ᴋɪᴍ ʜᴏɴɢᴊᴏᴏɴɢ

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You went home from school and it suddenly rain. You don't have any umbrella and you are soaking wet. You used your bag for protection to the rain.

It didn't help to be honest, it just makes the situation worst. Your bag is wet and all your text books are also wet including your important papers for research.

You seated on a floor and fixed all your things. The rain didn't even stop and it became much worst. It started raining really heavily and you were slowly losing hope in reaching your house for only a short span of time.

Suddenly, the rain seems to stop and when you look up, you saw a man holding an umbrella for you and him. "You should have wait for me so you can borrow my umbrella. You will get sick." he said.

You stand up and said "Thank you and do I know you?" you asked him but he just shook his head. "You don't know me but I know you." he said. He gave his jacket for you to make you feel warm.

While both of you are walking, you turn to him to ask him about something. "Can I at least know your name?" you asked him and he stopped from walking.

"I am Hongjoong, you don't need to introduce yourself to me since I already know you."

"But how?"

"I can't tell."

You looked at him confusely which makes him giggle cutely.

"So are you a stalker?" you asked him but he looked at you in shock.

"Whoah! Y/n, I'm not. I always saw you walking here around this time and a friend of mine is close to you so I asked him what your name was." he said.

You laughed at his reaction and said "So Seonghwa is your friend?" you asked him and he nodded.

"Yes he was!"

After minutes, the rain stopped and both of you arrived to your home already. "Thank you so much for your help Hongjoong. You are really a life saver!" you told him and he smiled. "I am, in fact, I will always be your life saver." he said and you laughed at him.

"Well, can I at least have your number? So I can treat you to lunch tomorrow." you said and he typed his number to your phone.

You waved bye at him and went inside.

After a few months, you and Hongjoong became best friends. This day, it was Saturday and you decided to go to the mall but you decided to text Hongjoong to treat him.

Would you like to join me
in the mall? My treat!!!

Sure why not?

I'll meet you at the
mall by 12.

You smiled and went to the mall. You went inside and you saw Hongjoong and he was with Seonghwa.

"Hi Hongjoong, Hi Seonghwa!" you said and they greeted you back. You hugged Seonghwa since both of you usually do that when both of you meet and Hongjoong felt completely upset. He also wants to hug you but he was afraid of telling it to you.

You pulled back from him and you pulled them towards the shopping mall. "Would you guys like to come?" you asked them first before you enter the sure. They nodded and you pulled them inside. You went to the dress shop since you want to byy one for your aunt's wedding.

"Guys what do you think suits me most? The blue one or the pink one?" you asked them.

"The blue one!" Hongjoong said.

"The pink one!" Seonghwa said.

"No the blue suit her the most."

"The pink one looks good at her."

"The blue one looks good than the pink one."

"The pink is better!"

You laughed at them and said "I think pink one looks good on me so I would try them on.". When you said that, Hongjoong pouted and Seonghwa clapped his hands.

You fitted the dress and to be honest, you really like it but you want to ask them about their opinions first. You went out and they stared at you and they were speechless. Their mouth was also wide opened.

"Guys?" you asked them. No response.

"Guys?!" you asked them again but there js still no response.

"GUYS!" you exclaimed loudly, almost shouting but not really shouting and they respond.

"Oh my gosh Y/n you look so stunning!" Hongjoong said.

"Thank you so much!"

"You look gorgeous as always Y/n!" Seonghwa said and you also thanked him. You went to change and you payed for the dress.

As the three of you were walking to the restaurant, Hongjoong seems so quiet and you don't know why. When suddenly, Seonghwa's phone rang.

Both of you waited for him for a minute and he was done later on.

"Sorry Y/n, sorry Joong! I have to go now, my mom is looking for me. I'm really sorry! Goodbye guys!" Seonghwa said and Hongjoong just nodded.

"Bye Seonghwa! Please take care!" you said and hugged him before he left.

Hongjoong pouted and you don't know why. Both of you went to the restaurant and he was avoiding any conversations with you.

"Hongjoong what do you want to eat?" you asked him but he is still silent. "Anything." he said quietly. You don't know why he was upset, maybe something just happened that you were not aware of. He gave you money and you gave him a questioning look but he just ignored you and he seated on an available seat.

You ordered and both of you eated silently. You want to ask him more questions to get to know more about him but you know that he would just ignore you.

Both of you went home, still silent and awkward. When you arrived at your home you waved bye at him but he pulled you into a hug.

"Y/n, I don't want other boy to touch you. Call me possessive or obsessed but I don't really want to see you touching any guy aside from me. I like you Y/n so please understand it." he said and you pulled back. Tears were forming in his eyes and you wiped it off his face.

"It's okay Joong. It just became normal for me to touch Seonghwa like that. I'm sorry Joong, I didn't know you feel something for me." you told him and a tear escaped his eyes again.

He pulled back from you "I shouldn't have say my feelings for you Y/n. I know you don't like me, I know you like Seonghwa." he said but you just laughed at him.

"I like you, I don't like Seonghwa, he is like a brother to me to be honest." you said.

"So will you be my girlfriend?"

"Of course!" you said and it rained.

"Let's stay here in the rain just like how you and me first talk!"


Next: Jung Wooyoung Imagine

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