chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Sid leave

VN : Parul how are you bata?

Parul : Iam good aunty and what about you?

VN : Iam also good and how's Your family?

Parul :  All Good aunty. Aunty where is abhi bhai and Vaish bhabi?

VN : There are go for business deal.

Parul : Ok

Then suddenly parul saw avu

Parul : Who is this girl aunty? (Pointing by avu)

VN : Actually she is

Parul : tell who is she?

Avu : Iam Avneet Siddharth nigam

Parul shocked

Parul : What?

Avu : Yeah

Parul : But how's this possible? Your and sid's age and this is not age his to marry. So how (shockley)

VN : Actually bata. Problem is that is a

VN told her everything

Parul : what? How can uncle do this?

VN : But it’s ok. We are happy now with relation. Avu is really nice girl.

Parul : But. Avu  did  you sid saw in before marry?

Avu : No I didn’t saw him and I didn’t know  before marry sid's age. We did Court marriage. On marry time also I didn’t know him. That's why It's happen

VN : Ok bate. Talk will it later. Now Let's go room Parul. You did long journey now take rest. Come with me

Parul : Ok

Then they go and avu also go office

In room

Parul dii and VN talking

Parul : Aunty. I didn’t understand how you guys do that with sid

VN : I know but (cut by parul)

Parul : but how sid will be comfortable with this relation and avu also because there age. You know na aunty sid is really childish. How he?

VN : I know but did you forgot avu mature. You know how avu handle sid. Sid's all wish. Sid's all need. She fulfilled. She handle him so beautifully. Don't worry

Parul : But aunty (cut by VN)

VN : Don’t think much. Take rest

Then VN leave from her room and parul dii thinking

Parul's prov : I understand that she is handling sid. But what about her wish. She is mature. She have some wish for his husband  and her. She have a right to fulfill her wish . Her duty as a good wife she handling but what about sid. Is not sid's age to handle this all things. Her needs how will he will fulfill . How? She is mature. She also have some desire for his husband . What about that? How sid will fulfill her desires. Her need. That's why Iam thinking because sid is still kid now and Avu is mature. How this marriage will be complete. How will be It's perfect.

Parul's prov end

But is it true. Don't think that she is doing wrong. She have right to think about his brother  and she is thinking true because in this cases. We all growing and we all starting increasing our desire for our marry and adult life and this avu also have some desire and sid didn’t have  much think about it. Sid is kid and he did marry but didn’t thinking about it much. He living his life fully good as he did before marry.But what about avu. She have desire. How will she complete that's? Her need?. Is it main think in story because people think age matter. Is it really age matter in love?but Iam thinking age doesn’t matter in love and friendship. Age is Just number nothing much.

You know guys our society all the time tell girl that "You Start thinking about marriage and your desire Because girl life only belong another person and another family " Is it true? That's think of our so called society. This society tell girl to thinking that. So that's why it’s happen. It’s all about so called society

Now see avu how will handle her desire? Avu will be able or not?

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