chapter 4

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Chapter 4

In morning

(Sid was sleeping in room and avu is washroom and avu cone and see he was sleeping like cute baby . She smile to see. Then suddenly someone in knock the door. Avu go and open door and see)

Avu : MOM you are any problem and any work?

Vibha : No avu. I was just come yo wake him. He will not wake then. I have to wake him

Avu : Ohh. Ok. Mom don’t worry. I'll wake him

Vibha : But........

Avu : MoM don’t worry I'll handle it

Vibha : Ok. Iam going to make breakfast. Please come soon

Avu : Ok mom

(Then vibha mom is gone then Avu go to sid and she was trying to wake up)

Avu : Sid wake up. Mom is tell you to wake fast. Sid sid sid

(Sid was not wake up)

Sid : Mom don’t disturb me (sleepy)

Sid : Mom you also sleep with me

(Sid say and pulled avu to close sid)

Avu : Sid sid Iam not mom. Iam avu wake up

(Suddenly avu's hair water fall in sid's eyes and sid jark  with  wake)

Sid : So.... So...... Sorry..... Please... Please.... Don’t say to....Uncle please please

(Sid was scared and avu was calm him)

Avu : No No I'll not tell anything

Sid : Really. Promise

Avu : Promise

Sid : Pinky promise

(Showing her pinky finger)

Avu : Yeah pinky promise

Sid: Hmm

Avu : Now go and get ready

(Sid wake up now he was take bath and come with covering towel and he looks so hot then avu eyes was saw him and she started staring him then sid)

Sid : what happen? Why are you staring me. Am I looking bad (with crying face)

Avu : No. You are looking nice

Sid : Really (with cute smile)

Avu : yeah

(Then sid become more sid and say)

Sid : No you are lieing (with crying face)

Avu : No really. Iam not lieing

Sid : True

Avu : Yeah

Sid : Ok

Avu : Now go and get ready

Sid : Ok

(Then sid was get ready and he was looking really hot)

(Avu also looking hot)


Then they go for breakfast)

In breakfast table

VN (Vibha Nigam) : Sid see bata I was make your favourite food

Sid : Thanks a lot mom. It's yammy (smile like baby)

VN : eat

(Sid start eating. Avu staring him then suddenly sid start cough)

Avu : what happen sid? (Worried)

VN : what happen? (Worried)

Sid : Mom It's spicy (Tears fall in eyes)

VN : Sorry bata just mistake

(Then suddenly avu give water to sid and sid drink water. VN and AN (mean Amal nigam) Happy to care for sid)

AN (in wispare) :I was told you na . She is good for sid. She handle him.don't worry

VN : Yeah

App bolo next kyha hogha any idea tell me in comment

Bye bye

See you soon

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