I think I'm in deeeep shit.

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This guy (Trevor) actually was one of my first comic characters when I was younger tbh so to revamp him I feel so childish again!

I think I have a crush also and that barely ever happens so for me to have that is just.Dang.

The bad part is he reminds me so much about my childhood crush so much but is so different in a way. Complete opposite really.He's extremely humble,nice,and rather a smart one at that as well!

It's nice not having every question be like" So um what'd you get for 5? Huh? What do you mean by that?" So it's rather refreshing really.He even likes my type of music, movies and fandoms. 

And he kinda shocked me a lil today when he snatched my sketch book.I said the usual truth, my art is shitty.Ha he said it was a funny kind of shitty. Idk if he's one hell of a crush or a further best friend.

Monday is now my favourite day.

Enough about my lovey dovey crap.

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