Chapter 15

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20 Feb 2017

We were all free after our final exams that held last month . Waiting to give entrance exams for further studies .

And here I was struggling to choose between two dresses . Well ,both were black in color so I got more confused. I rushed towards Tae's apartment with both the dresses grabbed in my hands .

I pressed the bell . He spoke from the other side of door which I barely heared .

"What?? What are you even saying ?? Pardon??" I yelled almost ,I thought maybe he wasn't able to hear me too.

" Coming , deaf Dumbo." He opened the door and looked at me .

His eyes were puffy and hair were messy as if he was sleeping . He hummed as he saw me , even his hum was deep and hoarse . Sexy , I should say . He rubbed his eyes and they were hardly opening .

"this one or this one ?" I waved the dresses infront of his eyes . With a confused look on my face .

He narrowed his eyes and pouted as if he was thinking 🤔 which one to choose .

"Ummmm....."He was thinking hard "both are good"

"that's the problem 🙂" with my eyes fully opened and a thin lined smile on my face , I told him . After thinking for almost 5 minutes he is saying both are good . Can't he just choose one .

"Hmmm , I see"

He then stretched out his two fingers and asked me to chose one . I touched one of them .

"this one , your index finger" I said still touching the nail of his index finger .

"oh ,then wear the dress in your left hand" this was enough for him to tell , I was already in a hurry . Whatever the logic was at least I can choose one now .

"Okay then I will wear this one" I said proudly at the other dress I.e. the one in my right .

"Beach!" He rolled his eyes and turned his body into his apartment as I did same by turning myself in the opposite direction.

I rushed to my apartment and went straight into my room to get ready . I curled up my eyelashes and blushed my cheeks . And did the lightest makeup I could do .

Time skips*

I picked my bag and went out from the flat . I was about to turn in the direction of staircase but my eyes landed on Tae , who was standing at his door with two outfits in his hands .

Okay . I think I know .

"hey YN , listen 😁" He flashed his boxy smile towards me at which I could just smile . He looked so fucking happy . I don't know why but okay I can guess .

"yeah ?" I raised my brows

"please choose one for me 😁" his grin grew wider as he said . He was indeed really happy and excited.

"wear that sea green suit" I said at which he was just stepping inside his apartment ..."no-wait " I held his arm to stop him .

"What now ?" he asked as he suddenly stopped on his spot .

"It's too cold outside wear something warm ."

It's February, one of the coldest month and this boy wants to show off his Gucci Shirt and suit .

I stepped inside his apartment and went to his room . "YNNNNNN!! HEY YOU !!PIGGY STOP THERE!" I could hear him screaming while running behind me .

I was infront of his dressing room already and he stood beside me .

"hey YN , youuuuu you shouldn't go to a guy's room like this 😒"

I opened his wardrobe and literally 🥲 WHAT. A. MESS.

For few seconds I was stunned and stood there with a comical expression on my face .

"You sure your wardrobe isn't a sibling of my dustbin?!"

I picked out warm clothes for him and kept them on his bed .

"Wear this and I am going by- bye" I waved my hands as a bye and was about to run when a hand gripped my my wrist. Tae?!

I looked at him who was now looking at me . He pulled me a bit close to face himself .

"YN" he smiled softly . So softly that if I hadn't fallen for my man I would have fallen for him right then .

It isn't like he smiled like that for the first time but it was more like a BOY IN LOVE kind of smile rather than a normal smile .

I hummed as i nodded .

"I will tell you something today" he said looking at the floor .

If he want to tell me something but not right then, then there was no use of him saying that . My impatient ass wont wait . He knew it very well . Did he said this on purpose ? But really i cant wait .

"No tell me right now , i cant wait"

"No its a secret"

"Then why did you said that you will tell . Instead you would have just told me whenever you wanted to" i was pissed at him .

"Okay i am telling but you will have to listen it carefully" he stood up as he was sitting on the edge of the bed .

Our eyes were making contact and with each passing second i was losing my shit because he was intentionally making me wait .

"Its about you"

"Hmmm ,tell soon or you might have to wish to die soon" i crossed my arms and gave him a death glare .



"You looks like a big fat buffallo" he ruffled my hair to a mess and ran as soon as he said that while giggling, his boxy smile must be on his face , I can imagine . I was standing freezed on my spot just to process how good he was at fooling me. All of this happened in a 5x speed I guess .

