cнapтer тwo

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[ cнapтer тwo ➛ ѕтarт ]


"Jeno! Jaemin! Dinner!" a feminine voice, Jaemin's mom, called from the lower level. 

The boys stopped their roast battle and shut their mouths, resorting to just glaring at each other as they made their way downstairs.

Their mothers were already seated at the dining table, which was adjacent to the kitchen and left of the stairs. Just like the rest of the house, the room was modern with a sophisticated aesthetic, all whites, silvers, the odd blacks, and pale accent colors and details.

It seemed a whole feast was prepared, varieties of Korean and Western food on the table, wafting delicious scents through the home.

Quickly, the teenagers rushed to sit down, fighting over a specific seat until Jaemin was eventually shoved off.

"Jaemin, what did I say?" his mother reminded, exasperated. "Be respectful!"

Jaemin's scoffed, eyebrows scrunched indignantly. He thrust his finger at Jeno and exclaimed, "He pushed me off!"

Jeno rolled his eyes, regaining balance and posture as he sat up in his chair, playing the role of the faultless child. His eye smile was a rude taunt to Jaemin. The caramel-haired boy just groaned, sitting on the only other seat next to Jeno.

Dinner had begun on that weird note but progressed into light talk about what America was like, how different Korea was, and the Nas' nostalgia for their home country. Mrs. Na had also taken the responsibility of informing the Lees all they had to know about their home. 

The two teenagers talked quite a lot, but never to each other, ignoring each other at all possible means. 

However, there were many occasions when they'd 'accidentally' spill each other's cups, steal each other's food, and drop each other's utensil yet blame the other and act innocent. Mrs. Lee and Na would just shake their heads or give each knowing looks. Boys.

When dinner was finished, the mothers retired to the living room on the other side of the stairs while the teenage boys were assigned to washing dishes. They stood there at the sink scrubbing the plates, bowls, and cups.

"Sauce me the cutlery," Jeno commanded. Jaemin rolled his eyes and practically tossed a knife over, nearly missing Jeno's arm.

"Are you fucking stupid?!" the latter screamed.

The other boy broke out into laughter, but his happiness didn't last long when Jeno filled a cup with water and dish soap suds.

Seconds later, Jaemin was wet. His light hair was now dark, dripping with water, while the bubbles were gradually disappearing on the top of his head. The raven-haired boy began laughing, his eye smile, yet again, having returned.

Jaemin bit his lip, then, quick as a flash, used one hand to lift the handle higher and another to twist the head of the faucet so the water was fully pouring out, in the direction of Jeno's genitalia.

Now Jaemin was back to guffawing while Jeno smirked. "Hoe, you are so fucking dead."


That threat was what caused their soap-water fight, both physical and verbal.

"Ew, don't fucking touch me!"

"I swear to God I'll castrate your ugly ass."

"Don't make me fucking wet you whore!"

"Ha! I squirted your asshole!"

In the end, the result was that both were the victors, at the cost of the transformation of a usually pristine, orderly kitchen, into a sopping, soapy mess.

The counters and cupboards had splashes upon splashes of water and bubbly suds, while the floors were a hazard, the boys having constantly tripped and slid on. The dishes had miraculously gotten washed, rinsed, and stored where soap couldn't get on them again, and the same could theoretically be said for the boys.

Both were, well, wet.

Clothes soaked so heavily, the light colors revealed skin and faint outlines of muscle underneath. Dish soap suds were still bubbling away on skin and fabric, and countless strands of hair were either plastered on their faces or dripping stinging soap water into their eyes.

They accomplished four things that night.

One: cleaning the dishes, though the process was a lot more messy and lengthy than it could have been.

Two: ruining the kitchen, but not too horribly. Only water and soap was littering it, an easily reversible mess.

Three: pissing off their mothers.

"What in the hell happened here!" Jaemin's mother looked on the verge of tears and insanity when she spotted the mess the two boys made in her pride and joy — the kitchen. And the teenage culprits were just lying on the floor, cheekily grinning.

Jeno's mother was right behind her and shared Gayoung's shock and anger. It was obvious what had happened.

And four: even after already cleaning the dishes, they cleaned the kitchen as well.

"You boys are in so much fucking trouble, you don't even know," Mrs. Na snapped, narrowing her eyes.

Jaemin's jaw dropped as he lay there, propping his body up with his elbows and forearms. "Watch your profanity! And why are you allowed to swear when I can't?!"

