Chapter 42

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Chapter 42

Avu's prov

Iam in now office. But Iam not able to focused on my work. I just thinking about sid and Anu. When I saw them together I feel really jealous. I don’t know what happening with me. But I should call sid. Then I called him but phone is Ringing but sid didn’t picked then Iam again called him and then someone picked call and said " Hello " It’s  a girl voice I just shocked and Said " who there? Where is sid? Why you picked this call? Say me " That girl said " Iam Anu " I got really angry to hears her name I said " What? But how's  sid phone with you? Where is sid? He is ok na? " Anu said " Actually he go washroom and forgot his phone there so I picked call " I said " Ok when sid wil come tell him to call me " Anu said " Ok I wil tell him " She said and cut call. Now I just burning in jealous. Don't know what is this girl doing? Is she sat with sid together . don't know what is Iam thinking and saying. I Just irritated and jealous like hell.Then I try to focused on work but I couldn’t. I just thinking about them then suddenly sid called me After saw his name in phone I take relieve breath and happily pick the phone and said " Hi sid " Sid said " Hello Avu, Anu said you called me? Why? What happen?  Any problem? " I said " Nothing Actually I called you to check did you guys go College or not? But Anu tell me you guys in College " Sid said " yeah we are in College " I said " Ohh Ok. How much class Period done?" Sid said" Just one period done now mein and anu in Canteen " Again Anu? I said " Ohh where is she now? " Sid said " She just go for ordered something " I said " Ok " Sid said " Did you go office? " I said " Yeah I came office sometimes age " Sid said " Ok bye " I said " Ok Bye take care " Sid said " Avu you always say take care, take care why? Iam not a small kid " I just chuckled sid just said in cute angry pout . I said " Ok Ok I understand. Now don't be angry with me? Ok Understand? " Sid said " Ok bye "Then Sid cut call and I trying to forgot about them and start my work. Then after work I go home in evening and I saw sid come home but with anu. I just saw Anu with sid Again and Iam start burning agian. Sid saw me and said " Avu you come " I said " Yeah " Sid said " Anu also come home with me actually teacher give us a project. So we complete that together. That's why I tell her to come my Home " Avu said " Ok No problem do your work whatever you guys woona to do " I said and get out from Room. Then  after sonetimes I saw sid and Anu in Mein and Sid's Room. They are really happy with together. They are laughing, doing fun and enjoy. I just happy that sid is happy with her. But Iam jealous also that Anu with sid. Anu's closeness with sid. It’s really making me jealous. Then I saw Anu Just staring sid . she just lost on him. It's making me more jealous then I go and Said " Is Your project done or else need somehelp of mein? "

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