Just Add Moving

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It was a lovely, warm summer day. The weather was cool and the clouds sheltered the ground from harsh heat. A 8-year old boy was pushing his 5-year old little sister on the swing. The empty grounds were filled with shrieks of delight and laughter from the duo. 

"Charles! Rosaline! Stop your frolicking this instant!" yelled a high-pitched voice, which personally sounded like nails on a chalkboard, according to Charles. 

Both of them immediately jumped from their places and held an empty visage. Any sign of playtime vanished from their faces. "Yes, Aunt Gertrude," replied the duo, simultaneously.

"Goodness me, look at the state of your clothes! My mother would be rolling in her grave if she saw the pair of you like this!" She kept going on and on about the woes and miseries her sister had left her in the form of two children.

Charles "Chuck" Piezer rolled his eyes at his aunt's retreating figure. Honestly, thought Charles, she's become worse after getting the news we have to move

Rosaline "Rose" Piezer giggled at her brother's antics. "Come on Chucky Boo~. We have to go see dear darling Beatrice and change our clothes before the move.

"Don't remind me about that God awful nickname she gave me," scowled Charles before leading up the stairs to get to his room. Rose giggled one last time before heading to her own room to get dressed.


"She's a menace," grumbled Charles, wiping off the kisses Beatrice had lathered onto him. "Oh quiet, you," snickered Rose, playfully swatting his shoulder. As silence descended over the duo, they looked out of the windows of the car. 

A quaint town came into view. Rose sighed. It looked like something straight out of a fairytale. Clouds floated softly in the sky and the breeze was incredibly pleasant. Nearing the time of sunset, the sky turned orange and pink. 

Rose was broken out of her reverie when the car suddenly stopped in front of an age old manor. As they entered the estate, a butler came up to them and bowed deeply.

"I hope that you'll enjoy your stay here, Mister and Miss Piezer." he said, smiling at the pair. As Aunt Gertrude started barking orders, the butler bowed again and stood straight.

"Welcome to Saffron Falls, Mister and Miss Piezer."


Note: Please vote, share and comment on this story ❤ I will write the second chapter only after I get... 3 VOTES! How was the chapter, btw? This has been running in my mind the entire day!

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