Where did he go ? Out of his own apartment. How dumb .

I chased him till the staircase but obviously I remembered that I have to spend my precious time with someone precious instead of my so called best friend who just called me a BIG FAT 🐃.

He was standing at one of the stair looking at me as if he was waiting for me to chase him . Boxy smile , again? Huh!

I combed my hair with my fingers . Well , I am pro at that . And flipped my hair in the air to show him that his lame joke didn't bothered me at all .

"Why are you smiling , you should chase me instead"

I ignored him and took my mobile out from my pocket to dial my man's number as I started walking towards Tae . I was walking like a Cat who thinks She is the QUEEN of the world.

Tae looked at me with a super confused face .

"Today is Breakup Day, don't Breakup with him" he said almost chuckling .

"Well atleast I am not making Propose Day today" I side looked at him . Maybe I guessed right , he was going to propose someone. Maybe .

A pink Blush covered his cheeks and he smiled non stop looking here and there .

"Well , when you will come back , wait for me , I really have to tell you something." He said but he was unsure whether I was believing him this time or not "Really , I am not kidding. I will be late so don't sleep early . You can be late too , just enjoy with Jungkook."

I got it all . He was going to propose a girl and he just wants to share his feeling with me afterwards because he was my bestfriend and he can never hide something like this from me . But I don't know how he didn't told me about his crush yet . Like I have been observing him from so many days . But I didn't told him either when Jungkook and I got together. Maybe he wasn't sure about his feelings.

Wait ✋🏻 I am Overthinking WTF!

I was downstairs already when my eyes fell on a boy hugging a girl . My eyes became watery as I realized the boy was none other than Jungkook !

My vision got blurred because of all the tears I carried in my eyes . I was standing there still with no movements at all. I gulped as I sat down on my feet and wrapping my arms around my knees . I buried my face as I saw him kissing the girl with my blurry eyes .

Tears were flowing non stop , rolling down on my cheeks .
No! He cheated upon me. Why? I couldn't accept the reality .I sobbed as I recalled all the moments when we were both cute in love .

I didn't realized that someone was tapping on my shoulder from behind. I sobbed and looked at him , Jungkook was kneeling down and looked at me .

"YN!" he looked shocked , without wasting time he hugged me tightly .

"Hushhhh! Babie....YN .....what happened" He rubbed my back with one hand while his other hand caressed my cheek "why are you crying?"

I pointed my finger towards where I saw them and slowly looked in that direction .

"What happened YN?"

But wait !

Jungkook was still hugging the girl and he was also hugging me ?

"OH no!" I chuckled while crying when I realized "Fuck" I cursed on my own at my dumbness.

"Will you mind tell me now ? Why were you crying after looking at them ?"



"I thought-" I was smiling and I was too fucking embarrassed.

"You thought?"

"I thought that boy was you"

"OH my God " He looked up in the sky and then at me "YN!" He chuckled .

"I am sorry Jungkook , I don't know why I thought he was you . Ahh! I am really so-" and I felt his lips on mine .

"It's my mistake" he whispered as he sucked my lower lip "I haven't shown you myself enough"

I wrapped my arms around his neck .

Now his tongue moved on my chin "Your tears are salty" I smiled at the feeling he gave . Btw everyone's tears are salty . Idiot .

Why did he looked as if he changed ? Not in bad way but like he was shy at the start but now he didn't even hesitated to kiss me . And he was behaving like mature MAN . Woah! Totally opposite of his bunny cute personality.

I think he also became big , I mean maybe he worked out a lot . Or maybe I just noticed today . What a shame on me ? I didn't recognized my own man ?

He was no more kissing me instead he was now standing while I was still in his arms . He put me in his car.

" Hmmm , excited ? " he said while tilting his head.

I nodded and smiled while inner me was jumping in excitement .

"We didn't go on date because of exams" He said while driving .

"Thankgod they are over now" i replied while looking out through the window. I was both sad and mad at myself . I just didn't liked whatever I thought . What if he thinks that I don't trust him ?

"Hey! YN don't think about that" He noticed my facial expression.

"You will never fail to mistake someone else as me" he slightly smirked "BABY GURL!"

I blinked my eyes . Did I heard right ? I mean the way of him speaking like this. Walls he seducing me ? I was all red by now and Of course those dragons were racing in my stomach. Ahem!

