Chapter 20

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He slightly holded the door knob as he inserted the password .

'Jungkook must be tired' was his thought an hour before when he was at the airport.

He didn't thought of bothering him to come and pick him up from the airport instead he just took the cab to come till the dorms .

He wanted to give him a surprise which added to the excuse why he didn't called Jungkook .

He was indeed happy . Very happy .

He stepped inside without making any noise . After taking his shoes out he made his way towards the one and only room who's lights were already on .

He thought Jungkook isn't slept yet so he tip toed to suddenly scare Jungkook .

Taehyung was at the door when he realized the familiar figure laying at the bed .

"Jungkookie" he said still standing at the door just in hope that Jungkook will show his bunny smile to him .

But No .

"Ah! He is Sleeping" he chuckled and made his way towards Jungkook .

He was curled up into a small ball with the diary sticked to his chest and Ofcourse the pendant that was between his chest and the diary .

Was there anything else between the diary and his chest?

Was it feelings or love ?!

Maybe .

Or was it memories ?


He came close towards him . He looked at his soft small plump lips that were slightly parted and then at his puffy eyes . He caressed his hair even though he knew he doesn't like anyone touching his hair . But Taehyung wasn't ANYONE . He was his friend , Tae . Bestfriend afterall. 

Tae smiled at him as he shifted his locks that were covering his forehead.  But the smile was no more when he saw his wet eyelashes  and the diary in his hands .

He shifted his own hand from Jungkook's hair to his hands so that he could take that journal out .

Taehyung didn't knew about this . He was clueless but not totally clueless.

He held the journal carefully that was opened already . Before looking at what was written he looked at the pendant that slipped on Jungkook's arm .

Not even a single second was used by him to recognize it . It was like the same pendant that YN used to wear but just different in color .

And how did it went to Jungkook when YN never gave it to him ??

Because the last day when YN and Jungkook were together YN planned to give it to him so she kept it in the same bag where she hid the journal last night when her dad suddenly came inside her room .

And when she was with Jungkook she was too happy that she even forgot that she brought a bag too that is kept at the back seat of the car.

Tae felt sorry for everyone . Still he managed to read what was written there .

And now he was the one who's eyes were melting .

Firstly,  his eyes became watery when he looked at Jungkook's tears on the pages and secondly at all the diary entries written in YN's handwriting.

"YN!!!" Eleven year old  Taehyung yelled as he bumped into YN's room .

"What? What is that show me!! We didn't get any homework so what were you writing? That isn't our school notebook by the way or is it?"

Taehyung was standing infront of YN with his arms crossed at his chest .

"Shut up!" YN rolled her eyes as she putted the journal into her drawer and locked it .

"Why?? What was that tell me!!"

"Lets go at Yoonji's house , she is waiting"

"Is someone bullying you and making you do his homework so that's the reason you're not telling me" Tae narrowed his eyes at his friend who was just shrugging off .

"Ani" she looked at him while adjusting her hair "I will tell you when you will become adult"

"I can't wait ....atleast give me some hint" Tae's curious ass was becoming impatient .

YN just sighed and hooked her finger in his T-shirt and dragged him out from his house .

"You will show me right?"

"Step out from your childhood first, only then"

"I am older than you pabo" He thought .

He looked at the photos she had pasted over there and how most of them were related to him .

Each and every moment that they enjoyed together were floating infront of his eyes .

How happy they were .

Tae didn't realized and almost an hour passed . He was sitting there on the floor with his nose and eyes red because of crying .

'How can she leave me alone? Why did she left me alone? Why?' He thought.

He was just looking at the picture of him and her . Now he smiled , ''I miss you'' he said and took a deep breadth while caressing YN in the photograph .

"You said you will take care of me , is this how you are taking care of me ? By hurting me ? Huh?" He murmured.

"I miss you very much , pabo"

He hugged his knees with the journal in his lap and buried his face .

Cried and cried .

Because that was the only choice left .

He was just thinking about the happiness he used to get when he played with YN when he used to tease her , when he used to prank her .

YN was like her real sister , he always thought this way . She was more than anyone else because she was there with him when no one was there , when his parents left him because of business.

They lived each and every moment of their lives together.

And he had made sure to be with her no matter what .

It was true that they became a bit busy while in high-school but they were all time together in the school and used to share everything.

He was sad and the fact that he didn't even saw her when she went through a hard time all of a sudden broke him even more .

His throat choked on his own as he cried and then at that moment he felt a hand caressing his back . It was strong and familier .

He knew he was Jungkook and he cried even more when Jungkook pulled him closer to his chest .

Jungkook patted his head from behind . Even though Tae was a bit elder than him but he was the one with more childish heart if compared .

He looked at the Glass filled with water that Jungkook had kept while confronting him . He wiped his tears and wetted his throat with water .

He felt guilty to look at Jungkook as he thought he made him cry too .

Jungkook wiped his own tears and looked at the floor "When did you came?"

