Chapter 22

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Jungkook was wearing his clothes while Tae was still sleeping because it was Saturday and they didn't had to go to college .

Jungkook opened his laptop to do some assignments when he got the notification of his email.

It was regarding the home tutor only , so he replied that he will be coming in the evening by five o' clock.

Time flewed very fast and it was 4:30 in the evening , Jungkook was getting ready to leave for the house said .

"Bruh!! I am going , do you want me to bring something for you?" Jungkook said , picking his guitar bag.

"Come early and car keys are on my study table." Tae replied , while talking to Hobi on call.

Jungkook nodded while picking the keys and left.

Driving safely , he was on his way to the address written in the mail .

Ten minutes later , he was standing outside the house "House?? This is whole fucking bungalow!!"

Looking at the bungalow, he was a bit nervous but happy too because he is gonna get good salary.

He pressed the door bell and waited for the response.

He was greeted by a middle aged lady in black formal dress , looking like professional maids.

"Hello!" He smiled at the lady at which she nodded .

"I am-"

"Jeon Jungkook, the guitar teacher of Miss. Kim"

"Ah ! Yes the guitar teacher ." He stepped inside and followed the maid who was heading to upper floor

'Is Miss. Kim,  that kid she is referring to??' he thought .

"This is the room , sir, you can go." Jungkook nodded and opened the door to step inside.

His eyes fell on the kid who was laying on the cozy bed comfortably.

"Youuu??" the kid and Jungkook shouted in unison .

"So you're the kid ?? You're kid??"

"And you're the teacher?? You're teacher ??"

Both of them looked disappointed and amazed at the same time.

"Okay so what's your age ? I was told that I had to teach a Kid!!"

"Don't I look young ?" She said while walking to the table and looking her reflection in her iPad.

"Well!! Okay your age doesn't matter since your parents are gonna pay me." Jungkook blinked , adjusting himself on the couch placed in the cozy room.

"So Jeon Jungkook?! I am right ,your name is Jeon Jungkook?!" She asked , after sitting on the sofa that was placed infront of Jungkook.

"Yes!" Jungkook looked at her as if he was lost but because no matter how hard he tells himself that she is just a look alike , her everything makes him feel like she is YN herself but badluck because YN is no more.

"Jungkookah-!" She waved her hand infront of his eyes to drag him to the reality .

"Won't you ask my name?" She pointed to herself with her index finger and give that lame emoji smile .

"Kim Y-!" he cleared his throat , YNs name was about to spill out from his mouth "Jiwoo!"

She laughed after hearing her name thinking about how he remembered her name .

'She laughs like YN! Oh my God! Even her voice is also like hers .' Jungkook was looking at her hands , most probably thinking that her hands also looks like YNs.

"So , Sir!!" She jokingly said at which Jungkook got goosebumps because it sounded like she said in a seducing tone.

Kim Jiwoo , she was beautiful as our YN used to be.  She was the type of girl who would like to tease you whenever she wanted to lit her mood and whenever she wanted to entertain her self.

"Ha? No need to say sir , we looks like of same age group . We are in same class so , no need. "Jungkook was avoiding eye contact with her .

"Hmm , okay as you say ." She crossed her legs and sat like a 4 year old kid with her hands together in her lap.

"OH honey!!" Both of them looked at the door when it opened and a beautiful lady with Bob hair cut stepped inside .

"Mommy!" Jiwoo replied , hugging her back.

"So you are Mr. Jeon?" She looked at Jungkook then at Jiwoo.

Jungkook nodded with a smile .

"I am sorry honey , I am disturbing you between your classes but I just came to ask you that your Dad and I have to attend a party tonight so do you wanna join?"

"No, Mom you know right , i have a test tomorrow at college so I have to prepare for that." Jiwoo forced a sad smile on her face to pretend She was actually sad for not joining .

"OH ohkay dear! Then you prepare well." She patted her back and then nodded at Jungkook to sit because this good mannered boy was standing in order to respect his elder.

Seeing the door getting closed , Jiwoo ran to peep out of her room to make sure her Mom was gone.

Jungkook was sitting dumbfounded because he was supposed to be teaching and he wasn't teaching .

"Literally , will you like to go in Bussiness parties that don't even  look like we're partying and there are just old strict people ?" She rested her arms dramatically on the handrest of sofa .

"What is wrong in attending Bussiness parties?"

"Is this even a question?" she rolled her eyes because she was totally against Bussiness type of things.

"Just stop this topic and bring your guitar. " Jungkook sounded rude though he didn't meant to be rude .

"Hey ! Dude ! We're of same age so please don't act like you're ordering me." Getting annoyed She said .

"By the way , you could have made a better excuse. I see you are lacking brain." Jungkook said , crossing his hands on his chest.

"Why-" she was speaking when her words were cut down in between .

"Jiwoo!" Again the same lady came.

"Ah!! Yes Mom??" She was kinda nervous this time , she thought her Mom have listened everything .

"Isn't tomorrow Sunday?" She asked amusingly.

"So??" Jiwoo said normally .

"So you have test in college on Sunday??" Her Mom raised an eyebrow.

"What test ?? What are you talking about Mom?" She said as if they never talked about it.

'Wait, what is she saying?? Is she trying to fool her Mom?' Jungkook thought , exchanging looks with her Mom.

"When I asked for you to come to the party you denied because you have test at college and you have to prepare for that." She explained.

"No Mom , when did I said that ??" She asked , making a confused face .

