55. Start of a new chapter.

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The news of the Dyut Sabha had spread throughout the entire city of Hastinapur. No one was pleased with what had happened within the sabha. A simple game between family members had escalated into something sinister. All the citizens who loved the six brothers and their family cursed the cunning Shakuni, along with Dhritarashtra for letting it happen, and even Duryodhan. They were, however, pleased with the punishment given to Dusshasan and Shakuni. They chanted the praises of Advika.

All 13 of them left the palace on foot. Every single citizen kneeled on their knees with their heads bowed as they passed. None of the males left their wives' side, with Kunti in the middle, until they left the borders of Hastinapur and entered into the familiar territory of Indraprastha.

"Rukiye!" halted Advika, her eyes having a layer of tears, refusing to spill. She was exhausted, mentally and physically.

Everyone stopped immediately. The females were still in shock. Advika herself was running on adrenaline. The males were also in a daze. Kunti herself looked tired and slumped.

"Advika?" asked Karna, looking at her. Adrenaline seeping through his pores, his muscles as taut as a string. He was still in his furious, protective mode. His mind had not left the Dyut Sabha yet. It was still stuck there.

"Arya, perhaps we should rest here a bit," said Advika, her tone tired.

"Why?" asked Arjun immediately, with a bit of attitude. He was feeling rather vulnerable after what happened.

"Sorry, bhabhishree," said Arjun just as immediately when it dawned on him how he had spoken to his bhabhishree. His head bowed.

A pair of hands lifted his head and cupped his face gently. The kohl-lined eyes of Advika looked at him with immense care and love.

"It's alright, little brother. All of us are disturbed. The news of this Dyut Sabha must have reached Indraprastha by now. Our children will be worried as it is; if they see us broken, they will break down as well. We cannot break down in front of them. And Draupadi needs a bit of rest too. It is not good for the baby, after the mental stress she went through today," explained Advika gently.

Arjun nodded, not feeling like smiling. Gratefulness shone in his eyes. Advika smiled gently in response.

"She is right, putro. Let us rest a while," said Kunti as she moved towards the nearby river.

Arjun gently picked up Draupadi in his arms. It was proof of how tired and stressed she was that she did not even say a word at the action, simply resting her head on his shoulders and letting him carry her. Yuddhisthir, Bhima, Nakul, and Sahadev wrapped their arms around their respective wives, steering them towards the river, following their mother. None spoke a word. They simply followed, like mindless sheep following instructions.

Advika went to follow them, but a hand on her forearm stopped her. She looked up to see deep charcoal eyes looking at her.

"Are you alright? If you hadn't come..then...our sisters..." trailed off Karna, his face pale at the mere thought of such humiliation and travesty.

Advika's eyes hardened at the mere thought. "I promised Arya. How could I not come? You called me, did you not?"

"I did. I am glad you heard, and you came at the right moment," said Karna, tugging her in for a hug, his face hidden in her neck as her hands wrapped around his torso.

"Let us go after them. We will speak at night. The day isn't over yet, my love. We, as the eldest, have to be their rock and pillar, on whom everyone can lean," whispered Advika after she broke the hug.

Karna reluctantly let her go, knowing she was right. They could not break down yet.

"You go. I will bring some fruits for everyone and herbs for Maa's bruises," said Karna, his eyes flashing at the last words.

Advika nodded as they both went in different directions.


Advika's POV:

Today was... I don't know what to think. It took a lot out of me to keep my powers at bay in the Dyut Sabha. I wanted to kill both Dusshasan and Shakuni, but I did not. Shakuni was Sahadev's prey... I mean, he deserved to punish him, which he did. But I was worried about my girls - my sisters. All of them were in a daze. I hoped everyone speaks soon. Keeping their rage, sadness,... any emotion, within them was not right. I looked at the riverbank to see Devanshi holding Kalyani and Vandita as they cried on her shoulders. She herself had tears spilling down her rosy cheeks. Draupadi was resting her head on Arjun's shoulder, her face tired and stressed. Vritika was sitting like a doll on the ground, with her hands wrapped around her knees. Bhima was sitting beside Maa, looking at her bruises, with Nakul fluttering around them. Rage within their eyes. Yuddhisthir had his back rested on a rock, with his hand thrown over his knee. His eyes were closed. Guilt was written on his face very clearly. Sahadev was pacing in front, tension coiled within him, ready to strike at a moment's notice. I deliberately stepped on a stray branch, so they noticed me. All of their eyes went towards me immediately before they relaxed minutely.

