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Hey mates, as you guys know I've been having a bit of stress( more like a shit ton) at home,school and lessons.Although I do my best work with stress I can't seem to compose anything concrete in my head at all art wise.Also I'm losing a lot of weight due to this and that's really really bad as I work out daily and for my weight to drop like a ball like that it's not healthy for me.

I might not update this art book for probably a few days for me to get my head on straight and when I get over my stress and art block.

Yeah yeah why are you taking a hiatus so early in your goddamned art book?I'll still update the rest of my series and all just not this book for a while.

So I'm terribly sorry for that mates.Always will hate my art with all my being but it hurts a bit that I can't even compose anything at all.Makes me feel a bit cheap if I do say so myself and I don't want to bring you guys absolute shit and be like " Here take that"

I do love you guys and therefore want to give you at least SOMETHING  worthwhile.So it hurts me to say it actually but I'll always be online (most) of the time if you guys want to chat or something.

I'll see when I'll update till then you guys can always check out the Weirdo series if you bored or anything.Once again soooo sorry for the absence of my terrible art.

                              ----------------------------ll Rocketor ll-----------------------------------------

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