"Why did you bring your bag with you ?" He said as he noticed my bag which I threw at the bag seat few minutes back .

"I will tell you afterwards" hehe this is something special.

We went to a reputed restaurant to eat . He had already booked a private table that was in a cell with almost no people . I sat down on the chair . He picked up the chair that was kept opposite to mine and put it beside me .

He sat and locked our fingers and smiled
"what do you want to eat ?"

"Whatever you will order" I replied .

"I can't order Jeon Jungkook , he's too sexy to order , Baby Gurl" he chuckled and I punched his chest slightly .

Arghhhh!! That seductive looks and voice. Again.

"You're becoming naughty day by day"

He pouted and then ordered something . I looked at the waiter who stood beside us with a notepad and a pen writing all that Jungkook was ordering . He looked somewhat familiar to me . Have I seen him ?

"One Oreo freekshake also ☺" I looked at the waiter who smiled back at me .

"Of course ma'am"

He left from our table , and Jungkook just looked at me with frowned eyes and puffy cheeks .

"What ? 🙄" I shrugged at the look He was giving now.

"Why were you looking at the Waiter 😒" oh goddd for fuck's sake , I don't want him to be like those Boyfriends who thinks their girlfriend is there doll and can't look at others and should do whatever they wants. Well Jungkook never did this but it was just now, maybe he felt jealous . Maybe .

"He just reminded me of someone, he looked familiar ,I think I have seen him before"

"So what ?"

"So I was just thinking that where have I seen him"

"Did you recalled 😒?"

"I think he looks like that actor ...what is his name 🤔 ....yeah Li Minho"

"🥴 from which angle was he looking like Minho ?" Ah this boy , can't he just drop this matter which is not even a matter .

"uh! Forget it Jungkook"

Then the Waiter came with our order . This time I didn't even looked at him .

"Your Oreo freekshake looks tasty 😋"

" can eat everything except this 😁"

I hummed and took out the big piece of chocolate that was sitting peacefully on the cream .

Jungkook : wait ✋🏻

He said before I was about to eat the chocolate .

"what ?"

He took the piece from my hands and placed it on my lips .

"don't eat it , just hold it from your lips" He adjusted it on my lips "like this"

I obeyed as he said . He holded the other end of the chocolate in his mouth and made me sit on his thighs .

Was he going to waste my chocolate , I can't let him do this plz . This thought scared me so much that I started eating the chocolate that was already inside my mouth .

Soon his lips met mine and chocolate piece was still between our lips . He started sucking both of them together . He brushed his lips on my lips , that were covered with chocolate. He cupped my face and deepened the kiss . I hugged him as we passionately kissed each other .

He slid his tongue into my mouth to taste the chocolate. I moaned his name between all the goings . His kiss was no more innocent, he was getting wild with each passing second . He tasted every inch of my mouth along with the chocolate.

"So sweet" He whispered "Only for Daddy"

Wait what?

His one hand was placed softly on my neck under my hair and the other one caressed my waist .

"Lets eat now" He said while breaking the kiss as our forehead leaned on each other's.

"Aren't we already eating ?"

Time skips*

Tae's POV

I swiped the green button that popped on my phone screen .

Tae : have you reached ?

Micha : on the way

Tae : call me when you're home

She hummed .

I was already half dressed as it was evening . Only thing left to wear was the long black overcoat that my caring bestie ordered me to wear . Well I am gonna look handsome in any outfit so it doesn't matter . She cares a lot .

I stopped at a flower shop and went inside it . The old man , shop owner , looked at me and asked what I wanted to buy .

Tae : a bouquet 💐

He asked me what type of bouquet I wanted .

Tae : Smeraldo you have ?

He looked strangely at me . And made a bouquet of Smeraldo flowers and handed it to me .

Old man : how do you know about these flowers?

Tae : I read it somewhere

My lips curved as I said that . It's been a long time when I looked at her journal , from where I started liking her . I read many things about her in just a few seconds . I was smiling at the memories 5t

Old man : they are very rare and precious you know

Tae : Love is more precious sir

I paid him and went inside the car . I was really nervous, excited and shy . We were going to meet . I will propose her with her favorite flowers .

*I want someone to point out something that I was already hinting from the middle of few chapters 😶 ..lets see who notices*


We went to a gaming center. Where we both played some games. Jungkook also won plushies for me by playing games .

