Major Arcana

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You know how scared I am of elevators
Never trust it if it rises fast
It can't last
Uh oh, I'm falling in love
Oh no, I'm falling in love again
Oh, I'm falling in love
I thought the plane was going down
How'd you turn it right around


"I know where the Cup is." Clary said as they all gathered at Magnus' living room, Lizzie was sat on the couch while Kaiden was standing behind her

"Come again?" Jace questioned with a confused look while Lizzie was staring at her dumbfounded

"The tarot cards." Clary revealed as she turned to fave everyone making Lizzie chuckle shaking her head

"It's three in the morning, love. I wouldn't blame you if you're-" the brunette began with an amused look but the redhead cut her off

"I'll explain to you how later, Lizzie. Our mom, she must have painted them years ago, but the Mortal Cup has to be hidden inside the Ace of Cups." She told them with a hopeful tone "The card looks exactly like it."

"So the cup is in the tarot cards?" Lizzie frowned with a puzzled expression before sighing "I need alcohol for this"

"The tarot card is the cup" Clary corrected but her face dropped when she noticed everyone wasn't as hopeful as she was "Wait, why aren't you guys happy about this? All we have to do is find-"

"Dot." Lizzie finished for her with a heavy look "Do you know where Dot is? Because last I checked she was nowhere to be seen"

"Lizzie stop" Clary told her with an annoyed look

"As much as I find your sarcasm fascinating, amor. We need to start taking this seriously" Kaiden placed his hand on her shoulder squeezing it gently


He just called her amor and it did something to her, it ignited butterflies that almost made her sick in her stomach

"If Dot had the cards when she was taken, we don't have much time." Jace stated as his eyes flickered between the redhead and her sister "If Valentine gets his hands on the Cup-"

"We know." Magnus cut him off pushing himself off the couch "If Valentine started creating Shadowhunters or gained control of demons, it'd be like Beyonce riding on a dinosaur through Times Square. People would notice."

"He has a point" Lizzie nodded pointing at him "This means he still has no idea where the cup is"

"But he can control demons. I've seen it." Clary pointed out

"Mmm, paying off a few demons is easy, especially since they rarely survive long enough to collect." Magnus stopped in front of her making Kaiden frown as Lizzie looked around titling her head to meet his eyes

"You've been quiet" she said with a teasing smile and he sighed in defeat

"I'll tell you later at the institute" he nodded before glancing at Magnus, he still didn't trust him. Not after what he did the previous year

"Still waiting on Valentine's thank-you card." Jace quipped with a smirk as he folded his arms around his chest

"Opening the gates of hell... that's a little more tricky." Magnus joked making Lizzie chuckle before standing up

"Valentine doesn't have the cards. I do" Luke entered the living room making Lizzie turn on her heels, she sighed in relief. He looked like he regained some of his strength

"Luke" she breathed out before walking towards him hugging him tightly, he smiled rubbing her back. She really was like his daughter, he always treated her like one

"Where's the cards?" Kaiden crossed his arms around his chest, he knew he could trust look around his fiancée

"They're in my desk back at the precinct." Luke replied as he and Lizzie pulled apart "When Clary and Betty went missing, I went to the loft and I cleared everything out, 'cause I didn't want the Circle to track her."

"That's great. This should be easy!" Clary exclaimed happily

"Hmm, that's what General Custer said." The warlock commented sitting back down with an eye roll. He knew this wasn't as easy as it sounded

"Wait, Clary there's more to it" the brunette stopped her sister, she was always ready to give Clary a reality check because that was her job as an older sister

"Magnus is right." Luke agreed with a heavy sigh "Valentine has spies everywhere, even in the NYPD. We have to be discreet."

"Discreet?" Clary looked alarmed before her eyes scanned Luke's bandage making her crack a smile "You look like something out of The Mummy movie."

"We'll go in the morning." He told them and before Lizzie protested he cut her off "Werewolf healing, remember? This is nothing a couple of hours of beauty sleep can't fix... Betty can we talk?"