"Err..Just ...Just now" He hesitated.

"Did you eat anything?"

"Yes I am full" he stopped himself from breaking up as he stood up with hung face .

"Yeah!" Jungkook said as he stood up too still looking at the journal that was resting on the floor .

They both took a deep breadth and Jungkook collected the pendant along with the journal , now keeping them at the safest place in a drawer where there was also YN's bag .

Yes , the bag that YN was carrying the last day when she was with Jungkook. By mistake she left her bag in his car only and none of them realized this when she was leaving . It was a few days later when Jimin told Jungkook that there was a bag at the backseat .

He stopped for a moment while closing the drawer and looked at the bag
"Why did you bring a bag with you?
You will come to know!" was echoing in his mind .

And again his eyes got wet , he looked away as he closed the drawer fully .

"That is your bed" he pointed towards a vacant bed at which Tae nodded .

"It's better if you sleep now and arrange your luggage afterwards"

"Yah" Tae nodded once again as he flopped on his bed while Jungkook placed a water bottle at the small table beside Tae .

"Should I turn the lights off?" Jungkook asked when he was standing near the switch board .

Tae nodded and within a sec the room went dark .

An hour passed like this , Jungkook was not able to sleep . He was changing his positions from left to right . Sometimes he was just looking at the ceiling that was dark because the lights were off .

He knew he might get sick if he didn't slept so he closed his eyes and forced him self to sleep .

"Shift aside" he heared a familier low voice .

Jungkook knew why he was here and he shifted to a side of the bed . He felt Tae adjusting beside him .

When Tae's parents left him he was not able to be alone at his home so he used to go to YN's house . And YN's Mom would take care of him .

She used to caress his hair until he was slept . Though YN and Tae were just kids she used to make them sleep on the King sized bed along with her . The bed that was rarely used by YN's dad because he was rarely in Korea .

She loved to see them playing and behaving like siblings but she was the first one to ship both of them .

But when they both grew and were teens , they needed some privacy but this didn't affected other things between them .

Tae treated YN's Mom like his own Mom or maybe even more than that . On the other hand , YN's Mom loved him more than she would have loved her lost child .

And all these were the reasons Tae was affected the most because he lost three most precious persons of his life.

"I am not able to sleep" Tae said .

"Try to sleep or you might get sick" Jungkook said .

Tae hummed and once again there was pin drop silence .

Few minutes passed but none of them were able to sleep .

"She wasn't the only one who left me at that day" Tae lowkey said while looking at the ceiling.  Both of his hands were crossed under his head .

"Who was she?" Jungkook asked as he gulped .

None of them have talked about this matter in the past two years . It seems as if they were ready to talk about that matter now.

"How do you know she was she?" Tae chuckled.

"My girlfriend told me"


"You was going to propose her at that day if I am right"

He chuckled once again.

"And how do you know she was the one I lost?"

"You seem to be broken the most and you never played with your phone like you used to"

"I miss her" Tae said as he sighed .

"I miss her too"

"I love her"

"I love her so much " Jungkook paused for a second "yet"

Tae could feel the pain Jungkook was suffering through. He turned towards Jungkook and softly placed his hand around his waist and snuggled into his chest .

On the other hand Jungkook knew it was hardest for Tae . His parents used to give him all facilities and money but love and embrace? Very little .

Tae was very close to YN and her mom but he lost both of them and he lost his soon to be girlfriend too . How can anyone be more broke than him .

Jungkook caressed his hair not knowing someone used to do this to make him sleep deep . And Tae smiled because he felt familier , Jungkook's hands roamed his hair like the same way like YN's Mom.

"She was very fond of you" Jungkook said reminding himself that it was Tae whome YN loved the most .

"I know" Tae giggled "more than anyone else, more than you Jungkook"

"OH,  so that's why she said 'you're sexy because you are JEON JUNGKOOK' "

And the very next moment he felt his T-shirt wet and Tae sniffing . 

Now it was Jungkook's turn to turn his body towards Tae's.  His one hand was still caressing his hair while the other was palming his face to wipe his tears .

Tae was the first one to fell asleep on the other hand Jungkkok was deep in thoughts but he also fell asleep in sometime .



At 4 am , Tae was sitting in the park while waiting for YN , listening to birds chirping . Thinking about the time when they both fell while cycling and YN was crying because Tae got hurt.
The moon was still there and he started singing on his own while looking at the moon but waiting for his moon .

🎶 Where are you?
Oh you
Why are you crying ?
You and I are the only ones here
Me and you
Oh you 🎶

Following into the deep night
The sound of him singing
Brings the scarlet morning
A step, and another step
The dawn passes
And when that moon falls asleep
The blue shade that stayed with him disappears

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The story will surely move forward  in next update but this is my favorite chapter .

And 4 o'clock is making it more beautiful . I am missing vmin a lot ㅠㅠ.

Thanks for reading and supporting.


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