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After Stella and Charles settled in their room at the hotel in Las Vegas, the pair were unpacking their suitcases from yesterday because they were too exhausted. She was folding clothes while he put them inside the closet, they arrived a bit late comparing to other drivers and her brother himself

Stella was fully settled in Monaco now, she moved in permanently from New York and while she would still go back there from time to time to record her songs but she believed she'd find a way to make it work and she would

"Babe, can you send G a text message from my phone telling him that I'd see him after practice?" She asked going to the bathroom and he nodded

"Yeah sure" he replied and obliged, she had to start getting ready to go to the track with her boyfriend

She noticed how he was anxiously shaking his leg, she made her way to him and sat down "Why are you nervous?" She questioned placing her hand on his leg making him sigh

"I need to win" he said with a determined look and she nodded with a smile

"You will, baby. You will" she said kissing his shoulder and then his cheek "You're great, remember that"

After they both changed and she did her makeup, they both drove to the circuit. She was excited because tomorrow not only it was race day but it was their one year anniversary

"See you later, baby" Charles told her leaning down capturing her lips slowly wrapping his arms around her waist tightly before whispering "I love you"

"I love you too" she whispered against his lips as he smiled before pulling away. She was still going to meet up with Lily and Carmen

"Hey, Charles" One of the interviewers greeted before Stella got the chance to walk away

"Oh, hey!" Charles smiled politely at the man before wrapping his arm around his girlfriend "This is my girlfriend Stella, doesn't she look stunning?"

"She does" the man said as Stella blushed glancing at Charles with a small smile. "How do you feel about him being a musical sensation"

Someone came from behind her and kissed her cheek making her flinch lightly, she turned around to see it was Lando making her chuckle as he walked away. Charles wrapped an arm around her waist as she looked back at the interviewer

"I'm very proud of him, I've always loved hearing him play but I'm happy everyone gets to hear him too. I mean when he first released it he was one of top ten and he could fill you in with my reaction when I woke up to see the chart" Stella revealed with a bright smile and Charles couldn't help the grin that formed in his lips "I'm really proud of him"

"Do you help her with her songs, Charles?" The interviewer questioned curiously and Charles shook his head in denial

"He did actually, not the 'write a song together' kind of help but he helped me with the melodies a lot" she stated with a nod "I would write the song and we would play the piano until we figure it out together"

"Trust me most of it is all her" Charles added with a shy smile and Stella gave him a pointed look

"Thank you Stella for answering my questions" the man told her and she nodded politely. Charles kissed her forehead and whispered I love you before she walked away


Quali day went good, Charles got pole position and as much as she looked forward to their first anniversary date, she had a migraine she was sure she wouldn't be able to survive without taking a nap but to her luck the date was the next day after the race.

When Stella and Charles went back to the hotel, they both showered and were lying on the bed while he played with her hair gently with one hand and the other was on her belly. They loved those kind of evenings, when it was just them

"Were you really serious about eloping?" She questioned curiously and he froze for a moment before looking down at her

"I mean I know I want to marry you, so yeah but if you're not ready, I understand, I really do" he assured her kissing her forehead letting his lips linger for few more seconds

"Let's do it next summer" she whispered softly but he could tell she was nervous, he slowly sat up to make sure she wasn't bluffing

"Tell me you're not joking" he said almost pleadingly and she nodded with a small smile

"I mean, I know we've only been dating for a yea-" he cut her off by bringing his mouth to hers kissing her as if his life depended on it

"Let's do it, we can have our wedding in summer, you've always said you wanted your summer wedding in Greece" he whispered with a chuckle "Let's elope in England or Monaco, I don't care, let's just do it"

"Okay" she nodded with a chuckle as tears glistening her hazel eyes "I love you"

"And I love you so much, Estella Marie Victoria Russell... soon to be Leclerc"


Stella woke up to see Charles was no longer in bed, she frowned and looked at the time to see it was only eight in the morning. She sat up slowly blinking couple of times to stop the dizziness but the more she tried the more it got worse

She immediately rushed to the bathroom kneeling in front of the toilet when she felt sickness rising to her throat. When she finished throwing up, she flushed the toilet and sat down on the floor for couple of seconds

