19 || Calm before the storm

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-Not Edited-

A/N: Please shower me with ur beautiful comments 🥺😤😤


Taehyung smiles brightly after checking his outfit for the nth time. 

He couldn't believe that he was finally going to college. 

It was a dream, and now it was finally coming true all thanks to his beloved alpha. 

He was so lucky to get someone like Jungkook, he had heard from Jimin hyung that not many omegas could go to college since by that age most them would be knotted and carrying a pup. 

Studies was not really a priority for an omega, They could never do any job anyway. Except for the infertile ones, almost all omegas were seen carrying their second child by early twenties. 

It was just so common that Taehyung didn't think he would be able to go to college either. He even had thought of letting go his dream, but then when he found out that his alpha was actually his hyung hope started blooming inside him. 

All the memories he had with Jungkook was very sweet and Taehyung being naïve had made the mistake of believing that his hyung would remain the same. 

But he didn't. 

Jungkook returned, with a new form. Wearing the devil's crown as he marched into Taehyung's life one day all of a sudden claiming that the younger was his mate. 

And though Taehyung tried to hate the older but he just couldn't. 

He couldn't hate anyone, even if it was someone as sick as his hyung. 

"Are you ready sweetheart?" Jungkook asks with a warm natural smile, his face automatically brightening up when he saw Taehyung. 

It was a normal reaction. 

Taehyung always had that effect on Jungkook, and who was the alpha to deny his pretty darling's control on him. 

"Yes hyung, I am so excited!" Taehyung replies smiling brightly, his boxy smile full on display as he turns towards the older alpha 

"Very well" Jungkook says smirking, his lips pursuing smugly as he gently led the omega towards the car that was filled with Taehyung's so called bodyguards which included Jin. 

They were all informed about the fake act they would have to play, and even though Jin wanted to protest he didn't. He knew Jungkook's craziness and would rather kill himself than be at the end of the other's anger. 

Taehyung smiles sweetly when he saw Jin, Happily  greeting the familiar man who gave him  a fake smile and tried to keep up with his excitement.

"Take my baby safely" Jungkook says, tilting his head and looking at the entire scene with a dark smirk 

He enjoyed watching his darling's innocent obliviousness, It was so cute and a bit amusing even. 

Oh how he was going to enjoy life with his adorable omega. 

Taehyung hugs the older alpha happily and quickly gets inside the car, only to lower the window and wave a cute goodbye. 

Jungkook couldn't help, He was starting to feel a little bad. 

Maybe he should cancel the whole plan? 

he would hate to wipe that smile out of the younger's face...

But as soon as he thought of that, He quickly remembered what Taehyung wanted to do. 

Taehyung wanted to leave him, He will leave Jungkook and find someone else better if the alpha wasn't careful. 

No he couldn't let that happen. 

Its okay if this saddens the omega a little, He could always make the younger happy again. 

But if the omega leaves him, he wouldn't be able to stay alive. 

This was the only way. 

He smirks and walks towards the house, ready to execute his plan. 




With fidgeting fingers, Jin opened the door and let Taehyung out.

"OH MY GOD! I am finally here" Taehyung yells gleefully, his heart soaring with excitement.

He was going to make so many new friends! This was the going to be the best time of his life. 

He quickly hugs Jin and runs towards the entrance, his important documents held carefully in his hands. 

Jin sighs.. 

His heart was aching to see the younger so happy, just to know that it was all going to wiped out soon. 

"That poor kid" He whispers and the rest of the men nods agreeing, looing at Taehyung's walking back pitifully 

"Come on, lets go" Jin mutters and they walk towards Taehyung's first classroom. 

Jungkook had found a popular human college near their house for Taehyung to go, He had personally chose a human college as it would protect the young omega from other alphas and also let him execute his plan safely. 

Taehyung walks into english class carefully as he navigated through classrooms and finally reached his destined class. He excitedly knocked and the door opens revealing a handsome older man, who smiles at him. 

"Are you the new student dear?" He asks gently and Taehyung nods beaming as the professor leads him inside the class 

The entire class stares at the new arrival with curious eyes, They wondered why someone was transferring to the class in the middle of the year. 

It was unusual and had not ever happened. 

"Kids, we have a a new friend. Please introduce yourself dear" The professor says softly, placing a hand on the curve of the younger's back, trying to give him some mental support so that he doesn't get nervous from al the eyes that were staring at him 

"Hello, My name is Kim Taehyung. I hope we can all get along and be friends" Taehyung says with a bright boxy smile and bows catching the class by surprise because damn the new kid was gorgeous

The professor smiles and says "Welcome Taehyung you can go sit next to Mina. My name is Min Sanghoon, I am your temporary English teacher until the original professor gets back from his vacation. If you have any doubt from the classes then you can always approach me." 

