It was the best of times, the worst of crimes

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Please have mercy on me
Take it easy on my heart
Even though you don't mean to hurt me
You keep tearing me apart
Would you please have mercy on me
I'm a puppet on your strings
And even though you got good intentions
I need you to set me free
Would you please have mercy, mercy on my heart?


Alexander was woken up by water splashing his face making him gasp sitting up quickly, he opened his eyes to see Benedict and Colin standing at his left. He let out a groan before burying his face in his pillow

"Close the curtains, will you?" He demanded looking at his right to see a naked woman sleeping next to him "Fuck, what have I done?"

"Where the fuck were you yesterday?" Colin asked him angrily and Benedict gave him a look

"Clearly back to his habits, should've known better. You never last long" he scoffed clearly unimpressed making Alexander glare at him "You brother could've died or exiled while you were nowhere to be seen"

"That does sound like Anthony" he replied clearly unbothered closing his eyes again "Do you mind keeping your tone down?"

"Get dressed, your sister is getting married" Benedict threw his clothes at him and he frowned sitting up quickly "To the duke"

"When?" He asked incredulously putting on his clothes hastily

"In three days" Colin replied crossing his arms around his chest "If you had been with us yesterday, you would've known what happened"

"As you can see, I was quite busy... can't leave a lady unsatisfied, I am a gentleman" he retorted with a smirk. Benedict and Colin shared a knowing look, they worried about him because he never showed his emotions before and when he did... he got his heart broken

"What happened?" Benedict asked him softly and Alec shrugged with a frown

"Why would you think something happened? I'm unmarried, I do not have any obligations to anyone. I was enjoying myself" He retorted coldly walking over to the bathroom to wash his face

"Good Lord, what did Miss Artois say to you?" Colin questioned with an annoyed tone "Weren't you supposed to be obsessed with her? Or whatever it is that you do these days?"

"She is engaged, I am not"

"I am not entirely sure how I feel about this" Benedict told Colin who nodded in agreement

"I can hear your arse" Alec told him from the bathroom before pulling out some money and put it down on the wooden table "Alright, let's go and if our mother knows where I have been all night, I will kill you both"

"I thought you were in love with Miss Artois" Colin said in confusion and Alec laughed dryly "Are you giving up so soon?"

"She looked at me in the eyes and told me she wanted to marry Montgomery" he informed them blankly as they got out of the club "Was I supposed to kidnap her and force her to marry me?"

Alexander could never forget the moment he looked into her teary green eyes that were filled with guilt and shame as she told him that she would be happy with another man. He felt his heart shattered into a million pieces and the worst thing was that those parts still belonged to her

"It is not like she has a choice" Benedict defended her as they got inside the carriage "You do not know William like I do, he will not hesitate to kill you"

"He is the only Artois heir, he knows what's at stake if he dies" Alexander bit back as he stared out of the carriage "She does not want me and I will not do anything to sabotage her marriage with Montgomery"

"You better not" Colin warned him with a firm tone

"But if you convince William that Montgomery will never deserves his sister..." Benedict smirked mischievously catching his brother's attention

In the meantime, Mary's bedroom door bursted open and Daphne rushed to her friend's bed. She knew that Mary was feeling just as helpless as her but she needed her by her side and to tell her what she couldn't tell everyone else

"Mary, wake up" Daphne whispered desperately disrupting Mary's slumber, she fluttered her eyes open to see the Bridgerton young lady

"What the bloody hell are you doing here?" Mary sat up rubbing her eyes with a yawn

"I am getting married" she blurted out quickly and she just stared at her trying to let the information sink in "To the Duke"

"Wait, I thought this was just a ruse" Mary frowned in confusion and Daphne remained silent "You're not happy?"

"Anthony and Simon were duelling this dawn and I stopped it... Yesterday when you asked me if I was ill" Daphne reminded her hesitantly and Mary nodded "Simon and I were in a very compromising position"

"You mean you were kissing and Anthony caught you?" She asked her with a pointed look and Daphne's face reddened "There's nothing to be ashamed of... I kissed your brother"

"You what!" Daphne exclaimed in disbelief raising her tone and Mary winced "You kissed my brother!"

"Keep your voice down or else I'll be joining you down that aisle and your brother will not leave to see the next dawn" Mary whispered yelled warningly "But today is not about me, it's about you... what's wrong?"

