23.| My Species |.23

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I have another one that I share with xX__Dumb_Trash__Xx but I'm too lazy and this took me 4 days 🥺
But you'll find some infos about them in my old trash book that's on Emilysugarcane

The book is Trash Book 3 and the title is ".Our Original Species."

I have other two species but they don't walk on two legs.


A Eriasimo has a strange dog-goblin ears but floofy. They have swirly cheek marks on their cheeks. Their eyes changes shapes based on their emotions. Their wings can be any kinds like Bird wings, demon wings, crystal wings (if they're rare.), any if long it's acceptable so don't give them 🅿️🅿️ wings you pervs. Their fur needs to be light too.

For the hands:

They have these kinds of hands. The middle hands are their symbols.


They are born by their parents fusing with their magic together or "wrestling."

But also, their skin color is the same color similar to their birthstone, I can't add pics but there's multiple on June, October, November, and December.


How they multiply

(This is very old and they don't call that anymore.)

Emily and Aubrey doesn't even look like that anymore :(
I also forgot that the symbols doesn't have to be parts of their parents but oh well. It already says it in the lazy fam pic.

Emily's new symbol is something.


They can only have 4 powers. But based on what kind of Eriaismos they are, like, Water, Light, Nature, Wind, Fire, Crystals, Candy, and Anything...they have those kinds of powers.
If a Eriaismos fell in love and created their children and the parents are different kind of what their Element is, their children can be honestly be anything.

They can also fuse together. and yes, Eriaismos can fuse with other species, including humans.


They can live up to 329 or more than that. Maybe live forever!
They may still look young or look like how they actually are.


What's in the pile of They can also be shattered



They have swirly cheeks too but it's like this instead:

The swirls can be any kind of shape but it needs to be the swirly.

Have a example:

Now for the eyes, it's pitch black but has pupils are other colors and can be a different design.
But some of them can be the same color as their pupils except it's still darker, it's not rare but it's uncommon.

They have floating arms. They can make them not floaty if they want. It's mostly helpful when they're in trouble so they can get their arms to go around other things.

Their tails looks like this. The color of what their creature mostly used to make them.

Tongue needs to be the same color as some shade of their hair.


They were born being a colored object. Any. The person collect nice small objects and brings them to a magic pastel rainbow waterfall where they can make things go to life but it's only turned out to be a baby Fonier. The magic pastel rainbow waterfall is located in a different universe planet. It's full of aliens but they don't look like the ones you always think of. But they are human like and have big floppy goblin ears. Fonier can visit earth. And sometimes, other species go to that planet to see new things.


They can't die of age but they can still get hurt and die.


They can get sick and pieces of them falls out. They can be crushed, sliced, beat up to death, burnt, but they can't get food poison (even though it makes people sick but it doesn't make them fall out.)
When they're dead, 12 months later they'll come back soon because someone who loves them splashes the magic waterfall water onto their dead pieces.

Shuobieos Uni/Shoutatos Uno's

They are fluffy Doggos with wings and has a like a human body with big floof tails. They have this thing that stores are powers and like a fancy clip on either left or right one their heads are called Charmonia. Rares can have 2 on both their heads. Their Charmonia is like part of them so it would hurt as hell if you try to rip it off of them. It may make them lose their powers since it's stored there. They can easily sue you. Not really possible for them to get their powers back but if any other creatures sacrifice some their powers and give it to them, it'll be easy unless the creature give it to them. It might get their Charmonia back.

They have something what it calls a "Sybol." A sybol is their Symbol of what they are. It stores their magic as well. They have marks that can be on their hips, thighs, cheeks, neck, top hands, any really.

All Charmonia and Sybols has to be unique, theirs no same or similar unless they're twins. But their colors can't be similar.

Those aren't Charmonia's because it would have more details.


They are known to be The scariest h0es and gives the deadliest stare when they're angry.
When they're flustered, Depressed/sad, and tired, they are weak af biches. Never make them angry.

to know if they like you, their chest where their souls are, glows the color of their souls.

They have a hole that's the shape symbol of what they are on their backs. What it is, is something they can carry large, small, and any items. They can pull it out through their clothes and light glows out but stops when they fully got it out or got it back inside.


Live as long as they want. These creatures grows until they stopped aging at age 5 for 1 year. When they get in their age 30's, their hair, wings, and tail turns into 4 main colors, Charmonia either gets more of an upgrade or gets bigger, and their pupils turn into shapes of what their symbol is. If they don't have pupils and just plain pupils shades, then ONE of their main colors turns into the shades of their eyes. Upper, bottom, or middle.


