cнapтer тнιrтy-ғιve

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[ cнapтer тнιrтy-ғιve ѕтarт ]


"I wouldn't say having a big dick is wrong..." Jeno replied, eyes fluttering open and focusing on Jaemin as he leaned forward, moving his arms from behind him to rest on his exposed knees.

"No, I mean that hoe you were fucking!" the younger hissed, never breaking eye contact as he walked fully into the room. Slamming the door shut behind him with his foot, his senses were suddenly sharpened and alert as if he hadn't drunk at all that night.

Jeno snorted, voice coming out exceptionally deep and slightly raspy. "I could ask you the same thing about... what's that ugly son of a shit's name again? Your new friend."

"I told you all about that already!" Jaemin cried in frustration. Why was Jeno so obsessed with that guy? "We're completely different from you and that hoe, we're just friends and we've never kissed!"

"Yeah, and moths aren't horny in lesbian for lamps," the older scoffed. "It's obvious you like him since you spend all your time with him." Swiftly, he got off the bed and began walking towards the door behind Jaemin. "'That hoe' was just a fun hook up. What else do I do at a party when I'm more single than a Pringle and desperate to mingle?"

"Anything but hooking up with that hoe!" Jaemin protested, eyebrows furrowing closer the more distance Jeno closed between them.

"So hook up with you instead?" The brunette's drowsy eyes lit up with intense fire as he grinned.

Jaemin unfolded his arms and put his hand on the door, weight balanced between one hip and the raised arm as he blocked Jeno's way. He chose to ignore what Jeno had asked by continuing, "Just don't fuck a hoe, it ain't Jesus-or-Illuminati-friendly in this Shane Dawson approved Baby-Shark-Doo-Doo Twitch server. Sorry sweaty, I don't make the rules."

Chuckling, Jeno stopped right in front of the younger and surveyed him. Casual, loose-fitting clothes hung on and hid Jaemin's toned body, his blossom-coloured hair ruffled thoroughly and pushed back. Tanned skin shone and glowed as his white teeth occasionally poked out to bite at his soft lips. It had been a month now since the older had woken up after a dream about Jaemin, but he still found the pink-haired irresistibly attractive.

A smirk languidly played on his pink lips that still puckered up from his make-out session, Jeno theorized, "You're jealous. You love me, and you want my dick that's bigger than your dreams."

"Fuck you, I don't have dreams," the other countered, eyes blazing with strong emotion.

"Wet dreams, then. Of me."

Jaemin said nothing but fiercely stood his ground.

"At least now you know how it feels!" Jeno said cheerily, his eye smile momentarily crinkling.

Confused, Jaemin looked at Jeno weirdly. "The fuck? Speak English. Or Korean. Or-- actually no, I'll Kanyeet your ass if you speak Konglish."

One step forward that Jeno took, Jaemin automatically took one back. The older kept on advancing until Jaemin dropped his arm from the door with his back flush against the wood, Jeno right in front of him.

"You talked to that stupid hot guy for forever at the pool party," Jeno began, his voice reflecting more feeling and anger as he continued, "and got his number quicker than I ask for Wifi at a stranger's house. And after, you'd always smile at your phone 'cause of texting him, or you'd smile when y'all were together in real life-- hell fucking no, do you know how pissed that shit made me?!"

Jaw tight, the younger narrowed his eyes. "You have no right to be jealous, that's Kihyun or Wonho's job! We agreed our kiss meant nothing and we'd stay as friends, remember?"

"I change my mind," Jeno shrugged carelessly, but then his expression changed.

It was almost scary, yet somewhat hot how his eyes lit up with fire, staring deep into Jaemin's as his mouth sported a wicked grin.

He leaned further into Jaemin, their bodies almost pressed together as his lips brushed Jaemin's ears, the younger shivering. "You're mine. No one else's."

Sighing, Jaemin closed his eyes and gulped, trying to collect his sanity and his racing thoughts. Jeno's proximity was doing strange things to his body, and that whisper that tickled Jaemin's ear sent him into a craze.

Suddenly, he was pressed firmly to the door and something warm touched Jaemin's neck, right underneath his ear. He sucked in a sharp breath and his eyes flew open in shock.

Smiling against the younger's tanned skin, Jeno continued his work, moving his lips in long, drawn-out kisses. He had Jaemin trapped on the door, much like that day outside weeks ago, except this time one hand was on Jaemin's waist and the other slammed on the door beside the younger's head.