"Of course" she nodded with a small smile before turning around facing Kaiden "I'll meet back at the institute?"

Kaiden was eyeing Luke, he wasn't sure what he was gonna tell her, though the former never personally met the latter but he was sure Jocelyn spoke about him and what happened. He wasn't sure what to do exactly because he was seriously starting to get paranoid about everything

"I'll wait for you outside" he touched her shoulder briefly before walking away. Luke wasn't a fool, he knew something was going on between them

Lizzie followed him back to the bedroom, she wasn't sure of what to ask or say. She was angry at him, angry at Jocelyn and maybe he didn't have a choice but to respect their mother's decision but she still felt betrayed

"You all lied to me" that was the first thing she said when they were alone and he looked down guiltily

"Whatever that Herondale boy told you-"

"Kai didn't tell me anything, no one is telling me anything. Who am I supposed to trust Luke? When you all have done nothing but manipulate and lie to me?" She snapped as tears gathered in her eyes "She isn't even my Godmother, Luke"

"You can trust me" he promised softly and she scoffed bitterly "I will always protect you"

"I have a brother, for God sake I have a brother" her voice cracked before wiping away her tears aggressively "He thinks I'm dead- thought that I was dead for like more than eighteen years. My parents were circle members-"

"We all were" he cut her off quickly, it was some kind of reassurance but it didn't feel like one. She ran her fingers through her hair in frustration as he noticed the diamond ring shining in her finger

"Wait is that-?" He trailed off grabbing her left hand, his eyes were glued to the ring "You remember? You know?"

"Remember what?" She questioned with a deep frown and he looked up meeting her eyes to see no a single recognition in them "Know what Luke?"

"I'm sorry... not you- just after the hallucinations... I'm sorry" he apologised shaking his head in denial. Somehow she found that hard to believe

"I'm engaged" she said with a suspicious look "It's Kaiden Herondale... it's a long story and I'm so tired. I just wanna sleep"

"Listen... about your parents, they weren't traitors... your father just believed the wrong man. We both did" Luke told her with a defeated sigh "When we find Jocelyn she will tell you her reasons but I am sorry. I tried to get her to tell you everything but she refused and I just couldn't say anything"

"Good night" she smiled weakly before leaving the room. She had no energy to feel anymore pain or wonder why her mother lied to her. She was just tired

Lizzie walked out of the loft to see Kaiden was pacing back and forth, he hardly noticed her and that worried him. He always looked so calm and collected, she never witnessed him at this state so she made her way towards him as he finally seemed to notice her

"Are you okay?" She asked with a concerned look and he sighed in relief with a nod. She wasn't aware of anything clearly

"Yeah" he forced a smile but she wasn't convinced yet "Yeah, let's just go, alright?"

"Luke almost freaked out when he saw my engagement ring" she admitted as they walked out of the building and he remained silent "I mean... I know he's just worried about me but I feel like it's more than that. He thinks you told me something to turn me against him or I don't know. Maybe I'm just overanalysing this"

"He has the right to be worried... he doesn't see you in two weeks and suddenly you're engaged?" He questioned rhetorically as they walked towards the institute. It wasn't far from Magnus' place

"I didn't tell him about our arrangement" she said with a sigh and he looked at her clearly surprised "I know I can trust him but this was a mutual decision. I have to ask you first"

"If you trust him then tell him" he said knowing that Luke would do anything for his girls "It's not like people aren't aware that it's a marriage of convenience"

"Jace and Alec never talk about it... Izzy too" Lizzie observed as he motioned for her to get inside the building first

"They think this is a game to me, I'll be bored and call it quit in no time"

"Will you?"

"No" he replied briefly "I've been to a downworld rave to see if anyone knows anything about Valentine. I paid someone to get me some informations"

"And what did they tell you?" She questioned urgently and he took a deep breath

"He knows how to summon demons... and angels" he revealed with a pointed look making her gasp in disbelief "Some even say that his son isn't really dead. Some of the circle members are still here at the institute loyal to him. Elizabeth, we can't trust anyone, alright?"

