Chapter 22: Camp

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Xavier had been perched on his dad's shoulders as Hemera had walked on her dad's feet. Carmen had walked beside her mother as they were walking to a camp site. Both froze near the entrance as it was completely silent. Cautiously Cecillia walked near one of the trees, Liam at her back. Suddenly something more like someone dropped from the trees landing on Cecillia's back blind folding her. The female grabbed her perpitrator's arm throwing them off her and into the trees in front of her, her sword held to their throat as she removes her blindfold.

"Luka what did I tell you about sneaking up on me." The male had light brown butterscotch hair and diamnd blue eyes as he stood up pushing the female's sword from his throat rubbing his back.

"Dully noted-" Liam bit his lip his hand covering his mouth as he surpressed a laugh in vain. 7 figures suddenly tackled the male as the wind was knocked out of him he was caught off guard.

"Cecillia!" Celia and Luka just shook their heads laughing. The male had been bested by seven children. A male had walked out from behind the trees the sun reflectiong off his silver locks.

"Surprise!" The male smiled his violet hues gleaming in amusment.

"Darling....could you please be a dear a help me!" The male chuckled.

"Nope~"Celia leaned against the tree next to the male giving his a gentle hug to avoid hurting him or his unborn.

"Aw~ Celia I'm not that delicate."

"You look like an over inflated beach ball."

"Ouch. You looked worse than me with your triplets." Celia had looked at the children whom had tackled Liam. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7-.
She looked through the mixes of Silver, Black, Brown, Blonde locks.

"Speaking of my Triplets where-" A child fell from the tree into her arms holding a teddy bear close his violet locks drapped over his eyes. Two more figures fell from the tree landing in her arms as well.

"There's my three little devils." The second and third had bright red hair with silver tips whites both had bright enchanting emerald green eyes.

"Mommy! Chu was gone fwor bewwy wong twime." The youngest with violet locks said. The female smiled kissing each of their heads.

"Forgive me little ones I thought there was a threat." The three smiled happily at her as she set them down.

"You sure are lucky~" The female gently punched the male's shoulder.

"I have what 4?- You have 5 and where is Chance." A male appeared beside his sister his lavender eyes heavily bagged.

"Here-.."Victor bit his lip as he held back a laugh before he spoke.

"My lords Chance you look like the walking dead!-" Chance had just passed out in the bushes. Celia had snapped as a blanket appeared and covered him.

"I suppose that new born of his has kept him awake."

"Mhm." Zariel, Jasper, and Lunettea had watched the whole ordeal.

"They really are close aren't they mentor." The male had nodded as he approached Cecillia.

"Your highness I mean no disrespect but it's urgent we see Erik." The female had nodded as she was about to speak Victor spoke.

"Who are they Lia?" The female sighed.

"Friends of Erik-  And please Cecillia will do."

"Of course then Cecillia."

"I see friends Eri never mentioned them in his whole time here you know." Celia had shrugged. Zariel had spoken after walking beside his mentor.

"You see the lovely women over there is going to die if we don't find him so if we could just-"

"Hurry it up?- Of course we could Erik is supposed to meet us here after border patrol so if you could perhaps just back off of Lia she's helping you with what little trust she has of strangers." The male had just huffed as he walked to his husband after speaking. Celia had just sighed.

"Do take no offense to his words but do remember who's kingdom your in and manors are key to everything." The female had walked to follow the male the children had already scattered the youngest child had gently pulled Jasper's pants.

"Hewwwwwooos Mweh ish Vwewonice!"
[Hello my name is Veronice] She had dark green hair and lavender eyes that shone like crystals. The male smiled softly at the child.

"My name is Jasper it's nice to meet you Veronice." The child looked at the male in amazment.

"Chu ish berry hwandsome. Cwan Vwera mawwy's chu?" The male chuckled slightly as her father had woke up instantly picking up his daughter.

"CHU NU MARRY ANYONE VERONICE! CHUR MEH PRECIOUS DAUGHTER!" Celia had thrown a rock at the male's head.

"Calm down Chance and you wake up to that?" The male had nodded and walked into the bushes crying to himself. Veronice had walked to her dad and pat him.

"Ish okies Daddy nwu cwy ish gwoing to mwake Vwera Sadu." She said as she hugged him tightly the male hugged his daughter back smiling. Erik, and Ailith had appeared.

"What'd we miss Chanchan, Celia?" The female had just shaken her head with a chuckle.

"It's good to see you mentor Ailith. And not much not much. " Ailith walked beside Cecillia linking her arm through hers as they began to fill each other in one what had occured in their short time apart.

"ERIK!" The male had sighed softly. He knew that voice anywhere.

"King Jasper, what did you need? And why are you here?" Jasper had hugged his long time friend tightly.

"I MISSED YOU LIKE SO MUCH! YOU'VE BEEN GONE FOR YEARS! AND I NEED YOUR HELP!-" Before letting Jasper continued Erik put an apple in the male's mouth preventing him from speaking.

"Please stop shouting Japser, slow down please and calm down. Can I remove the apple now?" Jasper had nodded slowly. The male had removed the apple from the male's mouth.

" I need your help with something...very important.-" Before he could continue a child had let out a blood curtling scream. Cecillia had looked as Victor had looked for the child who had made the noise.

"Mentor Erik, Ailith! Get them out of here. Liam, Victor take them and the children to the Ocean palace!" The female had barried off the area as Liam pounded against the barrier wall.

"CECILLIA!" The female had smiled warmly mouthing the words go. VIctor had grabbed his husband's arm as the children had been circled around the dead child's body. Castor...the second youngest of the bunch Liam had picked up his body as the boy quivered blood dripping from his lips.

"D-daddy...I-i...I d-don't wanna d-die...I-it's cold.." The male had kneeled on the ground his child propped up in his arms he pressed his hand to the wound attempting to heal it. But it only had worsened it as the boy coughed out galaxy blood. The male wipped away stray tears from the boys eyes as he whispered softly his voice quivering.

"I-i'm right h-here my little p-protector.....It's okay...Don't fear i-it..." The boy had spoken his voice softer and softer with each word.

"S-save..M-me...d-don't...l-leave.." The boy's hand had dropped from his dad's as the male had smoothed the boy's hair again and again closing his open tear filled eyes. The male had been covered in the blood of his son as the other children had cried softly.

"B-baby...we gotta go....." Victor had mustered enough strength to speak and place his hand on his husband's shoulder. The male had nodded. Jasper, Zariel had felt as if they were intruding on a private moment. Erik spoke softly.

"Liam..Victor I'm sorry for your loss but we have to save the living children now while phoenix holds them off." Both had nodded.

"Zariel grab Rheam Zelus. Jasper Notus and Vestia. I will grab Selene. Darling-"

"I already got Lucas, Lucifer and Luis." The male had nodded.

"Victor you think you can walk? Or runish?"

"I'm pregnant not helpless or handicap Erik. besides I have my precious Hemera " The male shrugged.


" I have Carmen and Xavier let's go." The male hadn't put his son's body down as they ran all had ran to the Ocean's edge Liam had placed a single hand down against the sand.

"When the tide comes I embrace it, it is me. I welcome it as it welcomes me. Open your secrets as I open myself to you." The waters instantly parted as an entrace formed out of the waves. All had gone in leaving no trace as the waves washed away their footprints in the sand. The entrance vanishing as if it had never existed.

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