The Intercommercial

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Saphie's Entry

Saphie: "checking on her laptop" Hm.... Oh! "clicks on a video file" I remembered this! My group's Health project! o3o I wonder if it's still good. "plays video"

"Video starts"


Amy: "twirls around and shows one finger" Tip no. 1 :)

Espio: "as the narrator" Don't use your real name in making your account. Try to make your own instead.

Sonic: "types, 'Blues4Evr786' on the username box" Done! :D "thumbs up"

Amy:  Tip no. 2! :3

Espio: Your name, password, email address and such are yours. Don't share it to anyone else.

Sonic: "typing"

Shadow: Hey. What's the password of your account?

Sonic: Nuuuu! >.< "covers screen"

Shadow: Faker -_-"

Amy: Tip 3! ;)

Espio: Be nice when you're at a social network, such as Twitter, Facebook, etc.

Cream: "types, 'Good afternoon, everyone!'" ^^

Marine: Aw! That's nice! X3

Amy: "winks" Tip no. 4!

Espio: Think before you type.

Scourge: Hm.... -3- Aha! :D "types"

Mephiles: Hope he'll type something good -3-

Amy: "jumps" No. 5!

Espio: When making an account, ask for the supervision of your parents to ensure that your account's safe to use.

Silver: Um... Dad. Am I doing okay? .-.

Shadow: "sighs" Yes. -.-

Silver: Thanks ^^ "types"

Amy: "pops out behind a tree" Tip 6! :D

Espio: Explict content, R-18 stuff such as nude pictures "clears throat" . When you accidentally click those, leave immediately.

Saphie: "surfing the Internet" Hm... "clicks a link" Oh fudge nuts! O//////O

Sonic: Saph don't! >//////< "covers her eyes"

Saphie: "covers his as well" >///////< What the flipping heck?!

Amy: Tip no. 7! X3

Espio: If you seen any bad tests and messages or pictures about you on the net or on your phone, tell a parent about it.

Tails: "checking his profile" ...What? Are they saying I'm a WIMP?! "cries a bit and runs over to Knuckles"

Knuckles: Tails, what's wrong?

Tails: "sniff" There's someone posting terrible stuff about me ;o;

Knuckles: ..."hugs" It's alright. I'll deal with this.

Amy: Tip 8! XD

Espio: If there's someone who's still bullying you through the network, block that person's account and ignore it.

Manic: "checking" Okay so- what the?! 'I'm a pesky moron?!' That's it! D:< "blocks account and resumes surfing"

Scourge: AW MAN!!! DX

Amy: Tip 9! 9! 9! X3

Espio: Help others out if they experience the same problems as well.

Sonic: "walks to Manic" Hey bro! Wassup? ^^

Manic: Nothing much. Just dealing with an offender here. -3-

Tails: "pops out from nowhere" Really?! Me too! D:

Saphie: So did I! >.<

Sonic: Well, why don't we help out to deal with it? Shall we? :D

All: YESH!!! XD

Sonic, Shadow, Silver and Saphie: "jumps out simutaneously behind the bushes" TIP NO. 10!!!

Espio: Don't share too much of your personal profile. Be careful of whom you will talk to and what you're talking about.

Amy: ....So like, oh my! He's the coolest guy I've ever known! I wonder if he's cute! >w<

Blaze: Oh mine's very nice ^^ He wouldn't telk me where he lives though but I don't mind.

Saphie: I knew a boy too. He may be a bit cool when we're chatting through the net but he's very kind too. :3

Sonic, Shadow and Silver: "walks up to them" Hello.

Amy: Y-Y-You.... O////w////O "faints"

Sonic: o3o

Silver: Hi there! ^^ "waves at Blaze"

Blaze: Oh um .... Hi. "blushes a little"

Saphie: Hey you guys! Hi Shadz! ^.^

Shadow: "smiles" Hey

Espio: That's all. Thank you for watching and remember. Stay safe, especially at the Internet.

*Video ends*

Saphie: Greatest project weve ever made. ewe

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