"Do you think Hodge-?" She whispered glancing at the training room, he wasn't there but she could never know

"I don't know but we have to be careful... just be careful. I just need to know his exact location and I'll go get your mother... as you know he's not a downworlders fan so it isn't easy to get that information but I will" he told her with a determined nod and she nodded with a small smile. She believed him. Maybe she shouldn't but she did

"Just because I want my mom back doesn't mean I want you to get hurt, Kai" she softly said with a sincere look and he stared at her eyes. He always got lost in them, lost in her.

"Go get some sleep. Ben and Maryse wanna talk to you tomorrow"


The next day, Lizzie got out of her room to go to Kaiden's. She was nervous, she wasn't sure what to expect from her meeting with Maryse and her brother. It was clear that the former expected so much from her and that somehow scared. To not be able to live up to her expectations

She met unfamiliar blue eyes but the eye contact was just as brief as her interest. The man stopped at his tracks when he recognized her instantly, he never saw a picture of her before but her resemblance to their mother was evidently clear

He looked around to see her waiting for Kaiden to open his bedroom's door and when he did, she smiled at him as he motioned for her to get inside. He wouldn't lie, he felt relieved when he saw how comfortable she was around his best friend. At least he knew who she was marrying.

"Hi!" She greeted her fiancé with a nervous smile "I'm just really nervous and by nervous I mean on the verge of having a meltdown which my therapist said that my mind is the reason why I'm nervous that if I just let go and let-"

"Elizabeth" he cut her off as she stopped pacing back and forth only to realize he wasn't wearing a shirt. If he was trying to stop her from overthinking then he was successful at it

"What are you wearing?" He questioned with a frown, the formal attire that she wore was so unlike her- cropped black suit blazer with a skirt. She was never a fan of formal clothes snd he knew that

"Clothes" she replied still eyeing him before shaking her head as she cleared her throat making him smirk "Do you mind wearing a shirt? I'm already nervous as it is, no need to add insult to injury"

"Do I make you nervous?" he teased pulling out a black shirt from his drawer making her look away "I'm about yo be your husband, amor. You can look"

"Stop calling me amor, it's insulting " she said with a quick fake smile making him chuckle "Does your grandmother really think I'm unfit for marriage?"

"I don't know, I didn't ask" he shrugged carelessly making her face him with a sigh "I don't care either. I've stopped chasing her approval a while ago"

"She's your grandmother" she said softly "I mean... of course she's the only one who's gonna argue with you but she still loves you, I'm sure. I mean you're her only grandson"

"She's making sure I don't make the same mistakes my father did" he said quietly but loud enough for her to hear "She blames Valentine for his death. She said he was the one who killed him... some say that too"

"Is that why you're helping me find my mom? So you'd find Valentine?" She asked him curiously, though she didn't blame him

She recalled the time when she touched him without her bracelet on and she felt all of that anger- years of anger so she guessed it was because of that. He felt like Valentine stripped him away from his family because if his father was still alive, his mother wouldn't take her own life and kill his baby brother too with her

"I mean... I wouldn't blame you if you are. I'd be angry too. You don't have to be ashamed of that... I'm angry at my mother" she told him with a sad smile "I don't know if I can forgive her for lying to me my whole life... point is you're allowed to feel things and don't come with the whole emotions clouds your judgement thing. Maybe at war yes but not when it comes to family matters"

"You're always honest" he pointed out with a thoughtful tone and she shrugged "I wish I could be too sometimes"

"Well... we're about to get married and we have to be truthful to one another or else this won't work... we have to tell each other the truth no matter how hurtful it is"

Kaiden looked into her brown eyes and wondered what would her reaction be if she found out he as well had been keeping things from her. He wasn't sure if he'd be able to lie to her face and say that he'd always be truthful because he knew he wasn't at the moment so he just nodded avoiding eye contact with her

"Come on Maryse hates it when people are late" he told her clearing his throat and she nodded slowly with narrow eyes

Lizzie and Kaiden knocked on Maryse's office before getting inside to see her sitting on the office already waiting for her. The latter frowned in confusion when the Herondale young man showed up with her Goddaughter

