Chapter 12

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4 December 2016


I walked out from my house . Tae was already waiting for me .

Tae : Are you ready snow white ?

YN : 🙄 Cinderella !!

Tae : oh 😅 yeah...Cinderella

YN : idiot 😂

Today , we were going in Tae's car because we had Annual Function today . He unlocked his car . Then we left for school .  Soon , we reached and went to our green room (room provided for cast ) . There was no one , so we went to the Drama class , there were only some students . Actually ,  we came early that's why . I called Yoonji . She picked the phone .

YN : where are you ?

Yoonji : in our classroom

YN : okay

We rushed towards our classroom . Yoonji and Jungkook were sitting already . But Jungkook 😳 . He looked like a prince . He was wearing a blue silk shirt with skinny black jeans . OMG . My eyes didn't left his sight .

Yoonji : when will your practise start ?

Tae : No one has come till now ...we have a plenty of time though.  Function is in the evening so ...yeah a lot of time

Yoonji : and yours ?

Jungkook : my performance is in the last so maybe I will be practicing late .

Tae : oo

YN : Thankgod ...yoonji're my makeup artist...I won't be able to risk my life 😩

Jungkook : You don't  need makeup *to yn*

Tae : you need plastic surgery 🤣 *to yn*

I punched his stomach

YN : and you need to shut your fcuking mouth 😒 will die single

Tae : Don't talk bullshit if you have a boyfriend 🤣

Yoonji : Do you want to die 🙂🔪 Tae

Tae : No

Yoonji : then it's better to keep your mouth super shut 😀

Jungkook : I will come in few minutes .

He went outside and looked at me through the window .

YN : ummm...I had to go to the washroom , I will be back soon .

Tae : Hmmm

I walked out from the class . Jungkook had already left from there . I was going towards washroom to search him when someone pulled me inside a classroom . I tried to scream and shout but he covered my mouth with his hand . He was Jungkook obviously . Huh!

Jungkook : husshhhhhh 🤫

YN : you must have told me earlier

Jungkook : i didn't got time

He stood up from the wooden chairs and locked the door . I was sitting on a desk now and he was on a chair. We had never been alone like this before . I was quite nervous . He holded my hands and looked at my face .

Jungkook : how are you feeling ?

YN : as if Butter...butterflies are restling in my stomach...

Jungkook : Hmmm

YN : Jungkookah

Jungkook : Yes , princess

YN : you are really looking so hot ...☺

Jungkook : how come ? 🤔

YN : I don't know ...but you are looking so sexy 😍

Jungkook : what is looking SEXY in me ?

YN : your ...shirt ...

I said while putting my hands on his shoulder to feel his shirt . Then he put his hands on my hands and slid them down slowly to his chest and then to his abs. Hmmm...his abs *really....his abs 😭😭* . They were so fine 😭 and solid . I stopped my hands on his abs .

Jungkook : what happened? *he said in hushing voice*

YN : nothing 🙊

Jungkook's POV

I knew she was loving my abs. She was amazed as this was her first time touching me . Her hands were on my chest and mine were on her hands . I wrapped her hands around my neck , pulled her into my lap and held her tiny waist softly . I looked in her eyes to make an eye contact.  Blush was all over her face.

YN : Jungkook-ah

Jungkook : Hmmm

YN : your clothes might get spoiled

Jungkook : no need to think of that ...just stay like this for sometime...

I buried my face in the crook of her neck .

YN : what happened Jungkook

Jungkook : nothing

YN : are you sure

Jungkook : yes baby girl

YN : Hmmm

We stayed like that for sometime when my phone vibrated. I picked up the was Jimin hyung . We were still in the same position almost hugging eachother.  I placed the mobile at my ear without breaking the moment.

Jimin : Jungkookie

Jungkook : Yes hyung

🔞 MATURE CONTENT slightly 🔞

I felt something wet on my neck and I started freezing 🥶....was it - was it YN ...she was placing pecks and butterfly kisses on my neck . Her hands were moving all over at my back . Plz i can't .

Jimin : where did you kept the invitation card of your school function ?.

She then licked at the side of my neck making me loose my soul - pleasure
I hissed

Jungkook : Ahhh!!

Jimin : Jungkook ...are you okay ...what dirty  noise are you making ?

I struggled to speak as she was digging right into my soul .

Jungkook : h-hyung ...ssss...o-on my ssss-study table ....I will call you in sometime. 

I hunged up the call. She was still on my neck . Her hand reached to the collar of my shirt when i helped her to unbutton the top 3 buttons of my shirt. Her hands brushed all over at my chest and rubbing the abs . She looked straight into my eyes and my hands reached to her hair , taking out her rubber band to untie her hair .

She crossed her legs around my torso when I stood up , holding her waist and made her sit on the teacher's table . She adjusted and layed on the table and I hovered my body on hers . I said in a low hushed voice .

Jungkook : You started first ...

I traced her body from head to waist with my finger . And pecked on her forehead.  Then on either of her cheeks . One peck at her nose and then I stopped a centimeter apart from her lips .

Jungkook : YN

YN : Hmmm

Jungkook : do I have permission?