Based on what months they were born on, they are the color and symbols of what we think of.
Laura is born on February, Maura is born on May, Brock is January, August, And Maximus is November.



Can be anything, but also Opposite Day shares the same month so black and white too.


Valentines colors, just like pastel colors and other pretty stuff.


Green for Saint Patrick's day. Any shades of green but please make it pretty. But there's also brown.


April fools and easter shares the same months so the child is either one of them, Twins can be each one, and triplets has one each and one of them are both.


May is like on Mother's Day so like you think of flowers and pretty motherly stuff. What they are doesn't have to be a flower though.


Summer colors or Father's Day. But for rares, since pride month is on June 1, your rare Shuobieo can be born what LGBTQ+ colors they are. But just letting ya'll know, just because they are born being the flag color doesn't mean they are already born being the sexuality of that color. They need to experience it first so don't assume what their sexuality or gender is.


Three colors. (Example: Tide-pod.) and can have pretty kinds of stars.


Green, red, pink, white, and black for National watermelon day. Happiness happens day shares the same month too so you think of yellow.


Some plain colors.


Dark colors and a little bit of light.


Some brown, orange, yellow, green, red, and black.


Some blue colors. Like icy blue or ocean water. Can kinds of blue, even with green.


This random strawbaby that is a strawberry Uni and they is on February.
Flowers, Berries, Fruits, Weather, And Crystal family are created when the two same kind symbol of two Uni parents get together and make children that are related to the list.

Strawberry and a chocolate (obviously not a berry.) Uni makes a child that's strawberry dipped on chocolate and can have a little white syrup on. But if the child is born on other months instead of February or March, their strawberry dipped Charmonia and their fur colors are different. But the child can also be a cake or any other red-pink and brown colors. Any other combinations works.

Rare Crystal Uni are born on what the birthstone is. It starts with two rare crystal Shuobieo Uni's getting together.

Im guessing you guys already know what the flowers, Fruits, and weather turns out.

How they multiply

They make babies by making dem cloud shapes with their magic together but they can also do the same how humans make babies like "wReStInG."
The babies are called Shoutatos uno which means ugly Potatoes no u. They can be officially called a Shuobieo Uni when they hit to age 13 or older. (I was gonna draw pregnant Maura for the first time but no. Haven't drew pregnant women for 4 years.)


They can't die from age but they can still get hurt and die. But there's a thing called "Ribbons diseases." (Now can be for everyone so it's not just for the Shuobieos.)

A ribbon disease, What is it supposed to be actually? Welp, it's a disease (Jajajaja made up on something bad.) and of people were born with it. It's pretty rare for them to get it and can be scary. It's not that bad, they don't bleed so neon or pastel ribbons comes out instead, their skin sometimes can be sensitive and easily be cut, and it's possible they won't live that long so they're really special and needs to be protected at all costs. And yes, if they get a nose bleed, only one ribbon string will be shown. And also, if they throw up or cough off blood, glowing neon or pastel ribbons will come out. Theres all different colors of them.

There's only two good things about having them, they're good to choke and fight people and grab on into a lot of things through their hands that has their symbols. The bones are unusual different colors and glow, the inside meats are unusual colors too.

Fun fact

They are enemies with Repous Catoxeoz. (Reaper Cats Cuz They Steal Dem Damn Souls Cuz Thats What They Do For A living—) because they all have issues. When a Shuobieo Uni's hard work has been destroyed, their children disappears, And Wives/Husbands/GenderWhateverLovers left them, They all blamed it on the Repous Catoxeoz. They get trust issues because some Repous Catoxeoz can shape shift and mimic the people they knows voice. Better be honest with the Uni's or else their trust levels are going to drop.

Repous Catoxeoz

These creatures are born to be horny, edgy, and an a$$hole cats. They take things from others and always gets away with it. They are shape shifters and mimic voices of your loved ones. Do not be fooled by these creatures when you're all by your own. They're silent hunters. They have tentacles that they can summon to kill, grab hold of things, anything handy. Their jobs are to steal souls because they have nothing better to do with their lives. They love gore and weapons. They have symbols as well. Not all Happy Unicorns, Rainbow, and sunshine', And Smiles but devilish like symbols. They have big fluffier tails. Their tails can do almost anything if it's fLoOfyer or big enough. They can have a mouth tail, an Eye, Ring Tails, Bone Tail, Two tails, Any if long it looks like a tail. They have furry tip things on their ears.