"No" she whispered shaking her head in denial standing up quickly washing her face and mouth "No, no, no, no, bloody hell no"

She went back to the room and reached for her phone to see the app that tracked her period only to see she was three days late. Tears began to blur her visions but almost instantly reminded herself that it could be a false alarm

Her first instinct was to call Charles but it was race day, she didn't wanna worry him and her brother came second in her mind but he'd also be worried so the only one left to help her was Lando, Carmen or Lily

"Morning, Stel" Lando greeted with a yawn, even though he was already up, he seemed tired

"Can you come over please?" her voice shook and he frowned lightly "I need your help"

"Is everything okay with Charles?"

"Yeah, everything is fine, just please come over" she pleaded and somehow was grateful that Charles wasn't there

Stella now realized that she was completely naked making her sigh, she pulled out her clothes from the closet and started to dress up. Ten minutes later, Lando was knocking on her door as she opened with a grateful smile

"Where's your boyfriend?" Lando skeptically questioned

"I have no idea, I'm freaking out, Lando, I think I'm pregnant" she said breathlessly and his eyes widened "And can you imagine that? At our first year anniversary? First, Lando not even second or third, first! Damn it, I wasn't that irresponsible when I was eighteen! What is wrong with me? And oh my god! I drank three glasses of champagne yesterday! What's wrong with me?"

"Nothing, okay? Let's get a pregnancy test first and we'll know for sure" he told her trying to calm her down "It could be a false alarm, you know? And even if it's not, Charles loves you"

"You know... sometimes love isn't enough" she muttered as they both made it downstairs and he knew what she exactly meant. She did mention once that her relationship with Mason messed her up after the miscarriage and break up

"Stop, Stella, please" he told her as they entered the car "Just because it didn't work out with Mason doesn't mean it won't with Charles and let's be honest, you and Mason were in love but somehow weren't fully in... He is now with Declan's little sister and expecting a child and you know he had been in love with her since they were kids and same with you and Charles, so don't compare what you have with him to your break up"

"He's not ready" she stated with a numb tone

"It doesn't matter, you're always ready with the right person and trust me you are his right person. I've known Charles since we were kids and while he was dating before he never once mentioned marriage until you" Lando told her firmly as he parked in front of a pharmacy "Stay here, I'll be back"

Less than five minutes later, Lando came back with two pregnancy tests handing them to her. She closed her eyes taking a deep breath "Listen text Charles, tell him you'll meet him at the track because we need to go" he told her and she nodded

"I don't think I have the courage" she admitted with a heavy look and he gave her a tight lipped smile

"Whenever you're ready, Stel. Just let me know the results"

"Don't tell anyone about this, please. At least until I tell Charles and G... if it's positive"


Stella and Charles hadn't seen each other before the race, she somehow was relieved because he'd tell she was a nervous wreck. During the race, she excused herself leaving Carmen and Lily to go to the bathroom with the tests inside her back

When she gathered enough courage to take them, she wasn't surprised when she saw two pink lines on one of them but what surprised her was that no single tear fell from her eye. The second test was negative which made her even more confused. Instead she shoved them back inside her bag and went back to the girls

"You're alright?" Carmen asked and Stella forced a smile with a nod

"Yeah, just tired"

"So are you excited for your date?" Lily asked with a teasing smirk

"I'm uh... yeah, I love Charles" she answered making both women share a look "I'm sorry, I'm just not really feeling well and I- I wanna go back, please can you tell G and Charles that I'm okay and I'm just tired and went to nap?"