"Thank you for escorting her, Kai, you may leave" Maryse pointed at the door making him shake his head in denial

"No, I'm not leaving unless she wants me to" he protested with a challenging glare making her shift her eyes to Lizzie who seemed puzzled

"Now what's all this fuss about" Ben entered the room making with a bright smile making the engaged couple turn around. Lizzie's jaw dropped when she realized it was the same man she met at the hallway earlier

"I'm Benjamin" he introduced himself to her warmly holding up his hand for her to shake

"Elizabeth- Lizzie" she shook his hand still wonderstruck before glancing at Kaiden who nodded

"Take a seat, Betty, Ben" Maryse ordered the siblings "Kai please"

"It's okay" Lizzie told her fiancé with a small smile, though she wasn't sure who she was reassuring though, herself or him "I'll be fine... I think"

Lizzie's eyes shifted to her brother who was studying his best friend's next move, he wasn't sure about Kaiden's feelings towards his sister. He knew he was protective of her that much was clear but his feelings, he wasn't really certain if he had him for her or it was just some decoy

"You called me Betty" Lizzie pointed out looking at Maryse just when Kaiden walked out closing the door behind him "No one calls me Betty except my mom- Jocelyn and Luke"

"Your mother and father always called you Betty, to match Ben" Maryse revealed motioning for the siblings to take a seat on the couch and they obliged awkwardly

"My parents weren't traitors" Lizzie told her shaking her head with a stern look "They were..."

"Killed" Ben finished for her making her look at him in surprise "Yeah, everyone knows but they don't know that they were murdered by Valentine himself. They think they were murdered by downworlders which isn't the case"

"Only few people knows" Maryse stood up from her office and walked towards them "But what matters now that you two clear your parents name"

"How are we supposed to do that?" Lizzie asked with a confused look before glancing at her brother. He knew Maryse's speech by heart so he just pretended to be listening.

"Follow the rules, maintain balance, make the Clave see that we are capable of being in charge of the institute without questioning our intentions" she retorted with a determined tone and Lizzie slowly nodded "You're already doing something by marrying the Herondale heir, only if he took his responsibilities seriously"

"Kai is responsible" Lizzie defended her fiancé, he wasn't like Jace. Kaiden always studied the way before taking it

"Sometimes" Maryse agreed with a suspicious look. She was sure that Lizzie wasn't in love with Kaiden but somehow she started to doubt that

"What are you asking from me now?" Lizzie asked with a sigh and Maryse remained silent for a moment. She was sure that her Goddaughter would do anything for Jocelyn and Clary and that was an issue. It means breaking the Clave rules

"To simply be logical" Maryse replied calmly "Emotions clouds your judgement... I know you're torn and scared but we're Lightwood, we're together"

"We break noses and accept the consequences" Ben finished for her with a small smile "Whatever you need me to do, I'll do it"

Maryse smiled at him, he and Alec were the same yet different. Their loyalty to their family was so deep that no matter who tries to shake it wouldn't succeed. Lizzie looked defeated but she had no other option but to get on board

"You may both go now" she told them before standing up and they followed before exiting the room

"Well that was a blast" Lizzie commented sarcastically making her brother chuckle "Clary won't like this, she'll think I'm giving up on mom but I'm not"

"I didn't think I'd see you again" Ben admitted making her look up at him to see his pained eyes "I've looked for you. I couldn't find you and Adeline did"

"By accident, she didn't know who I was when we met" Lizzie clarified with a sigh "I didn't even know I have a brother, mom- Jocelyn didn't tell me anything"

"Yeah... Kai mentioned that" Ben nodded with a sad smile "You have me now, you know that right?"

Lizzie smiled at him with a small nod before wrapping her arms around him, she didn't remember him. She was a baby when they got separated but she could see how much he loved her, the instant connection they felt towards each other

"I know" she whispered as he hugged her back with a bright smile

"Why did you agree to marry Kai?" He asked curiously when they pulled apart making her face drop "I mean you barely know him yet you agreed to marry him"

"Why is everyone surprised?" She questioned throwing her hands in the air from frustration just when her phone started ringing. She frowned and pulled it out of her pocket

"I'm sorry" she said before picking up "Hey, Simon what's up?"