Jeno broke out into laughter beside him. He actually had fun with Jaemin and didn't regret a single thing.

"You are unbelievable," Jaemin's mother sighed. She fixed her composure and spoke calmly. "I don't want this happening again, understand?"

Both boys violently nodded, scrambling to stand straight.

"Clean your mess," she ordered sternly. "Then go wash up in a shower."

Mrs. Lee nodded, and before she walked away with Mrs. Na, she looked at Jeno. "Let's have a talk later."

Jeno gulped, his Adam's apple bobbing up and down as his mother disappeared. "I'm so fucked."

Jaemin placed his hand on the other's shoulder. "No one cares, I am too. Now we need to clean this shit up or we'll be even more fucked."

And that's what the two boys did. They grabbed mops and cloths and scrubbed and cleaned as best they could. Jaemin rearranged things that had fallen or been misplaced while he scrubbed at cupboard doors, and Jeno wiped counters while he mopped the floor.

But how can you clean with someone you hate without throwing at least one insult? So while the boys cleaned, they swore at and continued their roast battle from earlier.

Overall, the whole situation wasn't that bad. Their spirits were still kept light, and when they were done, the kitchen was back to its usual immaculate self — only shinier than before.

After returning cleaning supplies back to where they belonged, both boys looked at each other, then wordlessly sprinted up the stairs to the bathroom.

There were multiple bathrooms with showers in their home, but Jeno's new room was across from Jaemin's, so the closest bathroom for both was the one beside Jaemin's bedroom.

They stumbled up the stairs and shoved each other in the hall until they both burst into the bathroom. Both had arrived at the same time, but a sudden image of Jaemin's mom grounding him from playing Fortnite played in the younger's mind. He groaned, and being the respectful, good host he was expected to be, he offered up the bathroom to Jeno.

"Thanks, cunt."

"Just hurry the fuck up."

To spite Jaemin, Jeno took his sweet fucking time, washing his body three times to stretch out his shower time to an hour. He even 'nicely' requested Jaemin to grab his toiletries from his new room for him, which the younger grudgingly did, knowing there was no point in refusing or pulling some prank.

Yes, Jaemin could've just used the other bathroom's shower, but his own toiletries were in his own bathroom currently occupied by Jeno, and he just can't use other soaps.

Finally, Jeno stepped out of the bathroom in only a towel wrapped loosely around his waist. Jaemin usually would've swooned over his abs and smooth, defined body, but this was Jeno, so he just shoved the older aside and slammed the bathroom door shut behind him.

Once both were cleaned up and changed, sitting in their respective rooms, Jeno sauntered over to Jaemin's knocking obnoxiously on the already opened door.

Jaemin was staring at his TV screen, a gift for his sixteenth birthday which he often watched Netflix and played Fortnite on. He was currently on Netflix and lazily turned his head to look at Jeno. "The fuck you want?"

"Wifi," was Jeno's simple answer. Jaemin rolled his eyes and wrote on a piece of paper the wifi network and password, as well as his phone number.

"Do you want to fuck me?" Jeno asked when he saw the digits. "Why do I need your number?"

"So I won't have to write this shit down again, dumbass, I can just text you," Jaemin replied, reverting his attention back to the large screen.

Jeno scoffed, typing in the password while still in Jaemin's room, then asked, "Can I watch Netflix with you?"

"Can you?" was the sarcastic reply, so Jeno jumped onto Jaemin's bed, squashing the younger under him.

"Oof!" Jaemin yelled, shoving Jeno away who still managed to stay on the bed. "I was kidding!"

"Too bad, I'm here now." Jeno ignored Jaemin giving him the middle finger for the second time that day, and placed his phone on one of the nightstands.

The way Jaemin's room was set up, the only side of his bed against a wall was the headboard. Nightstands were on either side of the bed, and the TV was mounted on the opposite wall for perfect, comfortable use. The window with his desk and chair facing it was on the wall between the bed's and TV's, while his room door and the dresser was on the opposite. It was actually pretty cute to Jeno, the simple layout and artfully placed pictures on the wall. 

Jeno moved his attention back to Jaemin to see him only rolling his eyes. So the two lay there, both snuggled under Jaemin's covers as they watched Netflix, occasionally swearing at each other, and eventually too tired to stay awake.

Jaemin fell asleep first, resting his head on Jeno's chest, and the latter didn't even force him off, just followed suit and fell asleep right after.


[ cнapтer тwo ➛ end ]

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