"He cannot have children" she revealed sadly and Mary's eyes softened before wrapping her arms around her "He does not wish to marry me, I am trapping him in this marriage, Mary... if it weren't for Cressida-"

"Cressida?" Mary pulled away alarmingly "What do you mean if it weren't for her?"

"She saw us and she's threatening me" Daphne admitted clearly overwhelmed and frustrated, it seemed like everything was happening so fast that she could barely catch her breath

"Alright... If she says something which she will, leave her to me" Mary smirked with a devilish tone "I know how to deal with the likes of her"

"I want you to come with me... to the modiste" Daphne told her with a small smile and Mary nodded

"With pleasure"


Mary had accompanied Violet and Daphne to the modiste where the latter was getting her measurements for her wedding dress. The Artois young lady was looking around the shop until her friend finish with Madam Delacroix

"Are you happy?" Violet asked Mary quietly who forced a smile and nodded "Be honest, dear... are you happy?"

"For Daph? I am... for myself, not really" she admitted with a sad smile before shrugging "But my brother cannot undo the contract and I am gravely sorry to cause Alexander any harm. I did not mean to"

"It is not your fault... love is not a sin" she told her softly and Mary gave her a tight smile

She felt like an overwhelming feeling of nausea overcome her, she looked up trying her hardest to not let tears fall down because that would be embarrassing and it was Daphne's day. She ought to be happy for her friend, even if her heart was aflame

"Your wedding gown is a long way from being finished, Miss Bridgerton." Madam Delacroix caught their attention "I promise you will not be disappointed."

"She will need a new pelisse too, and then the more intimate items. Four nightdresses, perhaps? Or five?" Violet added looking at her daughter with a proud smile making both Mary and Daphne frown

"What could I possibly need with five new nightdresses?" The Bridgerton young lady questioned with knitted eyebrows, her tone laced with confusion

"They are not for you, ma chère, but for your amoureux. What else do you think a honeymoon is for?" Madam Delacroix smirked wickedly making Daphne and Mary share a look

"It will be a most special time, dear." Violet assured her and that only added more pressure in Daphne's heart "Yes, five. Five nightdresses will do nicely."

"May God have mercy on you" Mary whispered to Daphne with a snort

"Daphne!" Cressida greeted as she and her mother entered the boutique making Mary roll her eyes dramatically "How lovely to see you and Mary"

"Can't say the same" Mary whispered turning around to face her with a fake smile

"Oh, I do hope your wedding dress will be ready in time. Madam Delacroix must be working so fast." Cressida added gleefully and Daphne caught Mary's wrist as she shook her head in denial

"Mama, might you spare me a moment?" Daphne walked towards Cressida "I must have Cressida's opinion on some fabric. Her taste is impeccable."

"Is it though?" Mary questioned with a frown making both Cressida and her mother send her a glare and she simply smiled

"Of course, dear." Violet nodded pulling Mary away from them "Is there anything I can help with? For Montgomery to beg off?"

"The wedding is in less than three weeks" Mary stated with a scoff before shaking her head in denial "There is nothing we can do"

"But perhaps there is something Alexander could do" Violet whispered with a pointed look and Mary frowned

"Do what?"


From what Mary had been informed that the Daphne and the Duke's wedding was denied by the Queen and later on they managed to convince her that their love was pure and genuine. She truly wished she could relate to that

The maid was tightening Mary's corset as she was getting ready for her friend's wedding, she was truly happy for her but she couldn't help but feel worried about the whole ruse thing and not to mention that Daphne knew nothing about marriage

"Adelia... have you ever been with a man?" Mary asked her curiously and Adelia's face reddened "Do not feel ashamed, please... I'm just curious and... scared"

"Well, have your mother ever told you anything about marital relations?" She asked her helping her zip up her dress and Mary shook her head in denial "Have you ever done anything with a man?"

"No" Mary lied quickly, aside from kissing Alexander she hadn't truly done anything "I have not"

"I do not want to lie to you... when you're in love, it feels like a bliss" Adelia replied with a small smile as Mary turned around to face her "But your first time with your husband at your wedding night... it might hurt a little"

"Hurt!" Her eyes widened in terror and Adelia motioned for her to keep quiet as she dragged her to her bed "Oh my Lord, I cannot do this anymore"

"Look at me" Adelia demanded softly "As long as you both care and love each other, it will be the most beautiful moments of your lives"

"Love" Mary scoffed bitterly, somehow her mind drifted to Alexander. She wondered if her life would know a day without thinking of him

"Mary! What is taking you so long!" William yelled from the other side of the hall and she took a deep breath "Make haste!"