"Bhabhishree, where is Jyesht?" asked Nakul, his always jubilant voice was so down, making my heart break.

"He went to get some fruits and herbs for Maa. He will be back soon," I replied. He nodded before going towards Maa again, who let him fuss over her without any complaints. I went towards Vritika. I sat on the ground beside Vritika, encircling my arms around her. She melted in my arms but did not say a word. Devanshi looked at me, helplessness in her eyes. I beckoned her towards me. Kalyani, Vandita, and Devanshi came towards me, creating a circle, as we hugged or simply touched each other. I looked towards Draupadi, to find her eyes still closed and breath even.

"She fell asleep," whispered Arjun, very softly, so as not to wake her up.

I nodded in response. I sighed as all of their sobs died to hiccups.

"I was so afraid," I heard a whisper, so soft I would not have heard it if not spoken directly in my ear. I looked down to see Vritika looking at me, with a vulnerable look in her eyes. She was snuggled against me, with her chest tucked within my juncture, where the neck met the shoulder. I squeezed her shoulder with the arm still around her.

"I was too," I whispered back.

"Why?" she asked.

"Because my family, my sisters' honor was on the line. I could not allow anything to happen to you."

"If you hadn't come, when you did..." she trailed off. I winced at the mere thought.

"But she came," I heard Vandita's soft voice. She was always the optimistic one, able to see the good in every situation.

"Bhabhishree came, and nothing too harmful happened. We should not break down by thinking about what could have happened," Vandita continued. I smiled as she found her light, her spirit to get up again.

"You were always the optimistic one, jiji," voiced Kalyani, saying exactly what I had been thinking a while back.

"Agreed," said Devanshi as she squeezed both Vandita and Kalyani's hands.

I heard footsteps and looked up to see Arya was back. In his hands were some fruits and herbs. I saw Nakul and Sahadev immediately take the herbs to treat Maa's bruises, while Bhima got up to take the fruits and distribute them to everyone. I declined, giving my own to Arjun so he could feed them to Draupadi. She needed it more than I.

I watched as everyone was with each other. Vandita had gotten up to sit with Bhima. Arjun had slowly woken up Draupadi and was making her eat some fruits. Maa was with Sahadev and Nakul. I watched Karna go towards Yuddhisthir. Both were speaking in low tones. I smiled when I saw them hug each other, the guilt on Yuddhisthir's face reducing a bit.

"Go, Devanshi," I urged gently, my eyes on the duo of brothers. Devanshi also looked at where I was looking.

"Are you sure, bhabhishree? It looks like Jyesht wants to speak with Arya more!" said Devanshi, a bit subdued.

"Do you blame Yuddhisthir?"

"No!" came the immediate protest from her. I smiled gently.

"Then go! He needs you. Arya can speak with him later as well!" I gestured again towards them. She smiled a bit before getting up. I know my family is strong. They will get up again, better and stronger than before!


Continuation of Advika's pov:-

I sat beside Kanha, with Dau on my other side. We were in my room, hearing Dau rant. He had dragged me with him so he could know what had happened exactly.

When we had reached, all of my children had looked so forlorn that it had taken a lot for me not to hug them tight and never let go. But I knew they would have to learn to take their own decisions someday, even if the time had come a bit too early. I sent all of them to eat and rest a bit. All the males except Dau and Kanha were in the dining hall of Indraprastha. My sisters, including Subhadra, would make sure everyone eats. Maa is also with them. They will be fine for now.

"I will kill that Shakuni!" exclaimed Dau. He looked like he would explode. I sighed, signaling to Kanha to take care of the matter. I was too tired and stressed to care about Shakuni, of all people.

