Jaemin's mouth dropped open as he looked at the boy on his floor in disbelief. "Did you just-- You-- oh my fuck-- I cannot believe-- tHE DISRESPECT! He broke my heart when he left and sued SM more than Renjun did."

"Can you blame him?" Jeno snorted. "SM stands for 'Shit Management', who wouldn't yeet out of there and sue the company?"

"The rest of EXO that's still there, dumbass," Jaemin retorted, glaring.

"Luhan's songs are good, though--"

"Why are you such a hoe?!"

"'Lu' is the most intellectual articulately thought-out song with the most meaningful lyrics, don't at me on this--"

"You're so fucking desperate to get laid, it hurts," Jaemin fell back on his bed, wondering how he ever got in this situation.

"Says the virgin crackhead," Jeno sang. "And just wash your eyes out with bleach. Or better yet, fucking drink that shit."

"Choke on a tide pod."

"Choke on a dick. Wait, you're a virgin."

Jaemin, lightning fast with fists raised, got on top of Jeno, straddling his body so he couldn't move. "I needa start a 'Stop bullying Jaemin 2k18' Campaign or something."

"You mean 'Please Bully Virgin Jaemin'--"

"I'm gonna beat you so fucking hard."

"And you say I'm horny."


[ cнapтer тwelve end ]

[a/n]: aye hope you enjoyed this chapter on crack

anyway, i've got a new story out, it's for u jenlisa shippers and it's the hanahaki au bc i like that aesthetic sad shit

it's called "petals", check it out if ya want, idk you do you, dO👏🏻 wHaT👏🏻 mAKeS👏🏻 yOU👏🏻 haPpY👏🏻😤

ok ily bye💋❤️

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