Eyes closed, Jaemin brought his hands up to grip Jeno's hair. Surprised at how much he was loving this, he threw his head back and managed not to hit it on the door. Maybe it was the alcohol that had contaminated his system or his hormones making a comeback, but all he knew was that he didn't want Jeno to stop.

And the older didn't. He kept his lips locked on Jaemin, moving around the younger's neck, kissing and suckling and biting. The pink-haired released tiny moans and whimpers, and Jeno's jeans would tighten.

The pleasure came as a soothing heat, enveloping both boys into a fog of drunken passion. At the same time, it was electric, sparks shooting and tingling, a lightning dance inside their bodies.

When Jeno decided he had abused Jaemin's neck enough, he lifted his head and admired his work. Dark marks dotted his neck and jawline which made the brunette smirk. Jaemin's eyes were still closed and he looked incredibly ethereal.

Not to be the type of self-centered, egotistical person who prided themselves on everything, but Jeno did that.

Even if Jaemin liked that other guy, it was Jeno who kissed the younger first, who marked and claimed the boy first. Jaemin was his.

"Why'd you stop?" the younger panted, opening his eyes and looking down at Jeno, eyelashes fluttering over brown pools of desire.

"Got distracted, you're really pretty," was Jeno's answer.

He could've squealed when he saw a blush paint itself beautifully on Jaemin's cheeks but decided he didn't want to waste any time idling, so he asked, "I'm sorry for not asking before, but uh, will you let me kiss you?"

Blush deepening, the pink-haired felt his heart swell. Jeno hadn't asked consent the last time, but apologizing and doing it now made Jaemin feel all sorts of uwu. He melted in Jeno's sweet, caring hold and nodded earnestly. "Of course."

Shining eye smile, Jeno grinned and dove back, wrapping both arms securely around Jaemin's waist, ignoring the pressure on his forearms from being squeezed between Jaemin's back and the door. There were other more important things to focus on.

Jaemin met the older's lips eagerly, and both boys felt the same as the last time they kissed, perhaps better.

Yes, alcohol that was still affecting their bloodstream and the way they perceived the world had a role. But it was obvious how into each other they were. Lip-locked, bodies moving in synchronization, hair tousled and messed up. Cheeks flushed deeply, skin glowing while moans and whines sounded.

The touch of their lips was an addictive drug, the effects something indescribable.

A paroxysm of ecstasy was maybe the most simple yet accurate way. Neither could tear their focus away, only wanting more of each other.

Jaemin won their quick, sloppy battle for dominance as he shoved his tongue into Jeno's mouth, and both let out streams of groans and grunts. They'd be a little bruised the next day, but lol, yolo, stan Madtown.

"Baby just show me what it do—"

"Baby don't stop~"

"Apado gwenchanha oppa, I won't." [a/n: jk no one said this rip, press f to pay respects]

Raptured ache for the craze of lust flamed vicious fire in their veins. An intoxicated stupor drowned them, sinking them further into hypnotizing, mind-altering, overwhelming nebula. Invigorating jolts racked them into electric overdrive, shooting sharp strikes of libido. Velvety touches and whispers deteriorated logic and ration, seducing both into a shawl of allure.

The sensations accumulated into a supernova of sorts, amassing steadily in both boys as the night carried on, no one outside having any idea of what phenomenon was occurring in that bedroom.

How long [k but that performance by IM and hyungwon👁👅👁] it lasted, neither could tell. They had somehow found a way to keep away from each other long enough to get home, locking themselves in Jaemin's bedroom as they continued their actions.

Whispers and moans — aside from their surging torrent, they flooded the room, flying and bouncing off the walls.

It was fascinating how they were still, at least, half-clothed and had done nothing too explicitly sexual, yet were in a state sex couldn't measure up to.

Pubescent experience? [War of] Hormonal desire? Dramatic emotion?

Or maybe something larger than that? Something the human mind can't quite comprehend and is still working towards defining? [the fact that the earth is flat, smh, can't believe there are still round-earthers out there]

Jeno nor Jaemin definitely did not know how to begin to describe it.

All they knew was that they loved it.

Jeno was Jaemin's. Jaemin was Jeno's.


[ cнapтer тнιrтy-ғιve end ]

[a/n]: this chap = sucksex

sorry for the unnecessary commentary whoops

and sorry for the dry ass chaps lately, it'll get kinda interesting in three chaps then get hella boring again woohoo

and only 10 more chaps til the end aye



ilysm babes!! ty for 800+ followers not to mention the reads and votes and comments on this story and other ones :'') all y'all ghost readers i love too uwu❤️

have a smexi day/night✨🔞

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