"I think I'm sick and I mean really sick" he started to panic making her frown deeply "Something's happening to me, Eliza and-"

"Take a deep breath, Simon and tell me what happened, I can take you to the hospital" she said worriedly, though she didn't show it and Ben was truly marvelled by that

"I think I'm turning into a vampire"

"No, that's impossible" she shook her head in denial as she blanched

"What's going on?" Ben asked in concern and she held her hand up so she'd focus more on Simon

"Simon, can you come to the institute? It's safer and there's a good doctor here" Lizzie demanded pacing back and forth nervously "Jace isn't here, I promise. It's just me and Kai"

"Betty, we need to go" Ben urged looking up from his phone "Jace and Clary needs us"

"Simon, listen to me don't be stubborn and come to the institute, please" she pleaded desperately "I need to go now but if you come to the institute everything is gonna be fine"

"O- Okay" he nodded scratching the back of his neck before they hang up


"Someone call for backup?" Izzy asked the second Clary and Jace got out of the station. Alec was standing next to her as he was facing both of his cousins

"Yeah. What took you guys so long?" Jace questioned with knitted eyebrows before smiling when he realized that Ben just joined them

"Funny, I was gonna ask you the same thing." Alec retorted grumpily not giving his cousin and parabatai time to greet each other

"Did you find the cup?" Lizzie asked them curiously

"It's complicated." Jace said making Lizzie scoff as she was about to speak but he stopped her "Don't, Lizzie, no"

"We found the Cup." Clary interrupted them and Lizzie crossed her arms around her chest

"Where is it?" Ben's eyes widened in surprise "As in the Mortal cup, right?"

"Is there any other cup I'm not aware of?" Lizzie asked horrifiedly and he shook his head in denial

"The Cup?" Izzy emphasised making Clary nod in confirmation

"Yeah, but then we lost it. We have to sneak back in the precinct to get it" Clary told them as if it was an easy task. The NYPD was already packed with downworlders and not only that, they could run into a circle member and they'd lead him to the cup

"This is a disaster." Alec commented with a hard glare crossing his arms around his torso

"Hey, demon pox is a disaster. This is an inconvenience." Jace pointed out "We just need a plan. That's all."

"Show, don't tell." Lizzie gave them a fake smile before facing the redhead "That's what supposed to be the plan"

"Exactly" Alec agreed with her making Jace roll his eyes in annoyance

"What about a glamour?"

"We tried that." Jace replied to Izzy "Anyone working with Valentine will see right through it."

"Can we ask Magnus Bane to portal us inside?" Clary suggested with a hopeful tone

"No." Alec denied sternly making Lizzie share a look with Ben at the sudden shift of mood

"That'd be awkward." Izzy mumbled under her breath and Alec shot her a glare "Magnus can only portal us to places he's been to before"

"So again why are we here?" Ben asked the Wayland young man when Clary went to take a phone call

"For moral support, I guess" Lizzie commented sarcastically with a smirk causing Jace to sigh "Seeing as completing one task is impossible for the great Jace Wayland"

"Why is she here again?" he asked looking at Ben who smirked devilishly with a sigh "Where's Kai? I'm surprised he let let her come here alone"

"First of all I don't need Kai's approval to be here, alright? And second of all... there's no second point but to answer your question, he had to stay with Maryse for- I don't know" she stated with a defensive attitude and he sighed before walking towards the redhead

"You were born to humble him, I'll have to thank mom and dad if I ever see them again" Ben chuckled amusingly

"Focus" Alec ordered his cousins as they both turned back their attention on him "Izzy and I are going to do what Jace asked of us and you need to mind the perimeter. Call us if anything happens"

"You know as much as I love my sister, she's idiotically reckless. Jace indeed found his perfect match" Lizzie grumbled with a groan "Let's mind the perimeter"

"And Kai found his perfect match" Ben quietly scoffed with a mischievous smile


Alec, Isabelle, Ben and Lizzie were waiting outside for Clary and Jace and after awhile the pair rushed out of the NYPD grabbing their friends attention. "Did you get it?" Alec questioned

"Theoretically." Clary replied with a frustrated look

"Theoretically?" Lizzie and Alec shifted their eyes between the blond and the redhead with a confused look

"Yeah. I found the card" Clary explained with a sigh "I found the card. I just have to figure out how I reached into my notebook before. It's- It's not an exact science."