"Sure, babe, go" Lily assured her with a small smile and Stella grabbed her things and hugged both girls before walking away

Stella was out of the paddock when a hand was wrapped around her arm making her turn around with a frown to see it was Arthur. He smiled at her but his eyes were questioning

"Leaving so soon?" He asked her curiously and she remained silent, this was probably her soon to be brother in law and the uncle of the baby inside her belly that if course if she was really pregnant

"Stella, what's wrong?" He demanded in concern and she let out a unwanted sob and his eyes widened before wrapping his arms around her "Please tell me, I don't have to kick my brother's ass"

"No, no, we're fine. I'm... I'm not feeling well at all and I wanna go back" she revealed as her voice shook and he pulled away "Tell your brother I have a migraine and I'll see him at the hotel"

"I'm not leaving you, come on, I'm driving"

When they arrived at the hotel, specifically Stella and Charles' room, she stumbled back feeling dizzy making Arthur quickly catch her before she fall and made her sit down on the bed and handed her a bottle of water

"Stel, we need to go see a doctor" he told her sternly and she shook her head in denial. Arthur eyed her for a whole minute trying to put the pieces together

"I haven't eaten anything since breakfast"

"Stella, are you pregnant?" He asked hesitantly because he knew her, she wouldn't cry because of a migraine, she wouldn't skip a race for it

"Arthur, don't tell anyone" she grabbed his wrist with a serious glare before wiping away her tears with a sniffle "I will- I just need- You can't tell anyone, please. I don't know for sure, one is negative, the other is positive and I have no idea because this happened before and it turned out I'm not really pregnant but now I'm... I'm not sure"

"Holy fuck" he muttered in disbelief before hugging her tightly "Congratulations, if you really are pregnant. I know it's hard... I know, Stel but you'll figure it out and you're strong, always... will you keep it, if you are?"

"It's your brother's child, of course, I'm keeping it" she said without any single heartbeat of hesitation "It's a part of him... us"

"He will be happy, trust me" Arthur told her softly squeezing her hand gently "Don't overthink it, just tell him tonight"

"Our anniversary date, seriously? And I'm not even sure?"

"Yeah, Stel, seriously" he told her with a nod "You know Charles, he hate to be kept in the dark as much as you do"

Arthur stayed with Stella until the race was over and everyone was heading back to the hotel, she was all dressed up even though she had no energy to go out but Charles was excited to take her out and she herself wanted that before she found out she was carrying his child

"You look stunning" Arthur complimented her and she gave him a twirl "You know, Stel, you don't have to pretend with me... It's okay to feel down, it's okay to be scared"

"I know" she smiled at him with a nod

Meanwhile downstairs at the lobby, Charles stopped George from going up to his room as the latter handed the keys to his girlfriend telling her to head up without him until he talk to the Ferrari driver "Everything's okay?"

"Your sister and I agreed that we'll get married next summer" Charles blurted out quickly and George for a moment was too stunned to even speak "I spoke with your father and mother this morning and I have their blessings but I know how much you mean to her and if it wasn't for you I wouldn't have met her"

"You know I've always known... that you are the one for her. Even back when we were little" George admitted with a genuine smile "You looked at her like she was..."

"My sun" Charles finished for him with a nod "She always lightened my darkest days... I'll propose this spring"

"You know my answer, mate. As long as she's happy" George assured him with his hand on his shoulder before they hugged briefly "And thank you for taking care of her"

"Always, she's my person"


Charles made his way to his room and opened the door to see Stella eating a bagel while chatting with his brother, they stopped when they saw him making Arthur grin and stood up to greet him "About time, Charles!"

"Are you alright?" Charles asked worriedly looking at his girlfriend, well soon to be fiancée hopefully "They said you weren't feeling well"

"I'm fine" she forced a smile before walking towards him kissing his cheek "Congratulations, you deserved the win"

"Are you alright, Stella?" Charles repeated and Arthur looked at her warily

"I should probably go" Arthur said awkwardly

"Do you know something?" Charles questioned his brother with a glare

"I should go, Charles" Arthur repeated more firmly and Stella grabbed her boyfriend's hand making him look at her as his younger brother walked out closing the door

"I'm alright, I promise. I was feeling a bit dizzy" she assured him softly before wrapping her arms around his neck but his worry didn't decrease "You should shower and change and quickly by the way so we could go celebrate. We literally have twenty minutes"

"Us, right?"