"So what did you exactly said??" crossing her arms , she looked at Jiwoo who was blinking her eyes .

"I said I can't come." She smiled .

"And the reason?? Mind to explain." She titled her head looking at her daughter who was avoiding the party.

"Actually Mom, Jungkook and I are close friends and you know we are in the same class too . It is such a coincidence that he is the one who is chosen as my Guitar teacher .And because it's first time he came to our house he will feel bad if I will just leave . Right Jungkook ??"

She faced Jungkook and showed him those glassy eyes , forcing him to say 'Yes' .

Jungkook was standing dumbfounded, processing how smoothly she dragged him to save her ass . She shifted to his side and secretly pinched his bum from behind .

Jungkook's eyes widened and a sudden blush took spread over his face .

"Mr. Jeon??" Her Mom was now waiting for Jungkook to speak .

Jungkook just nodded .

"Are you both CLOSE friends ??" She raised eyebrows because she was suspicious,  not believing at all what her daughter blabbering.

Jiwoo was quick to engulf Jungkook in a friend hug . Jungkook was totally stunned at her sudden body contact .

"Yes Mom see. We are also comfortable you know." She said with full confidence while Jungkook was turning blue because he was not able to breathe properly .

Mrs. Kim's eyes traveled to Jungkook's hands , they were hugging eachother or it was just Jiwoo being like a Koala sticking to a tree .

Jiwoo observed this too and once again she pinched Jungkook , at wherever her hand was placed while hugging him .

Jungkook forcingly hugged her back, 'if she got caught , she might deny getting taught by me and then I might lose this job, it's better to help this dickhead this first and last time.' was his thought .

"Are you sure you both are really close friends?" The lady was still suspicious.

Jungkook pulled her hair quickly in a bothering manner that made the girl hurt "yes Mom , look we fight like friends too .Right Jiwoo?" He showed his bunny smile to her .

"Yes Mom, you heared, he called you Mom too" Jiwoo could do nothing instead of nodding .

Mrs. Kim was somewhat believing them now , she nodded and left the room .

Jiwoo and Jungkook quickly separated and sighed together , holding their chest in their hands because they were almost holding themselves back from panting.

Again the door wide opened so Jiwoo quickly tried to hug him again that led both of them trip and fall on the couch . So that Jiwoo was on top of Jungkook and Jungkook was fully on the couch while his left leg was hanging in the air.

"Look Mom we are friends" she said while struggling between the situation as her whole body was pressed on Jungkook's body.

Jungkook's eyes and lips were tightly shut but he still nodded .

"Oh,  Miss Kim . I am sorry please have your time." The maid , whome they thought was her mom was embarrassed and shutted the door making it close.

Jiwoo sighed , relaxing her face just above Jungkook's face making him gulp , her lips were just a centimeter far from his.

Both of them were having a hard time while making eye contact.

'Why all of a sudden I am feeling butterflies in my stomach . Oh shit! My boobs are pressing his chest hard .

Is he sweating ? What is that droplet on his forehead, sweat?

Fuck! He is so handsome,  why did I just noticed this , his lips are- like -like -

monkey's butt, they have red butts right?'

Now she was confused , none of them were separated yet.

Jungkook was lost in his thoughts too 'Brown eyes! Brown hair! Ear piercing in both ears at exact place . Is she?? But how . No she can't be ....why am I hurting YN's soul .'

"Jungkook-ah!?" She said , in low voice.

"Hmmm!" Jungkook hummed.

'Why Jungkook-ah? Why that ah is to be added in my name?' He thought.

"What is the color of monkey's butts?" she had the same reaction ,like kids.

*She fucking asked that question from Jungkook 😂😂*

"Haven't you seen in mirrors?" Jungkook said in the same low voice .

"No but !! Your lips" she chuckled and touched his lips softly "why do they remind me of monkey's butt?"

"YN?!" Jungkook said , with tears filled in his eyes .


"Get away from me." He pushed her making her fall on the floor .

"Hey you rude bitch!! I was about to get away ." She said making herself stand on her feet.

She faced Jungkook, who wasn't responding only to find that Jungkooks face was buried in his hands.

"Hey bro, you okay?!" She asked ,but again he didn't responded.

"Jungkook-Ah!!" She shaked him from her hand.

"Why?? Why are you saying Jungkookah not Jungkook?? And if you are Japanese why are you so comfortable while speaking in Korean?? Why?? Why?? Just why?? Why do you remind me of...."

Jungkook raised his voice , while wiping his tears that were now rolling down till his cheeks.

"Remind you of ??" Jiwoo asked , getting a little emotional too because a person was crying infront of her .

"Nothing!" He said while resting his head on the head rest "bring your guitar."

"First tell me what you were saying. Remind you of?"

"It's none of your fucking business!" He cursed .

"OH yeah , I thought we could be friends but I don't have that bad taste in friends as well." She stood up, bringing her guitar to take lessons.

"How much knowledge do you have about guitars and music ?? Or do you have a little or none?" He asked , now behaving like teachers.

"I am at null point ." She plainly said , her mood was ruined badly because she wasn't the type of girl who can stand bitchy asses and rude people.

"Okay, so first of all we will learn about its parts ." Jungkook was totally in his teaching mood now.

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Tae tweeted his pic and I dunno why I am just laughing while looking that pic. That's is reminding of Jk's Vlive 😂😂 "I am okayy , bc I am jaykayy"

I don't have much to write today .

But please stay healthy.


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