"It could be" Ben shrugged with a pointed look

"Can't you just pull the Cup out?" Alec insisted with a raised eyebrow

"I can, theoretically. I just It's not as easy as it looks, Alec." She snapped not liking the way the Lightwood cousins were pressuring her

"Listen, you two can discuss theories as much as you want when we get back to the Institute." Jace hurried with an urgent tone "But right now, considering we just stole from the cops, I suggest we get home."

"Guys-" Izzy's necklace started to pulse on her chest as the red light flashed on and off slowly "I think the mundanes might be the least of our worries."

"Well, at least we know the demon necklace works." Alec commented sarcastically

"Never a dull day. Let's go." Jace demanded as everyone followed behind him. While everyone was trying to hurry, the redhead was struggling to keep up with them

"Guys, slow down!"

Everyone stopped when they realized that Jace just killed a demon making Lizzie rush to her sister who was clearly horrified "What the hell?" The redhead exclaimed in disbelief

"Language. Not in front of Grandma." Jace sassed causing Lizzie's eyes to roll

"How did it find us?" Ben questioned curiously looking around him

"I don't know... but she brought friends."

"How can you tell?" Lizzie asked with a deep frown, though she knew that she really needed some extra training

"It's like seeing through a glamour." Jace replied to her glancing at the redhead "You just got to pay attention to the details."

"But I can't see anything!" Clary told him

"Behind us." Isabelle warned them making Lizzie look over her shoulder as Ben grabbed her arm and pulled her closer to him protectively

"I... I still can't see them." Clary panicked looking at her surroundings "Okay, there's too many people."

"I don't say this often, but I agree with Clary." Alec spoke as he analyzed the people around him too "We gotta get out of here."

"You can always count on me to escape any place" Lizzie told them with a proud smile "Follow me this way!"

She led them towards the steps that would drew them away from people and demons, when they reached the door she stared at it dumbfounded before pulling out her stele only to realize she had hadn't memorised the runes

"Do me the honor, darling" she smiled at Jace gesturing towards the door making him smile winking at her

"Just tell me what's the Unlock rune again?" Clary confidently said, she wasn't jealous of her sister, she never was but somehow whenever Lizzie flirted with Jace, she'd feel a bit insecure but the thing was the former flirt with everyone, minus her fiancé

Jace kicked on the door with full force with his foot as it opened "Open sesame."

"Hey, what are you doing?" Jace asked Alec who pulled his bow off his back and Ben got his broadsword ready

"Holding them off. Take Clary back to the Institute." Alec ordered making Lizzie frown looking at her brother and cousin

"Jace, for god sake just go" Ben demanded with an annoyed tone

"No, if you're staying, I'm staying. We fight together." Jace stated determinedly making Alec face him, he knew exactly how to talk his parabatain out of his stubbornness

"Don't be stupid. If the demons get the Cup, we're dead anyways." He concluded before glancing at Lizzie "And if something happens to Lizzie we won't hear the end of it"

"Alec, Ben... we can't leave you behind" Lizzie told them with a pleading look

"I'm not leaving anyone behind." Jace exclaimed shaking his head in denial

"You don't have a choice." Alec retorted just as strong willed as his parabatai

"I know you guys are having a moment, okay? But we really have to go." Clary broke their argument with an urgency

"Don't worry. It's not like this is the first time Alec or Ben have saved your life." Izzy smirked with a shrug making Jace sigh in defeat "I doubt it'd be the last."

"I'm staying" Lizzie told them pulling out her seraph blade and Clary seemed hesitant "Go!"

