Out of Nowhere

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I had the privilege to wake up to a smirking Madison, "Well, Sleeping beauty finally awakes. I was hoping you wouldn't though. Anyhow, ma's got her boss coming for brunch in 5 minutes, so you better get ready!' She ran off with a smirk and slammed my door. As soon as she left, I sat up with a jerk and automatically started feeling woozy, I collected myself and got ready as fast as humanly possible.

As soon as I stepped out of my room, a large woman strided up to me and stretched out her large, pudgy hand to me, "How are ya darlin'? I've heard so much about you!" I wasn't sure if that was a good thing or not but I still shook her hand.

"Oh gosh!", I muttered under my breath, she had a really tight grip! She grinned madly at me like the mad hatter. She looked the jolly type, unlike my step-mum. Valory walked her over to the table and the two of them immediately started talking about boring work-related stuff. She shooed me and Madison away 'to go play like good little children'. I rolled my eyes and we headed outside. The warm sun welcomed us as we stepped out into the large garden, nothing made me happier than a bright, sunny day outside but obviously Madison didn't feel the same given her permanent smirk turned into a frown as soon as she left the indoors. After a few minutes of awkward silence I suggested we play a game.

A while later, when me and Madison were severely ill with boredom, we were called in to say goodbye to ma's guest. She shook each of our hands once again. When she shook my hand I was somewhat prepared but still tried hard not to wince. Then she put her mouth next to my ear and whispered, "No matter what anyone says, being curious is the only way to discover... a new world." She said the last phrase so that I could only barely hear her. She started walking but before she reached the doorway, she turned and winked at me. When ma was sure she was gone, she let me and Madison so whatever we liked. I headed straight to my hammock outside, my place of pure privacy where I could actually think without anyone interrupting. My hammock was my special place, it was in the middle of the garden strung between two trees just so the leaves provided a nice shelter from the bright sun.

When I got there, I felt something was a bit off, but I decided to just ignore it and climb in my hammock. As soon as I sat down, I felt something hard under me. I shuffles aside to find an old manuscript of my favourite book, right where i was sitting before...

It was Alice In Wonderland, one of the original copies! It wasn't there before, I didn't own a copy of Alice In Wonderland let alone an old manuscript... How did it get there? Did it just appear out of nowhere?

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