"Dau, Sahadev has already given him a just punishment. For now, let him live," said Kanha, his face serious. Though I saw his eyes were twinkling.

"Mayuri, I am glad for the way you dealt with the situation."

I lifted my head at Kanha's sentence. I gave a weak smile. "What happened?" he asked again. I closed my eyes before mumbling.

"Nothing. Just tired. Want to get this day over with."

"Do you have to go, Mayuri? You could come and stay in Dwarka. Maa and Pitashree would be very happy to see you. The vanvaas is for Karna and his brothers, not for you or even the Panchal Princesses," I heard Dau say, almost pleading.

"Dau, I cannot let my family go anywhere without me. And we will be fine. This is not the first time I am staying in a forest," I spoke, leaving no room for an argument.

"But that was years ago," protested Dau.

"You are being over-protective, Dau," I said, exasperated at his insistence.

"Dau, leave Mayuri be! She will be fine. We can visit them, wherever they stay. We have 12 years before their incognito year," said Kanha, sounding amused at Dau's over-protectiveness.

I rolled my eyes at both.

"Where will you stay anyway?" asked Dau, obviously entertaining the idea of visiting wherever we stay. I rolled my eyes at him.

Before I could speak, though, a very familiar voice of my husband answered, "Kamakhya Forest."

All of us turned to see the entire family standing there, including the children. They all sat. Karna sat beside me, with Subhadra sitting beside Kanha. Dau was joined by Advait, Aparna, and Anaya, who was sitting on Dau's lap. Everyone grabbed a chair and sat.

"Kamakhya forest?" asked Dau, while I saw Kanha smile, a knowing smile.

"Yes, we will stay there. Hidimba sent a letter requesting us to stay in Kamakhya," I heard him say.

"News traveled already?" asked Draupadi, looking faint. I saw Arjun's hand tighten around her shoulders.

"News of this magnitude always travels very fast, my dear sister," said he, while I sighed. It was true. By tomorrow, the entire Aryavart will know. I am sure of that.

"Arya, is there a reason that you agreed so easily to Dhritarashtra's so-called proposal?" I asked, looking at him. I noticed how everyone also straightened minutely to listen. I saw Karna had a slight calculative gleam in his eyes. I am sure he had something planned. He always does. He rarely takes any decision without consulting everyone in the family. For him to agree meant he had something in mind.

"Other than giving Shakuni a fitting punishment for his treachery and behavior with the females of our family, safeguarding our Kingdom and wealth and to tell them of his dice, I had another specific reason," said he, slowly. I noticed he was still pondering over something.

"What reason, Jyesht?" asked Bhima, a bit confused.

"Some of our children are now eligible for learning under a Guru. I know my daughters will never agree to attending Kanyakul for their learning of female arts..." before he could continue, three voices spoke up.

"NO!" yelled the voices of Aparna, Dhruvi, and Anaya. I looked at them to see them looking horrified.

"Badi Maa went to Gurukul, we will also learn under a Guru. Bade Pitashree, no Kanyakul for us. If anyone forces us, we are running away!" said Dhruvi, looking scandalized. Aparna and Anaya nodded along with her words very seriously.

I saw Devanshi slightly hit all three of their heads from the back, while almost everyone was hiding a small smile. Yuddhisthir looked exasperated at his daughter's words. I hid a smile as well.

"No worries, putri! No one is sending you to Kanyakul," I heard him speak, amused.

"We are glad, pitashree. Who will be our Guru?" asked Aparna.

"And ours?" asked another voice at the same time. I looked at Advait to see him looking at us eagerly.

"Look at our children, bhabhishree. Here we were thinking they would be sad at staying away from us! They seem to be excited than sad!" said Kalyani, lighting up the mood considerably, as chuckles and smiles could be heard and seen. I smiled at seeing my children pout adorably.

"Since we are on this topic, Keshav, will you do the honor of being the Guru of our children?" asked Karna, making me widen my eyes.

I did not think he would ask Kanha to be their teacher. I looked at Kanha, to find his lips pulled into an enchanting knowing smile and eyes twinkling.

