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im on the verge of tears , i had a friend , she was a really really good one . one of the one's you hope to treasure forever . [ Let's call her A ] and she tried balancing three lives at once , keeping her friendship group different , me different and another girl different . the other girl is too clingy [ let's call her B ]  , and i can understand why this friend wants me more than the clingy girl , but we were being driven apart by the misunderstanding that I thought that A and B were best friends , and i was stuck third wheeling . A's mad at B , taking all the anger out at me , third wheel , great . A's friendship group never liked me , I was too problematic , too outspoken , too blunt , and so the actively encouraged B to take my place . A then texted another friend [ C ] , that she preferred me to B , but she said this one thing ;; " how do you think B feels when I pick nattie over her ? "
C replied with , " How many times have you even done that ? "

But five major things happened , which had frozen my heart , before ;;

#1 B accidentally deleted all my work , and the teacher came by , obviously I had to tell him that B had accidentally deleted my work , A took B's side .

#2 I told A & B that I was feeling really left out , and they made a whole public scandal out of that . Yes people know me by that now , judge me by that . Once again , A took B's side

#3 after all that , the friendship group had invited me to play with them . They then proceeded to pin me against a tree . Great , then pretended like I'd hallucinated that , I still have the marks –

#4 I overheard B talking bout this other girl, really badly at the friendship group table , she said the other girl was clingy and sad , she was lonely and a b*tch , [ wowo like isn't that what you do ? ]

#5 [ seating plan is A , B , ME ] in science , A was at an orthodontist appointment and when she came back , B was literally crying , saying that she was so lonely and had nobody to talk to ? wtf you had 24 other people .

and now , A told me , she's trying to make it better , that she feels sad , she wants it to go the way it was , but my heart is rid of any emotion , Any feelings of friendship for her , my heart is just cold and dead , and i , I just , I just don't wanna make it awkward until the end of this year , after this year , the classes will change ,but until like early July , i gotta be on good terms with them , unless I wanna be lonely in class times . after July I don't give a flying f*ck as to  what'll happen to them , just wait until Year nine –

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