but to know if they like you, they give you the left middle finger which means they love you but use the right then they just think you hate them, but use both middle fingers than you love them as a friend or hate and love them at the same time. they hate you too. To show another way they like you, is they put their two fingers to their lips and blow a kiss in front of you and a black heart that you can see floats right towards you. Catch it and put it in your mouth and that means you accept but catch it then crush it means you reject. Catch it, and then drop it means you'll think about it.
but they don't be more a$$holes if you reject because they would do the same too—
Just gives you a annoyed face then Moves on.

they have Long tongues. They won't hesitate to kick a child especially when it's a Shoutatos uno/Shuobieos Uni and wont give a foocc.
Big Tails are the floof and you can get stuck in there and see what's wild inside :)))
But might kill you if you do Touch it unless you're the lover. Hates their Own Family members doe.

How they multiply

They are created the same way how humans make them. "wReStLiNGG—"
Their children either born to be spoiled, Nice, depressed, doesn't give a f—
They'll have to learn what their parents taught them.

"Fell in love the our enemies Shuobieo Uni and you'll die."
"Shoot that guy over there."
"Ya'll gay."
"I crave ass."


They shape shift and mimic people's voice. Sometimes they can't feel pain and when their body parts gets chopped or ripped off, they can still control it and able to place it back unless it's lost forever. They gonna have to steal another persons body parts for a new one. Some of them has venoms under their nails/claws. They have tentacle powers, any colors, any kind. Summons them by their hands or they feel pissed. But they can have other powers.


They live as long as they like.


Well, it's pretty hard and impossible for another species to kill these a$$holes but if it's another Repous, that's no challenge. Can't really die from age. They can get food poisoned but it won't kill them obviously.


They are similar how Shuobieos are born.


Can be anything.


Neon and pastel pink. The ones that's born on February are always the sweet ones. But heres a secret, most of them can be fake and known to cheat on other partners. They have the power to hypnotize others and make them fell in love with them.


Bad luck. Colors can be anything really, if you want to go crazy, use other heavy colors. They also can have chaos powers since they're born on March which is bad luck for them.


Ew, a fool. Pastel, neon, and other heavy colors. Go big big crazy for this one. They play jokes on people and are absolutely more insane.


Just some pastel and normal colors.


Still an a$$hole.


3 colors.


Black cat appreciation day. Of course black and green colors.


Plain colors. Mostly these who are born on September are depressed or doesn't give a f—


Obviously dark colors. Manly plain, dark purple with green Hazel eyes.


Plain thanksgiving colors.


icy snow colors for like urban legend ghosts.


Repoubieos Caxu

The creatures is a Shuobieo Uni and a Repous hybrid. Yes, two enemies making big mistakes. They wres—Okay imma stop. These creatures mostly dies early because the child always turns out to be unhealthy for obvious reasons. But if the child managed to survive, well that's great. The species can either look like they take some parts of their parents or be born on other months. They still have a Charmonia from their Uni parent. They have both of their parents powers but it won't be easy for them to control it. For the Shuobieo Uni or the Repous has the ribbons disease, the child has that too so there's 99% of them already dying even being still a fetus.

They can either take sides of their parents, but If they get divorced, cheat, kill each other, any harm to each other, the child has the rights to run away. Divorced one is kinda mostly for the child to choose who they wanna live like normal people do, but there's a third option for them to not choose any sides.


They're creatures that are LGBTQ+. They can be fLooFy for smooth skinned. They have a shape thing that's the color of what their sexuality is and its placed on their chests. Their tails, ears, eyes, tongue, blush, tears, blood, and SWEATS are the color of their sexuality. Now for the gender thing, to show what gender they identify as, they wear colors of the gender flags.


The rule is the child's born to be the color gray or light gray with no sexuality colors of their parts because they don't born being the sexuality because they need to experience it first like others. It's possible they can experience it early. Yes, it's possible they can turn into another color sexuality if they realized they've actually bisexual (or whatever other examples.) but they can't just choose to change their sexuality because they need to realized that like other people. To know if they're lying being *insert sexuality* they are still the color of what they actually are.

How they multiply

I actually dunno. That's a secret.


They can spread bubbles if their sexuality or gender from their chest shape. Whatever they touch, turns into their favorite color if they want.


They live like humans. Rare ones either stops aging or become a immortal.


They can turn into candy pretty dusts of their gender when they do.



Any questions?


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