YN : only for today

I smiled and pressed my lips on her soft ones . The movement of our lips were in a rythmatic flow (😂😂 what am I writing 😂😂 movements in a rythmatic flow,  what does that even mean lol ....). I pulled back and sucked her lower lip . I was searching for the enterance but she didn't gave one . I locked our hands and pinned them on the corners of the table.  I loosened her collar tie to give her neck kisses . *what am I writing 🥴*

"Jungkookahh!!" She let out a moan while I kissed her neck . I discovered her soft spot . I sucked and kissed the spot again and again to make a purple mark. 

YN : Jungkookah...Ahh...w-what you doin' babie

Jungkook : marking my territory

I said without leaving her . My whole bare torso was stuck to her body . We looked at each other . I slid her flicks that covered her eyes with my finger.

Jungkook : YN I want to tell you something

YN : Hmmm

Jungkook : Actually , there is a girl and she proposed me yesterday

She looked shocked ,amazed and jealous at the same time

YN : what 😧

She opened her mouth to speak and yeah that's what I wanted . I quickly slid my tongue inside her mouth and played with hers . My hand reached her neck to lift it up a bit and one hand to her thighs.  We continued till we begged to breathe.  We pulled back and touched our foreheads . Panting and breathing heavily.  We both were completely messed up .

YN : who's that girl 

Jungkook : I was kidding 😂 look at you

YN : what 😦 this even a time to joke ...Dumbo

I chuckled

Jungkook : it's your fault weren't parting your lips ...that's why baby girl

I said this and again pressed my lips against her . Even harder than before . She was sweating ,as a result she unbuttoned the top 2 buttons of  her school shirt .

I looked at her chest  . Her perfectly curved body . My eyes darted at her boobs that were getting a little bit exposed , like just her cleavage 😳 ...Suddenly, It reminded me of an old memory of her sending me her so called  "Cookie tits" selca . I stopped to avoid further mishaps. We stayed like that for sometime .

We heard a knock at the door . Fcuk 🥲 like we didn't even started yet . I told her to sit in a corner. And I opened the door ,not fully . I just peeped my head out from the door . My shirt was unbuttoned that's why . There was a girl at the door .

Jungkook : Yes

Girl : what are you doing inside this room

Jungkook : it's none of your business

Girl : then why is the room locked from inside

Jungkook : oh! I have a performance so I was changing my clothes . It's still none of your business

Girl : don't you have any green room or washrooms ?

Jungkook : washrooms were locked and I forgot  where is the green room for music department

Girl : you would've asked from someone...I don't think you were changing your clothes

Jungkook : I haven't wore my clothes yet ...wanna see

She looked embarrassed and left . I felt a punch on my back .

YN : why were you flirting to her 😠

Jungkook : I wasn't? 🙁

YN : 😒 oh wow

She crossed her hands across her chest and pouted. I locked the door again and cupped her face .

Jungkook : angry ? 🙃

She didn't replied . I lifted her up in my lap and pinned her to the wall . I licked my lips to wet them and looked at her lips . She parted her lips to give me enterance . I moved my lips close to her mouth but didn't kissed and stopped just to tease her .

YN : 🙄 I am waiting

Jungkook : you're not mad at me right ?

YN : 😏 I am

Jungkook: then I won't kiss

She got pissed , 😆 I did it on purpose.  She struggled to jump out from my embrace but I hold her even tighter . Not letting her go off.

Jungkook : YNeee

I made a puppy face and blinked my eyes 3 4 times .

YN : need me more baby ?

She asked dramatically. I nodded and moved more close to her . Her hands reached my shirt but this time she was buttoning them.

Jungkook : why you buttoning baby

She smirked and said " you will come to know soon Jungkookah "

I let her stand on her feet as she gestured me to do so . She unbuckled my belt and took  it out from my jeans . Then she told me to sit on the chair and  close my eyes . I followed her . I felt as if she was  wrapping something around my eyes . She then joined both of my hands together above my head and tied them with my own belt . Okay so , she took my belt out to do this ...ah- . She was about to do those kinky things and 🙈. I smiled . She said in my ear

YN : I love you Jungkookah...Tit for Tat

Jungkook : I love you too YNee...wait what-

And I heared the door opening and

Jungkook : YN!!!!!

YN :  bye baby

She locked the door from outside . 🤦🏻‍♂️ so my hands were tied 😑 . I was really lucky that she didn't tied them at the back of the chair . I struggled to unwrap my eyes that were covered by her tie . Then I reached at the table where my phone was kept . I called Tae .

Tae : yes jungkook

Jungkook : bro can you do me a favor .

Tae : yes tell

Jungkook : There is a class beside our classroom . Just go and unlock it

Tae : wait...stay on call

I heared Tae on the door opening it . He opened and came inside.

Tae : Whoa! Jungkook bro how did you get yourself locked .

Jungkook: ah actually-

He looked at my tied hands and smirked while controlling his laughter .

Tae : oh you didn't even locked yourself up but you also tied your own hands with your own belt . I wanna know this trick 😆

He bursted into laughter. I got shy at his words . And I moved my hands infront of his face . He untied them . He looked at my hair and neck . I think he noticed the hickey .

Tae : were you making out ?

Jungkook : not really

I said as I moved out of the room and rushed towards the music room .

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Congrats for B hot 100 🥺

Stream butter for glowing skin

Gamsaubnida 💜

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