Then we went to the observatory at the hills . That was really cute and romantic . Though we both were together from morning , we had plenty of time to utilize.

He was running to win the race from me till his car . A race which wasn't even decided and he started on his own . Such a baby .

Now we were sitting in the car as we both were tired . He closed his eyes for a while as he rested his head on his seat .

"This was really fun"

"You haven't seen the fun yet" i can imagine his smirk in the sentence with my eyes closed . What is he trying to say .

"BABY GURL" arghhh not again . But no I was getting more into him . His perfume that felt mysterious just because if you are 10 cm close to him then only you can smell . It was attracting me very much .

Yes , this is one of my weak point . I am soft for colognes .

I felt myself bending towards him as he seemed to do the same . Finally , he leaned totally over me and started kissing my lips .

I felt a sudden rush of feelings that traveled through my spine . The soft kiss was no more soft instead it became more and more intense .

I was loving it . Too fucking sexy . He is too good at this . I felt like sucking his plump lips harder than he was sucking mine but at the same time I wanted to just carry along with him and let him do what he was doing .

I removed my coat that I was wearing over my dress and threw it in the backseat . His car was already warm . Even if the car wasn't warm Jungkook was perfect to work as a heating source . It's way more better than other heating things though .

He continued again with his kisses , that starts with pecks but have to go rough and rougher , I haven't felt the roughest though.

His hand was playing with the hem of my dress . Our nose were rubbing each other's nose tip . Eyes were closed as he started his kiss again . As if he was drinking water from a bottle .

Oh my lord ! This boy is heaven . What did I even do to deserve such a God-

We exchanged the positions as he made my sit in his lap . My legs were on either side of him while we were facing each other .

"You are so beautiful" He looked deep into my eyes and kissed me again . His hands were roaming all over my back while mine were in his hair , holding them .

He slid his hand through my free hair in his hand and pulled them back that made my head fell back . He took it as advantage to suck on my neck and leave his marks .

His hand slid inside inside my dress as he hold my waist with direct skin contact of it with his hand .

Soon his hand reached to my thighs making hearts on it with his fingers while he was biting my earlobes .

I stopped his hand that was reaching further up on my thighs "Mmmm....Jungkook-ah" he hummed in response "today Is 20"

He stopped as soon as he heard "shit" he whined like kids "your periods are going on"

Time skips*

We were sitting in the park , it was almost evening . The sky looked like it was about to drop snowflakes already getting dark . I rested my head on his shoulder .



"when will you come back then ?"

"As soon as Dad will get well"

So he was going to Busan because his dad was ill . He didn't told me that he will be going to Busan earlier maybe because he though he might ruin my mood . I side hugged him tightly.

"lets go" he said but I don't want to go . Can't he just stay like that for some more time . But if I will deny then It will be selfish of me and I don't want to be selfish because I am not .

"Hmmm , you have to drive also so let go"

We both went to his car and drive our way back . He stopped at my apartments to drop me . I was still sitting. He leaned towards me to unbelt me . And gently placed a peck on my forehead and showed his bunny smile .

"Now go upstairs, I will leave after seeing you"

I pulled a long face , 😒 . He cupped my face and looked into my eyes .

"I really love you YN"

And here my emotional ass forced me to throw my tears out from my eyes . He pressed my head on his chest . My ear rested on his chest were vibrating by the sensation of his heart throbs' .

"Don't cry . It isn't like I am going to America or somewhere , it's Busan . I will come back . Don't miss me much ."

I hummed and gave him a peck on his lips . And jumped out from his car .

"Go fast ...I will only go when you will go"

I moved towards my apartment with small steps but stopped in between to take a look of him .I saw some feather like thing in the air and their quantity was increasing with each passing second . It started snowing woah!! , I looked up at the sky , I couldn't help but ran towards Jungkook to kiss his warm lips .

*here I wanted to add a beautiful gif that fitted well with this scene but this wattshitt is shit , it's not letting me do so ㅠㅠ , so I will add it later on over here , meanwhile I am adding it in cover just before Spring day MV *

We melted into each other as if this was our last chance . Our lips separated only when his mobile rang.

"I need to go baby , Jimin Hyung is calling and I won't be able to leave you if you will make this puppy face "

I nodded and walked till the staircase but my body didn't cooperated with me and stopped at that instant just to look at Jungkook who was already sitting in his car and looking at me .

