Chapter 32: Epilogue

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Luneattea's P.O.V

I looked aruond in shock. Where in the hell were we? I glanced around to find no Atlas and No Rai.

"RAI! ATLAS?" I waited a couple of seconds only to be met with silence. So this is why they say don't anger goddess..or in this case Ethernal Primordials..I looked aroun only to be met with a tree I looked beside it and around me to only be met with trees, trees and more trees. The thick brancehs made it impossible for me to even see around anything. I started to trek through the thick forest looking for anyone. The sound of growling didn't elude me as it only grew closer. Swallowing the lump in my throat I turned to see 4 pairs of beady Fire red eyes staring at me. Slowly I backed up as they began to advance. You know what fuck calming down, I turned and sprinted, not caring about the branches that found a new home in my thick hair. The beasts chasing down after me. I thought one grabbed me as I looked to see a terrified Raikou, who pulled me up without any effort and took my hand as we began sprinting trying to ignore the snapping jaws at our heels. Okay so here's Rai but where's Atlas? Suddenly another body slammed into ours. Forcing me back tripping over a damn root. I yelped in pain as my ankle was facing the wrong way. I didn't have time to do anything as Atlas looked at us like we lost our minds. The howls only getting closer.

"What the fuck are you both doing?! Get up or are you waiting for those things to devour us?!!" Within moments all three of us we're sprinting in the last direction we could without them being able to corner us or go the same way we came which would most likely lead to our untimely deaths. The adrenaline pumping through my veins was the only thing keeping me from stopping to breath fully well that and fear. We hadn't stopped but we slowly stopped running as it turned into a light but fast jog. The growls, and houding of the beasts behind us slowly fadded as we drew further and further from them. We came to a stop by a few trees and a stream. The only light we were provided was that of the full moon and the stars that scattered across the night sky. Somehow Atlas seemed alright but Zari and I were on the ground panting trying to catch all the breath we used to outrun whatever was trying to eat us.

"What-...what were those things." I simply shrugged while I caught my breath. I'm still new to this world so I'm not exactly caught up in my creature mythology and crap. Atlas seemed to know seeing as he spoke.

"Divine Beasts." We both shot him a look of curiosity, for one how the fucking bloody mother of hell was he not tired?!! And two how did he know? He sighed softly.

"They're guardians of the Ethernal's. The Fourteen Divine beasts of Heaven and Hell. You know them as the 7 Virtues and the 7 deadly sins. I thought you knew Zariel you said you read the book" Rai laughed nervousley.

"I kinda just said that so you' know like me back then since yo useemed to hate everyone" Atlas sighed, I didn't quite get what they meant. I looked down to see my ankle, as it throbed in pain. It looked puffy a sign of swelling. I nervously glanced back at both of them as a howl of one of the Divine beasts grew closer. I don't think I can run....Zariel and Atlas stood before they turned to me, the fear must've been written across it because Zariel gave me a comforting smile. But I only felt worse, a cold sweat trickled down my face.

"Luna? What's wrong?"

"I think..."I was cut off as a beast suddenly jumped from one of the bushes, it's coat a dark pure black. It lunged for me but Atlas  cut it off standing in front of me, and drew his sword in a second cutting it down without any effort. It's body crumpled to the ground before it dissolved into ash. It was like watching a Demon being vanquished in a movie. I looked to them before finishing my sentence. My voice even foreign to me.

"I think...I think you guys should leave me behind..I'm a liability I can't run...and is my fault we're here..I dragged us I don't want you guys to suffer and die.." Zariel yelled.
"We're running out of time! And you want me leave you behind?....''The soft silence engulfed the forest not a bird sang the howling winds came to a stop. As I nodded. Atlas shot me a glare before he spoke

''No one is getting left behind not here not now understod?'' He sheethed his blade and walked off leaving Zariel and I to stand in silence. Suddenly two arms engulfed me in a fierce but gentle hug. I hugged back, my heart slowly speeding up, thundering in my chest. With each beat it screamed traitor. I shoved down those thoughts but my heart didn't slow.

"Thank you..." He smiled, the same brilliant one he had when we first met. He somehow can just calm others with a few words and a small smile. Atlas chose to come back in that moment.

"We have to move, there's more coming and I don't think they're too happy we killed one of em." Rai kneeled and turned his back to me.

"You can't walk right so I'll carrry you." I smiled at his gesture and climbed on his back kind of ackwardly since I've never actually had someone carry me. Atlas nodded in our direction, as we ran after him. Delving deeper into this horror filled jungle. There was a clearing! We ran, not without hearing how close they were. Their shrill howls, and growling made it impossible not to. We slowed as we came to the clearing, there was Diantha a wide cheshire grin on her face. It irked me to see her. We nearly died because of her.

"You didn't they wouldn't have killed you merely given you a bit of a scare. But you passed and now I know the future is in good hands." We looked at this strange woman so fucking confused like what the bloody hell was she talking about?

"I won't say what but that war will be heading your way and I hope you're all ready for it because it's coming. Only Ash and flame in it's wake I hope by the stars you finish what has been started or all hope is lost." For a moment there was silence as she sent us a smile, before a blast of wind pushed us through a portal leaving us more stunned then before. We're back..back in the same place befreo we went to Nightmareville....We're back...And the war is coming....and it was up to them to stop it.

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