pt 2

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I don't fancy the 3rd of June as it was a day I lost one amazingly dorky friend that helped me in more  ways than I can call out.She made me the  person I am now because of her.

Take this advice from me when I say cherish your friends.They can be how stupid at times even dorky. They're still your friends.

You can't simply replace them, ever.Some friends may come and go but every one that leaves, leaves a mark on you be it good,be it bad.

You always have a time period with them,so cherish the dumb and fun times ,the laughing for no reason,even the tough times.

They're your friends,but never take them for granted.Yeah call me a big ol' softie. Maybe. But heed my advice from experience. Enjoy the company while you have them.

I know this may be just a crappy lil comic to you guys but I just wanted to make something for her to show some gratitude even though I can't physically anymore.And to have something on my account to show that she did help me back then.

That's all for today I guess.

Thanks for reading.

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