He smiled and gave me a flying kiss , Blush started covering my face .

I went up and heard the sound of his car , he left . Thought of missing him already started jumping in my mind. I miss him . I miss him already .

With heavy footsteps I was now standing at the door . My hand already on the doorbell pressing it lazily . And now I have to wait for Tae also .

Snowflakes are falling
And you are getting farther away
I miss you (I miss you)
I miss you (I miss you)
How much more do I have to wait?
How many more days do I have to stay up all nights?
Until I can see you? (until I can see you?)
Until I can meet you? (until I can meet you?)

Tae's POV

She was running in my mind . I continuously smiled while thinking of her .

I stopped in the street where we decide to meet . I stood infront of my car looking at the bouquet in my hands thinking already how will I start .

My eyes that were waiting to take a view of her moved at my watch and then to the opposite side of the road . I knew she would come from that side . It started snowing , a perfect time to meet .

A blurry figure caught my eyes . Yeah , this was my girl , Li Micha . She walked innocently and still standing on the opposite side of the road .

I smiled at her , she waved her hand with full enthusiasm and crossed the road .


The car comes to a sudden stop, the headlights flash, crashing, bouncing, falling.

I did nothing but stand defenseless in the face of all of those moments. I heard no sound and felt no sensations. There was the sound of something tumbling along the street. Then there was the scent of flowers. Only then did a sense of reality come to me. The bouquet of Smeraldo flowers fell from my hand.

⚠️ Mature content : mention of Blood ⚠️

She was laying there in the middle of the street. There was blood flowing in between the strands of her hair . The dark red blood flowed along the street .

Snowflakes were falling and piling everything on the ground .

I thought , " If only I could turn back time "

Like a snowpiercer, I was left alone
I wanna hold your hand
And go to the other side of the earth
Wanna put an end this winter
How much do I have to long for you like snow piles up on the ground

Like a tiny dust that floats in the air
Like a tiny dust
If the flying snow is me
I could've reached you
A little faster


I pressed the bell again but no one came . I held the door knob , it was unlocked already . I opened the door and went inside.

Lights were off , windows were shut . I called mom in a melodious voice "Mommy , where are you ? "

I couldn't hear the reply . Was she even replying?? I went to the kitchen but found no one. Lights were off so maybe she was in the park, I thought. Or maybe she fell asleep, I opened the door of her room and my eyes got widened.

⚠️Mature content : Mention of suicide ⚠️

She hung there on the fan , with a rope around her neck ,with no soul in her body .

I collapsed on the floor . All I could see was black color covering my eyes , my view . DARK , everything is dark now . She left?

Yeah, I hate you
You left me
But I never stopped thinking about you
Not even a day
Honestly, I miss you
But now I'll erase you
Because it hurts less than to blame you

I try to ease your pain
Like smoke, like white smoke
I say that I'm gonna erase you
But I can't really let you go yet


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This was in my draft from so long only some editing was left . Well one of my friend asked when I will be uploading so I thought of publishing it yesterday and I was in the middle of editing but but but my dear hubby , Hoba went live so don't blame me lol.

Also , I changed the way of writing . Actually I wanted to write in this way only from the starting but I wasn't experienced. Well , I am still not good but I tried my best 😅 .

Anyways, I really want to say a lot but I forgot already what I wanted to say .

And I missed Tae's live 🤧 I also missed the last ot7 live . Ahem!

And this is a prank the last two words of the chapter 🤣.

Also , I am not getting time to write or even post on sns , my exams and submissions are stopping me to engage with you all ㅠㅠ. Well don't worry , I will make you all proud one day :)

And I wanted to publish this chapter a week before but my mom got sick , she is hospitalized. She is good now but she is still in the hospital only . And since this chapter somewhat remind me of my mommy I just didn't wanted to but it's okay now . And I really am happy that some of you are loving this .

I appreciate all those who comments and relate YN as themselves, I really gets motivated . And know what I love to reply to all the comments , and when I am replying and always smiling hard . It's hard for me too to stop smiling while replying to the comments.

Anyways I don't know why am I writing such a long note lol .

I am trying to add a gif in the middle of this but it's not getting added . WTF :(

Also , I am re-editing earlier chapters In the same writing style with more meme images like this chapter.

I have a lot of assignments to do 😂😂. I will stop now.

Muah :************

Stay strong like me and my hubby ;)

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