Taehyung nods and sits next to Mina, who somehow looked older than a normal college student. 

Taehyung shakes the thought off and decided to focus on classes, Since he finally got to be here he would be damned if he didn't make a good use of this opportunity. 

Sanghoon greets the class and starts to teach, his mind a little bit distracted from the new arrival. 

While Taehyung was writing down the important points that the professor explained, He couldn't help but eavesdrop on the chaotic whispers that were coming from behind him. 

"damn he is soo hot, I wish he would accept my proposal already"

"I know right, Like he is thirty but he doesn't look older than twenty five" 

"Exactly and the plus point is that he is single too! Why can't he just stop playing hard to get and accept me already, Like could he ever get any one more beautiful than me" 

"DUh I know right. He is so stubborn with his stupid no dating students rule. All that charming face going to waste" 

Taehyung frowns, not really understanding how the girls' brains worked. Shouldn't they be glad that they got to study and focus on the class instead of complaining that the professor wasn't accepting their silly demands? 

He really didn't understand humans. 




Jungkook carefully checks the drugged medicine, making sure that it was the exact stuff that he wanted.

He couldn't let anything go wrong.

After making sure that everything was perfect, He starts to walk towards the campus while talking to Jin through their link.

"Lead my darling towards an empty hallway and leave him alone there, I will come disguised as someone else and do the rest of the work. Do you get it?"


"Also don't forget to give him that drink"

"I won't"

Jungkook smirks as he fixed his attire and sprayed the scent blocker on his body, a thrill of excitement going through his body as he looked at himself in the mirror.





After attending about three class continuously Taehyung was feeling exhausted, a feeling of tiredness filling his body as he looked around to see Jin and rest of the bodyguards right behind him.

"Are you tried Taehyung-ah?" Jin asks concerned, his hand going to check the younger's temperature

"Yeah kind of, Its been a while since I did these stuff but I am fine" Taehyung says smiling and Jin nods

"Drink this, its a protein shake. Its will make you feel refreshed again" Jin says giving Taehyung a red bottle of liquid

Taehyung smiles and accepts the drink happily, he gulps the entire juice down in one go feeling full and energetic as soon as he finishes.

"Thanks hyung, I feel so much better now" Taehyung exclaims and walks hastily towards his next class, certain that the others would be right behind him as he knew Jungkook would kill them if they were not.

he enters a lonely quiet hallway, which was empty compared to all the other hallways. He checked his map and it was really leading him there.

He shrugs his shoulder and walks straight following the path, not noticing the absence of the bodyguards behind him.

Suddenly he stops as he had reached a dead end.

Taehyung frowns wondering why the map was leading him here if there was nothing here. He rolls his eyes annoyed that he wasted so much time for nothing.

He sighs and was about to turn around and go back, but suddenly he was hit with the sharp scent of alphas.


What were they doing here? Taehyung thinks, panicking as he realizes that Jin hyung and the others were not with him

He suddenly feels a gloved hand clamp over his mouth, his body struggling as he tries to kick and fight against whoever that was holding from  behind but it was to no avail as they were clearly stronger than him

"Well well what do we have here huh, a pretty omega all alone" A deep croaky voice muttered and Taehyung for the first time felt his brain relapsing in fear

Even though Jungkook had scared him before, somehow his hyung also brought comfort and the feeling of home with him.

But this...

This didn't feel the same, A stranger was holding him and that too suffocating him slowly

"please let me go" He whispers tears welling up in his eyes as he tries to struggle against the other's strong hold

The strangers ignores him and continues "What is a beautiful omega like you doing here? Shouldn't you be at home taking care of your pups lovely? I guess you have no one to knock you up, but don't worry little one I will fill you up so good."

Taehyung shudders in fear, those creepy words scaring the life out of him as he couldn't help but sob anxiously. His body shaking as he felt the stranger's disgusting touch all over his body.

Suddenly he was thrown to the floor and kicked on the shin making him let out a loud groan in pain.

"Please stop" He yells as he tries to get away from the stranger who was no kicking his legs and stomach harshly

The pain was so harsh that Taehyung suddenly felt black dots filling his vision, dizziness filling his mind and the last thing that he sees before he knocks out is the figure of the stranger standing in front of him, a baseball bat in his hands.

Hyung help..

He whispers into his mind and then his body goes limp 



Who do you think is Taehyung's attacker? 

FLUFF / ANGST ... Which do you think is coming up ? 

Thank you for reading <3 

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