"Of course and your win" she added with a playful wink

"If you're still not feeling well, we can cancel and go another day, you know? It's alright, you matter to me most and in case I haven't said it yet, you're breathtaking" he told her sincerely and she arched up standing on her tip toes kissing him

The kiss wasn't hostile or desperate, it was sweet and passionate. He opened his mouth carefully with hers and one of his arms was wrapped around her waist pulling her closer, somehow the kiss became possessive and deep making her bite back a moan

"You already showered" she breathed out against his mouth heavily and he nodded with a chuckle, his fresh scent was addictive, it always had been. When he was still pressed against her, she felt something hard pressing against her stomach

"Please tell me you are not hard while we have to literally leave in ten minutes" she said with a warning glare but couldn't help but smile

"It's hard not to be when you're around" he retorted with a smirk

"We are so not having sex, right now, Leclerc!" She told him with a stern look and he groaned in frustration "Maybe later"

"I'm so fucking you later, Ella" he promised before giving her a quick peck on her mouth and left to change

He wore a white linen shirt with beige shorts as Stella looked up from her phone, she was texting Lando telling him about the news and made him promise to not utter a word especially to her brother until she tells him after Charles

"Hey handsome" she said before kissing his cheek with a small smile "You look hot"

"And you are beautiful"

Charles and Stella left to their destination, what she didn't know that he booked for them a helicopter ride. Her mouth dropped when she realized that he was going to drive it making her look at him in disbelief

"Can you drive this thing without killing us right?" She questioned fearfully and he gave her a look "Right, Charles?"

"Of course, Ella. I would never risk your safety" he stated with an amused look as he offered his hand and she took getting inside "Have some faith in me, my love"

My love

When they both settled down, the actual pilote was beside Charles while she was in the backseat, the helicopter was slowly lifting up from the air making her gasp loudly and he chuckled "You literally live in the air, Ella. You travel a lot"

"With a pilot!" She exclaimed nervously and he laughed  "And I mean a professional airplane pilot, not a formula one driver. Stop laughing at me, please! And hello? Mr. Pilote, do you actually trust him?"

"We will be fine, ma'am"

"Alright, I'm sorry but trust me, I won't kill us. I have plans for us and I still wanna put a baby inside you in the future" Charles stated with a smirk and that seemed to quieten her as her face dropped making him frown "Ella, are you alright?"

"Just nervous" she said forcing a smile "But you are lucky I trust you... Oh my God, the view is so beautiful"

"Yes it is" he said but somehow she knew he wasn't talking about the same view she was looking at which made the heat creep up to her face

When they landed, she felt a bit nauseous though, she was always nauseous during flights but she didn't wanna ruin their date so she just took a deep breath a sipped the cold water in her bottle. He stood behind her and closed her eyes with his hands

"Charles, tell me you aren't going to kill me in our first anniversary" she joked with a chuckle and he kissed her cheek

"Depends, Ella" he replied with a smirk as they kept walking towards the decorated gazebo he rented for the entire night

He dropped his hands slowly as she opened her eyes making her gasp at the beautiful view. It was nighttime and the lights coming out of it because of small and big candles, the table was already set, there was a bottle of champagne and even ice cream

"Oh my God, Charles. It's so beautiful" she told him sincerely as she was about to walk towards bit he stopped her with his hand around her wrist

"I need to tell you something first" he told her with a nervous look making her frown "I know we already agreed that we'll get married this summer and trust me I'm counting the days until it happens but I want you to know something. I can't wait to call you my wife, Estella. I can't wait to be able to tell the world that you are my one and only, my person, my entire world and solar system"

She chuckled as tears began to gather in her eyes, he entwined his fingers with hers and kissed her forehead gently whispering "I love you". Closing her eyes, tears fell down her cheeks freely

"Baby, I love you, I love you so much and from the first time I saw you, the only girl who wished me good luck despite the fact I was your brother's rival meant a lot to that thirteen years old boy. You are mine as much as I'm yours, Ella and I will spend the rest of my life cherish you and love you more everyday. I know some would think it's too soon but if I had it my way, I would've told you "let's get married" in our first date because you've always been the one for me, Ella. Always. You have my heart, it's yours to do whatever you want with it... I will always put you first, always but I want to know that you feel the same thing, that I'm not the only one who's ready to be whatever you want me to be"

Suddenly and slowly something was clutching her heart making her breathing uneven. Stella closed her eyes placing her hand on her chest and he realized that she was shaking and this wasn't some kind of shock or surprise but she was having a panic attack. Charles knew her too well, to know that this wasn't because of his question

She stumbled back making him stand up quickly catching her and walked them inside the gazebo and made her sit down on the chair. He knelt down in front of her "What's wrong, Stella?"

