ii. beginning rivalry

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[EDITED JAN. 31 2023]

IT WAS THE FIRST DAY OF REHEARSAL AND TODAY THEY WERE GOING TO DO THE FIRST READ-THROUGH OF THE SHOW. After school Miss Jenn everybody to meet in the rehearsal room which she also called the 'bomb shelter', for some reason. "I realize that you all walked in here as strangers." Miss Jenn says once everybody was seated.

      She was then interrupted by Ashlyn, "Actually, E.J.'s my cousin!"

Miss Jenn then continues with her speech. "But after today, you're a family. One tribe, to lifting this classic film to new heights." She is then interrupted again by Carlos who was taking a selfie with his choreographer sign, " She continues again "Please take your neighbors' hands. Feel each others energy. Let the silence speak volumes." Miss Jenn then continues with her speech saying, "In a world full of no, his is a space full of yes."

"Nice. Did you just come up with that?" Carlos says whispering to the teacher.

     She smiles and nods, "I did."

"We're all in this together. Once we know that we are.We're all stars. And we see that,We're all in this together. And it shows when we stand hand-in-hand. Make our dreams come true." Miss Jenn sang holding the last note for a long time, maybe a little too long.

Once she was done Ashlyn started clapping for her, but then stopped once she realized no one was clapping with her. Big Red then starts reading through the first act of the play very badly. Miss Jenn than stops him saying "Stop. Don't run it all together. Read the punctuation." Which he does but I think it just made it worse.

     This is a nightmare. Marie thought, as her mind raced, thinking of how this was a big mistake. After what felt like ages they were finally done reading through Act One, Marie sighed in relief that they were finally done with that for now.


CARLOS WAS RUNNING PRACTICE FOR THE BOWS, "Okay, people. Let's take it from three counts of eight, right before Troy and Gabriella's entrance for the bows." Carlos announced, Marie stood off to the side, looking through the script and read her lines.

     The dancers then started the number and it was pretty good until Nini and Ricky came in, and Ricky was just messing it all up and obviously didn't know what he was doing. Everybody then stopped dancing, and they started bickering, "You're just doing this so we're in each other's grills."

    Carlos watched trying his best to get them to start dancing again. Marie rolled her eyes, starting to not listen to the ex-couple arguing, until Carlos says, "Okay,that's a five! On a break, people! Everybody out! Get out!" He exclaims, shocking everyone, as Ashlyn and Marie share a look of shock and walk out of the room.

      Marie quickly left the room, grabbing her stuff in the way out, deciding to just go home. Once Gina saw her leaving the school she followed after the girl, "Marie! Marie, wait! Where are you going?"

     The girl then stopped in her tracks, head whipping around to face her sister, "Home."

     Gina's brows furrowed, looking to her sister in confusion, "Wait, why are you going home?" She asked, hoping that she would change her mind.

    "Because I don't want to be here!" The redhead exclaimed, "I'm only here because you made me audition for the stupid musical! I could be doing something that isn't turning into a nightmare!" Marie continued, eyes starting to water, as she looked Gina right in the eyes the whole time. Marie sighs, as her sister was rendered speechless, she turns around and walks home.

After about a fifteen minute walk, Marie finally got home, noticing her mother isn't there yet. She then retreated back into her half unpacked room, box's littering the room. She sighs dropping her stuff to the floor and flopping down on the bed. I should apologize to Gina. I totally just yelled at her for no reason! Marie thought, cover her face in her hands. "God, I'm such an idiot." She muttered, groaning.


     MARIE HAD APOLOGIZED TO GINA ONCE SHE GOT HOME. THE NEXT DAY, all class for the day had just ended, Marie and Gina walked through the halls of the school.  "So, are you going to go to rehearsal today?"

    "I don't know Gina, I just don't think I could be in a musical." Marie starts, before Gina cut her off.

    "C'mon Marie. You're really going to quit the musical just because of some stupid stage fright." Gina questions as she turns to look at her.

    Marie pauses, giving her a look. "Yes, you know I don't preform in front of people."

    "I know, but you can overcome it! Plus you don't really have to do much in the show." Gina encouraged.

"First of all thanks." Marie responded in a monotonous voice, "Second of all, I actually have to do a lot in the show, or did you forget that I have to play the piano for like most of the songs."

     Gina just looks at the redhead, apologizing, "Right, sorry."

Marie shook her head, recounting what she said, feeling guilty for her actions. "No, it's all my fault. I'm sorry I've been kind of snappy at you the past couple of days."

    Gina smiled, making eye contact with her sister again. "Thanks. I forgive you, I guess I have been pushing you more lately."

The girl smiled back, "You know what? I'm gonna go to rehearsal, from today forward." Marie exclaimed, feeling a sudden wave of confidence. It was kind of hard to back out now.

"There's my sister! I'm proud of you." Gina exclaims as they both burst into laughter. Their giggles soon came to a stop, "I actually hope you don't mind going to rehearsal kind of early today." Gina suggest, hoping she wasn't stepping too far with Marie. She was a tough one to read sometimes. Gina's worst fear was to cause Marie to pull away again.

The girls brows furrowed, shrugging her shoulders, "I guess so. Why are you going early?"

   "I have this idea I want to pitch to Miss Jenn and Nini." Gina smirked, linking the twos arms together as they walked to the bomb shelter while she continues to explain her idea to Marie.


    LATER THAT NIGHT, NINI WAS IN HER ROOM, PAVING BACK AND FORTH while Kourtney was sitting on her bed. "Okay. Here's the deal. Are you sitting down? Excellent." Nini says while still pacing up and down her room. "So it seems like Gina really wants my part in the show, and is willing to kill me to get it, and I think Marie is in on it too." Nini continues, sparing small glances to her friend.

"I could have told you that days ago. Oh, wait, I did." Kourtney stated, resting her head on her hand.

      Nini rolled her eyes, ignoring her teasing, "But now their stealing phones, and inventing special new ways for me to hurt myself." Nini pauses before continuing, "So, here's what I came up with." She finished while pulling out a tablet with a slideshow on it.

"Are we in the fifth grade?" Kourtney questions, her brows scrunched together.

   "Not the point." Nini spoke quickly, moving on, "So, the way I see it, I could do one of six things. One, talk to Miss Jenn. Two, magically learn the dance. Three, have my moms yell at her mom. Four, quit the show. Five, eat so much ice cream. Six, steal something back." Nini explained, going through her slideshow.

Kourtney scoffs, giving Nini a look, "Well we can scratch out number six, 'cause that's an act of war."

    Nini then turns around and grabs Gina's shoes and Marie's sketchbook, as she turns back to face her friend and admits, "Too late."

"Nini!" The girl exclaimed, surprised by her best friend's actions.

   "I thought you'd veto the ice cream."

    IT WAS THE NEXT DAY and Nini was in her room sitting on her bed when Kourtney comes in, questioning, "Did you return the shoes?"

     "I may have stolen their water bottles." Nini admits, pulling out Gina and Marie's water bottles from her backpack.

    "Oh, no."

     "You don't have to say it."

     Kourtney shakes her head, "No, I stole three scarves, some jewelry, Gina's laptop, and Marie's sheets of music." She explains, dumping the contents out of her bag.

    "Oh, my god." Nini looks on in shock about all of the stuff they both stole.

     "There's more in the front pocket."

     "Kourtney!" Nini exclaims, sending her a look.

     "We're goin' to jail." Kourtney states her voice breaking.

sar speaks-
so i finally got the next chapter out, and i'm working on the next one now i promise. but i had to combine this chapter and the next one cause they we're really short.

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