68. The End.

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Alta-clad feet, adorned with beautiful payals, created melodic music as the young lady ran through the corridors of the royal palace. Her gorgeous, thick, and heavy black hair, adorned with flowers, flowed behind her. Beautiful pink lips curved into a smiling expression as she swiftly ran, and her light jewels jingled with every step.

Dwarka was dressed like a bride, with happiness and joy spreading among its citizens. The palace bustled with merry songs, and dancing maids added to the festive atmosphere. Strings of pearls and heavy curtains concealed revered whispers of awe, immense respect, and love. Children joyfully participated, and adults wore smiles on their faces.

"Jyeshtha, they are coming!" said the young lady as she entered a huge room with six beds.

A pair of kohl-laden sharp eyes turned towards the speaker. The owner of the eyes, with red lips stretched into a brilliant smile, had sparkling charcoal eyes. Aparna's face held a magnetic glow.

"Who is coming, Dhruvi jiji?" asked another female, sitting on a bed. Warm hazel eyes carried a curious yet warm expression, and her black hair flowed in a curtain of black curls.

"Anaya, the entire family is on the way with Mamashree Krishna," replied Dhruvi, her eyes sparkling happily.

Anaya squealed with joy and ran to hug Dhruvi. Aparna couldn't wait, laughing at her sisters. It had been years since she received a tight hug from her mother and father.


On the other side, a man in his early twenties was seen practicing with a sword. His lean and strong muscles flexed as he danced with an imaginary opponent, his steps quick and nimble. Warm charcoal eyes flecked with gold were narrowed and focused. His well-trained upper torso spoke of years of practice as he moved with innate grace.

"Jyesth!" yelled another man, younger than the one practicing.

The first man stopped practicing, turning towards the door of the indoor arena to look at the younger man. The second man had dusky skin and sharp black eyes. His smile was cheeky and mischievous, and his eyes sparkled with untold mischief. His lean muscles, paired with a cheeky smile, often made women go 'awe' on him, something he disliked.

Beside him stood another boy in his mid-teens, looking quite similar to the man beside him. Both shared dusky skin and black eyes. The younger boy's warm black eyes were flecked with grey, resembling his eldest brother. He smiled brightly, illuminating his face.

"What is it, Raghav?" asked Advait, raising a perfectly shaped eyebrow.

"Jyesht, our family is coming home!" announced Raghav, almost bouncing on his toes.

Advait's eyes widened before a brilliant smile appeared on his lips. "Maa!" he whispered almost reverently. "Yes, everyone is coming, Jyesht. We can go home!" said Abhimanyu with a soft, hopeful tone.

Advait placed his hand on his shoulder. "Yes, baby brother. We can go home."


"Mahesh! Gaurav! Devansh!" yelled another male, searching for his younger brothers. His warm brown eyes were deep and magnetic, his features sharp. He usually wore a beautiful, heartwarming smile, but his lips were currently in a frown. His eyes scanned the area for his siblings who seemed to have vanished.

"Wherever you are, come out this instant! I have important news to share!" yelled the male.

"Bharata Virendra, we are here!" yelled a male in the distance.

Virendra turned towards the area where the yell came from, sighing at the sight of his siblings. "What happened, bhratashree?" asked Gaurav, his beautiful eyes sparkling in the sun, his sharp features resembling his father. His smile was cheeky and naughty, ready to create mischief.

"Yes, why were you yelling bhratashree? I was eating my laddoos peacefully!" said Mahesh. He was tall and broad like his father, yet had an innocent look and smile. His big black eyes were deep and mesmerizing.

"Will you two let him tell?" interjected Devansh. He had soft brown eyes, with a depth of emotion in them. His smile was mischievous and curious, and his dimples made many women fawn over him.

"Our family is coming, little brothers! We can go home now," replied Virendra, his eyes sparkling.


Vaidarbhi Dwarkadeshwari Rukmini sat on her bed with two girls' heads on her lap. Both of them had their dark tresses open, adorned with beautiful flowers. They were in their early teens, with kohl-lined eyes that sparkled with curiosity and mischief. One had dusky skin, while the other sparkled like the moon.

Satyajiti Satyabhama also had a girl wrapped around her lap, who was drawing something. Her dark, thick hair was in a braid with beautiful jewels woven in. Her doe-eyes looked at the painting she was drawing with keen interest, while a pink tongue poked out from behind her pink lips.

"The painting is beautiful, Harshada," praised Satya softly. She hugged the girl to herself, with a small smile. "It should be beautiful, Mamishree. It's for our family," answered Harshada, with a small pleased smile.

Rukmini's tinkling laughter could be heard as the dusky-haired girl said, "I have already thought of gifts for them."

"Of course, you did, Bhavya. I wonder when they will come! I can't wait anymore," muttered Jyoti, with a small grumble.

"How about you two sleep for a while? I will wake you up when they arrive," suggested Rukmini, with a gentle smile.


The reunion will always be beautiful in their memories.

The reunion of a child with his/her parents brings tears just thinking about it and witnessing the scene. Karna had one hand wrapped around Advait, and the other on Advika, whose hands were wrapped around Aparna and Anaya. They were in their own cocoon as they hugged each other. Their children clung to their parents, with happy and teary eyes.

Yuddhisthir wrapped his hands around both his kids, Virendra and Dhruvi. Devanshi joined the huddle, tears slipping from her eyes at seeing her children. Their children's happy sighs were a balm to their wounded souls.

Bheem's hand wrapped around Mahesh and Ghatotkach; all of them had collided with each other. Vandita also slipped between them with a bright smile. They were home.

Arjun's and Draupadi's arms wrapped around Raghav, Bhavya, and Abhimanyu, clutching them with a tightened grip. Their love poured and cocooned their children in it.

Gaurav and Jyoti had collided with Kalyani and Nakul respectively. Both of them hugged their children together with a soft smile and a relieved expression, a content look on their faces as they brought their gems closer.

Sahadev and Vritika had brought both their children tightly to their chests, as a soft sigh left them. An immense bubble of happiness tightened around them. Their beautiful two pearls deserved to be bathed in the sea of happiness and joy.

Kunti hugged all her six sons and six daughters tightly one by one. They were back to her, and she wouldn't let them go anywhere else. Peace had settled within her heart, body, and soul once again. Her precious treasures were back.

They all were home now.

After 13 years of penance, they were home. Krishna smiled as he watched the reunion, his eyes sparkling with love and joy. "You did it, Niyatinandini. I am glad," he whispered in his mind. "One choice and one action is the predecessor of a thousand choices, Kanha! One single pebble dropped in an ocean causes ripples far and wide. You taught me that!" whispered Advika in her mind. Her smile was heartfelt and a happy tear slipped past her eye. Krishna smiled, as twin happy tears slipped past his eyes too. "Thank you, Mahadev!" both whispered, with a reverent smile. 

Krishna brought his flute to his lips, and a happy tune played, taking everyone to a bright and beautiful future.

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