"I can't breathe" she muttered sharply and he cupped her cheeks between his hands gently

"Baby, it's alright. You're alright... please take a deep breath for me" he told her as she tried to copy his actions and after few minutes he seemed to make her calm down

"I love you, you're okay" he assured her before standing up and wrapping his arms around her, she suddenly felt his hands were trembling "You love me, right?"

"I love you, Charles. I do" she told him as her voice cracked and he pulled away to see her face "I'm uh- I have no idea how to say it"

"You're not break-"

"I'm not breaking up with you, never" she assured him with a sad smile and he nodded sighing in relief "I'm so sorry I- I'm sorry"

"For what, Ella?" He questioned with a deep frown "You're perfect, you did nothing wrong"

"I know it's too soon... way too soon and we still haven't settled down fully and yes we love each other but-"

"You're pregnant" he trailed her off and she let out an unwanted sob and he quickly hugged her

"I don't know... I mean, we had a plan b, I drank that pill. How can a fetus survive that pill?" She questioned shakily and he chuckled making her pull away and glare at him

"Sorry, not the right time but this isn't your fault, Ella. We're both responsible, we had sex and that requires two people" he stated firmly with an assuring look "If you really are pregnant... Am I scared? Yes, Stella I am but I also know we're in this together. You and I... a team, alright? We're better off together than apart and if you're not ready, I completely understand that and I will support your choice, I will love you for it, trust me. You are my heart"

"If I am pregnant. This is our child, Charles. Of course I'm keeping it. I would want to" she told him with a small smile and he glanced down at her stomach before putting his hand on her belly "It'd be ours, babe"

"Fuck, I love you so much" he told her before capturing her lips slowly, He felt like he could hope again, his mouth was urgent against hers. Her body curving into Charles' in a way that made him inhale sharply "I adore you, Je t'adore, Ella"

"Je t'aime, Charles. Je t'aime beaucoup... shit my french sucks" she said with a chuckle and he smiled

"You're perfect, baby"


The next day, Stella had texted her brother to meet her at the lobby. From a mile away, he could tell she was nervous making him frown as he approached her with a small smile. She hugged him tightly as he rubbed her back

"Walk with me" she told him and he wrapped his arm around her walking out of the hotel

"I guess you and Charles had a great night?" George smirked and she looked up with a nod "He told me that you two want to elope this summer"

"He actually told you" she said in disbelief and he nodded

"I'm surprised you're up this early and not hangover from champagne" he joked nudging her shoulder playfully and her face dropped

"About that... well, I'd never turn down champagne, like never but I can't drink" she stated making him frown, she said with a meaning like he was supposed to know

He noticed the use of can't instead not didn't want to

"Estella..." he trailed off facing her and she nodded in confirmation as she sighed

"We're not sure if I'm pregnant" she said making him wrap his arms around her hugging her tightly

"Congratulations" he whispered before lifting her up and spun her around happily

"I said I'm not sure!" She exclaimed making him stop instantly

"I'm sorry... when did you suspect?"

"Yesterday at the race" she answered with a small smile "Arthur took me back to the hotel. That's why I wasn't there... I just freaked out. I was scared but I talked to my doctor and he said there's a possibility it might be a false positive because of my medication and I have to see him first thing when I go back to England"

"It's okay" he assured her with a smile "Now, if you are pregnant how are you going to tell our parents and siblings?"

"Please, don't remind me. Do you imagine me telling Benjy and dad?"

"You're getting married in nine months, so it's not that bad" George tried to assure her and she sighed with a nod "It sucks to be the younger sibling, trust me I know"

"If I am pregnant, I'd have to reschedule the elopement"


So cliffhanger?

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