"So, we're playing the distraction game again?" Lizzie looked at Alec teasingly who ignored her but couldn't help the small smile that appeared on his face


After everything was cleared out, Alec and Luke went to check if the tunnels were clear while Ben and Lizzie went back to the institute. When the brunette found Jace but not Clary she started to panic as the worst case of scenarios plagued her mind

"All right, listen up. I want this entire institute on high alert" Jace ordered back at the OPS center grabbing everyone's attention "I don't care what anybody else says, I'll take full responsibility."

"If we go back and split we may be able to find her" Lizzie suggested looking at Jace who nodded
"Right now, Clary is the only thing that matters!"

"Jace!" Clary called running towards him hugging him and Lizzie's eyes immediately shifted to Alec who was clearly hurt

"Jesus" she muttered under her breath before walking towards Izzy and Alec "Where's Kai?"

"His office I think" Izzy replied making the brunette nod before leaving them alone. She knew Clary was going to kiss Jace, she knew her sister too well

Lizzie knocked on the door before opening it slowly to see Kai on the phone as he was staring out of the window, apparently he didn't even notice that she was there. She smiled softly at how focused and determined he looked

"I don't care, I'm going to marry her even if you disown me" he snapped coldly and that seemed to pique Lizzie's interest "If she's an enemy in your eyes, then I am too"

"Kaiden, your emotions are clouding your judgement" Imogen told him firmly "This girl knows nothing about the shadow world"

"So? Why are you threatened by her?" He questioned curiously and the line went silent "She's done nothing but prove her loyalty to us again and again"

"To you, she had proven her loyalty to you and it seems that you're loyalty to her is stronger than your loyalty to the Clave, to your family!"

"You know her brother" Kaiden retorted with a heavy sigh, he was tired of having the same arguments with his grandmother "We grew up together"

"I don't know her, I don't what Jocelyn had taught her" Imogen replied trying to make him see reason "We don't know where her loyalty lies"

"With me, if you don't agree to this, it's alright. Not the first time and probably not the last but I will marry her. She will be Elizabeth Herondale" he promised her with a resolute tone "She will be my wife"

"I'm trying to protect you" Imogen said softly and he believed her, he truly did

"Not from her" he shook his head in denial before looking around to notice he wasn't alone, his fiancée was right at the door, probably listened to the whole conversation

"Kaiden, your reputation is catching up with you. Elizabeth Lightwood won't redeem that, Aline will"

"It's Elizabeth or no one. You want me to marry or not?"

"Alright, you have my blessing" she sighed in defeat making him smile as his locked some familiar brown ones "When's the wedding?"

"Thank you... it means a lot" he said gesturing for Lizzie to get inside the room "This weekend"

"I'll be there" she said before hanging up and Lizzie approached him with a frown

"Listen, Kaiden... I don't want to cause any problems. If your grandmother don't want us together... I can't go against her" Lizzie shook her head in denial "Maybe you're thinking I just want an out from this marriage but I'm really not. I just can't sabotage your relationship with your family"

"Would you go up against your family if you love someone?" He questioned crossing his arms around his chest and she frowned deeply

"If I was in love with him and he was in love with me then yes" she nodded slowly with a suspicious look "But you're not in love with me"

"I'm not" he lied with a composed tone, his answer didn't surprise but somehow she found herself disappointed

"I know"

Lizzie was aware of the fact that she was slowly falling for him, maybe if he didn't show her that she was the most important person to him instead of Clary and the mortal cup then she wouldn't but she realized that falling in love with Kaiden was going to be a grave issue

"So I'm not worth the trouble, Kai"

"You are... you are worth the trouble and my grandmother gave us her blessings" he smiled slightly making her face lighten up happily

"Oh my god" she sighed in relief biting her lower lip making him gulp thickly glancing away "By the way, did Simon come here?"

"No... I was expecting him since you said he should see a doctor but he didn't show up" he answered with a shrug making her pull out her phone trying to ring him but it went straight to voicemail

"He thinks he's turning into a vampire"

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