Chapter 29

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Atlas paced through the gardens hands running through dark chocolate locks. A small head poked from around one of the garden bushes.

"Atwas?" The male's head shot up as he looked at the small unarmed child. The panic slowly fadded from his features as the child slowly walked over to him. He had light Mocha locks, with brilliant citrine eyes. The child stood in front of the male who in comparison to this well put together child looked frazzled, a dishiveled mess. Slowly the child extended his hand. Slowly the male put his hand in with the child's as the child led him to an elegant fountain. The child hoisted himself up as the male took a seat beside him.

"Chu nu can weave Atwas-sama." The male remained silent for a few moments, processing the child's words before he spoke, as if questioning each word that left his mouth.

"Why not?" The boy wrinkled his nose as he flicked the male's arm.

"Because meh ish gwoing to mawwy Idiot Awen. And chu has to be der. And...and meh nu want chu to die.....chu ish..berry important to meh Atwas-same...." The male gently pikced up the child from the spot beside him setting him in his lap.

"Spade, first don't marry the idiot find a way to get out of that marriage it's doomed. Alas I can tell you don't love him like a love but a brother. Second have you no confidence in my abilities to ward off the troubles in this world? Hm?- And...don't worry kid..your important to me to." Spade hugged the male tightly his shuolders shaking, no one could quite tell if he was laughing or crying. Atlas was willing to bet the latter, as he ran delicate digits through the boy's hair in a calming manor. He couldn't imagine leaving this poor child alone.

"Hey....." Atlas looked up from the boy in his arms to the female's face.


"Can I sit?-" The male contemplated whether or not he should give her a straight or sarcastic answer but decided on the first.

"Do what you like." He only quite cared if the boy in his arms was alright. He almost smiled down at the sight as he'd fallen asleep balling his eyes out. The female took a seat beside the male, kicking her feat back.

"Thanks...Atlas..I-..wanted to don't have anything to prove.." The male froze, shocked by her words. What'd she mean nothing to prove. He had everything to prove. To show he'd be a good leader, someone worthy of the throne.

"You know nothing Lunettea, so I suggest you stick to what you do know which is nothing." The words came from clenched teeth as he glared at her. A brief flash of hurt crossed her eyes as she slightly shurnk back. The male went back to focusing on keeping the child comfortable in his arms. THe female slowly stood, taking a few steps before turning to face the male.

"Just because you've had a hard life doesn't mean the rest of us haven't. Try havin' a heart." With that she vanished. The male swallowed down what she said, taking apart each word she'd said. Clouds egan to form over the bright sun, moving with the breeze. It started as a drizzle lightly pelting drops dancing across his fair skin. It became heavier, soaking his clothes and hair but the boy remained dry. He just didn't have the energy to prevent himself from getting wet. Have a heart....the words repeated in his mind, almost like a broken record. Anyone  who knew him knew him to an extend. The Cursedstar..Cursed Prince..Heartless Prince. He stopped counting the many names people gave him. Usually the words of others just deflected off him, like bullets on a shield but hers struck home. He sat there for hours mulling over her words...What's there to loose when you're heartless?

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