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Okay so dragonwritesthings just did an update sort of like this in Moonbeam and it made me want to share some songs I love too! It's very late at night by the way so apologies for any incoherent babbling. Also I will be naming the title but not the artist(s) above each track because I don't remember the names of people I don't know well. They'll probably be in the video title anyway.


Changes in Latitude

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This song is good though, and has one of my favourite lyrical lines if I'm being honest.

"If we couldn't laugh, we would all go insane. If we weren't all crazy we'd all go insane!"

I like to imagine a collection of characters I like just chilling and having fun together haha.


Inside Out

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Very angsty rock ballad that my dad played for me once in the car and I've been obsessed with ever since. And as you probably noticed if you listened long enough, one of the songs in Quoth the Raven's playlist I use for quotes.

"I burn, burn like a wicker cabinet, chalk white and oh-so-frail..."

Not my favourite line though, that'd have to be:

"Or am I origami? Folded up and just pretend, demented as the motives in your head?"

Admittedly kind of a vent song, but I still love it.


Piano Man

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Okay, I'll relax with the caps lock now, but this is actually my all-time favourite song. I know all the words. Everything about it just speaks to me. I really feel like I'm in this cosy little piano bar having a good time listening the piano man play.


No Rain

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I relate to this song. I self-project onto some characters that would relate to this song. It's just good.



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This song I like because the lyrics are a pretty good expression of why I love villain characters so much. It can feel really difficult to explain, so I like that there's a song that I can at least interpret that way.

"You're the right kind of sinner, to release my inner fantasy!"


You May Be Right

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This song is chaotic neutral and I live for it! This one I don't have much to say about though, I just thrive off the chaotic energy and enjoy a loud, catchy rock song.


Kick Drum Heart

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This song also has one of my favourite lines in it! I like a cheesy love song, sue me.

"It's not the chase that I love, it's me following you!"

It's just super catchy as well? I've had it stuck in my head more than once this month.


Raspberry Beret

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I feel like this song was designed to get in your head. Like, I wasn't thinking about it at all when scrolling through my playlist to pick out songs, but it's gotten stuck in my head so many times I decided it deserved a mention. Plus not a lot of people seem to know this one?


Meet Me in the Woods

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Okay I learned about this song because of an Over the Garden Wall animatic but it's so good! And it actually fit Wirt and Dipper really well on top of being the main inspiration for my fic of the same name, so...

"I have seen what the darkness does, say goodbye to who I was..."


Two Birds on a Wire

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Yes I do like sad songs I'm sorry! ...Okay, like, maybe it isn't actually sad but somehow it gives me a melancholy vibe. I also discovered this one through an OTGW animatic and that one had a much sadder tone than Meet Me in the Woods so maybe that's why.

"But one's never going to let go of that wire. He says that he will, but he's just a liar."


James River Blues

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I'm not sure why I have such a deep affection for this particular song, I just do. It's so upbeat despite the lyrics being so sad. And I love the harmonica in this.

"They don't need us anymore, hauling freight from shore to shore, that big iron hauls much more than we ever could before."

Actually, listening back now it reminds me the tiniest bit of Huckleberry Finn? But I could not explain to you why.


Nothing Left to Lose

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No I haven't watched the Tangled cartoon, I actually found an Invader Zim animatic set to this song and just thought it was catchy.


Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds

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Probably my favourite Beatles song! Though Can't Buy Me Love, Hard Day's Night, and Yellow Submarine are all also good. I just love how wacky the universe it creates is.


Johnny B. Good

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Such a good song, and this was by far my favourite scene from Back to the Future. If I knew how to dance I'd dance to it.


Psych Theme Song

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Possibly my favourite theme song? I only say that because Gravity Falls, Over the Garden Wall, and Invader Zim don't exactly have theme songs. Their opening music tracks are catchy, but I like my music to have lyrics.

"I know, you know, that I'm not telling the truth. I know, you know, they just don't have any proof."

This is another one on Quoth the Raven's playlist, by the way.


One Little Slip

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Be honest, did anybody else here watch Chicken Little at all, much less remember it? The opinion on it seems to have aged rather poorly as far as I can tell. I loved that movie growing up though, and this song especially.


Basket Case

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This song is so like, messed up and I love it. Sort of makes me think of Dipper or more prominently my D&D character, Gubli.

"It all keeps adding up- I think I'm cracking up! Am I just paranoid, or am I stoned?"



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A cute, perky little love song to end off on. Just the thing to cleanse the palette, no? And I just genuinely love the instrumentals to this one. So upbeat, and the lyrics are so charming.

"Heartbeat, why do you miss when my baby's lips meet mine?"


Well this turned out longer than I expected it to be. Maybe I'll do this again sometime with cartoon and video game songs specifically? I tried to avoid those for this batch but if you love soundtracks as much as I do I'd totally be down for sharing my favourites there as well!

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