I wanted to groan out loud. Of course, he knows this will be asked of him. I am sure he had already thought of what to teach them. I shook my head, annoyed at him, yet fond.

Everyone seemed to be waiting for the answer from Kanha. He seemed to have adopted a stern look, but his eyes were mischievous. I saw him looking towards our children who are at the age to learn - Advait, Aparna, Virendra, Raghav, Dhruvi, Anaya, and Mahesh.

Gaurav was a toddler, while Bhavya was a year old. Jyoti, Devansh, and Harshada were babies.

I looked at Kanha, trying to discern if he had made a decision. I found him still staring at the children sternly, making them fidget uncomfortably. Even dau looked uncomfortable, and he wasn't the one being stared at. I sighed at his dramatics and leaned forward to pinch him on the arm.

"OUCH!!" he yelped, rubbing his arm. I raised an eyebrow. I hadn't pinched him that hard. He was being dramatic, as usual.

"What was that for, Mayuri? Do you not want me to teach the kids?" said Kanha, being dramatic as usual.

"Was a 'yes, I will' so hard to say? You have known the kids since their birth. What was the need to stare at them like that?" I said with a dry voice. The kids giggled at my question, while I could see everyone had a fond smile.

"Anyway, back to the matter at hand. The children who will learn under Keshav will obviously stay at Dwarka, while the rest of the children will come with us, until the time when they will start their own education and join their siblings in Dwarka." I heard him speak, nodding along and liking the plan.

"I can see why you did not oppose Tatshree's proposal. We would have to stay away from our children during their time in Gurukul. They can start now and by the time the vanvaas ends, their education will be completed as well," said Sahadev, thoughtfully.

"Don't call Maharaja Dhritarashtra 'tatshree', Sahadev. He does not deserve the title," said Bhima, almost growling.

"Shant Bhima. He is elder to us. We will not behave like them. What is the difference between them and us if we start behaving like them?" said Yuddhisthir, though his brows were furrowed. Bhima nodded, reluctantly.

"Let this matter be. I have another reason to accept. I foresee a fight or a war coming in the future. It is best to be prepared for both. These 12-13 years will be spent doing what we could not have done as Emperors and Empresses. We will think of the details later on," he said, getting nods from everyone.

"Putro, I will come along with you," said Maa, who had been silent until now.

"No, Maa. You cannot," said Karna, along with Arjun, Yuddhisthir, and Bhima. Nakul and Sahadev looked indecisive. I looked at Karna, only to find his emotions conflicted on the matter.

"You cannot expect me to stay here, Putro!" Maa spoke, her eyes wide.

"Of course not, Maa. You will stay in Dwarka, and who had stopped you from visiting us?" I spoke to calm her down.

"Yes, Maa. It will be better if you stay in Dwarka. Our children will at least have their grandmother with them," Vandita said, with everyone nodding along.

I saw Maa calming down and agreeing, though she did not look pleased at staying away. She gave a smile with a resigned face. The topic of Vanvaas had made the atmosphere of the room dark again.

"Oh no!!!" suddenly Kanha exclaimed, his eyes comically wide. I wondered what this natkhat was doing.

"What happened again, Kanha?" asked Dau, his face very confused. I looked at them amused, at the antics.

"I just realized that I have been given the task of teaching all of my nephews and nieces. All 13 of them! The Palace of Dwarka will have more kids than adults! And if they are anything like Mayuri, I will have my hands full," Kanha said, his shoulders dropping.

Chuckles rang loud at his dramatics, making the atmosphere light again. Kanha seemed to wilt even more.

"Poor you, Madhav!" said Arjun, his smile genuine and bright. Draupadi also seemed to be hiding her laugh. I found almost everyone either smiling or laughing.

"Good then, you will have less time to cause chaos!" I heard the quiet murmuring of Dau, making me snort.

Kanha and not causing chaos? That was never going to happen. I can guarantee with my kids there in Dwarka, he will cause even more chaos than normal.

Well, I give Dwarka the best of wishes for their chaotic 13 years! Poor Maa Rohini and Maa Devaki, they will have their hands full.

I hid a smile again at the thought. At least they won't give me grey hairs.

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