"Beauty takes time, brother but you wouldn't know!" Mary yelled back

"You mustn't worry about anything, Miss... everything will be alright"


The Artois family stepped inside the Bridgerton home, Daphne and the Duke's wedding was so perfect and beautiful. The white roses were everywhere in the house as the orchestra played in the ballroom. They really outdid themselves but of course all the credit go to Violet

When William went to converse with Benedict, Mary grabbed a glass of champagne and drank it in one gulp and her mother nudged her taking the glass from her hand with a glare. She wondered where her supposed to be fiancé was at, surely he was in London yet disappearing every now and then

"Mary!" Violet called out making her put down the glass of wine quickly "You look rather exquisite today, where's Lord Montgomery?"

"I would like to know either" she replied with a bitter chuckle before taking another large gulp from wine "I shall look for Daphne"

"She is going to be the death of me" Catherine complained with a heavy sigh "I haven't seen Alexander around"

"I haven't either" Violet retorted forcing a smile as the guests walked past her "He could be in a brothel for all we know... in his sister's wedding, could you imagine?"

"Well, Mary has been a mess either" Catherine told her looking at her daughter who was in mid conversation with the bride "I just wish there is something we could do to help"

"There he is" Violet exclaimed rushing towards her son, he certainly looked like a mess "Where have you been? You missed more than half of the ceremony"

"I had business to attend to" he told her quietly and she gave him a pointed look "I promise, it is not what it looks like"

"Go congratulate your sister and for the love of God, take that glass away from Mary" she ordered sharply and he looked around to see Mary laughing at something. She was flushed, he could tell that the alcohol was making its effects on her

He hesitated to approach them, he could never look at Mary's green eyes again without feeling like someone was twisting a knife into his heart. It truly hurt to think of her, to want her knowing that she wasn't his to claim nor he was hers. They were two hearts falling apart as one

"Are you nervous?" Mary asked her curiously and Daphne nodded "It is not a mystery that the Duke is quite taken by you... he looks at you like you hung the stars and the moon and you are lucky to have someone look at you that way... I am sure that no marriage is perfect but trying will never hurt"

"What if he does not want to try?" She asked her fearfully and Mary grabbed her hand taking them to the corner of the room away from earshot

"Do you know what happens between a man and his wife at their wedding night?" Mary asked her and Daphne shook her head in denial "I don't either but they said you preform some marital activity or whatever... be careful"

"Of what?" Daphne whispered in confusion

"I don't know but they say it hurts? Whatever it is that you do? That's it I am running away, I am not getting married" Mary whispered yelled with a determined tone

"Congratulations, sister" a familiar voice spoke behind her and she froze, Alec leaned down hugging his sister who smiled sadly and Mary grabbed another glass drinking it

"Give me that, please" Alec took away a glass from Mary's hand and she pouted "You're flushed, Miss Artois and you will regret drinking that many glasses"

"You do not get to tell me what to do" she said with a glare snatching back the glass gently so it wouldn't splash down on her dress "When you missed half of your sister's wedding"

"Mary, look at me" he demanded huskily grabbing her wrist when she tried to drink the wine. His blue eyes were shining due to the lightning and the way he was looking at her it made butterflies erupt in her stomach until it made her sick

"Did you eat before drinking?" He questioned quietly and she remained silent, she wasn't sure when was the last time she ate something. Breakfast perhaps


"Where is your fiancé?" He questioned curiously looking around and she shot him a glare

"You have a better chance finding him than I do" she stated with a heavy sigh and he couldn't help but smirk "You find that amusing, don't you?"

"If I claim to fancy someone enough to propose to them? I will not be leaving their sides at all cost, especially not around someone like me" he said in a twisted smirk and she grabbed the glass from his hand and drank it as quickly as she could

"A rake, is that what you mean?" She questioned avoiding his gaze at all cost

"Precisely" he smiled coldly with a shrug and she looked up meeting his eyes. He couldn't possibly mean that he wasn't truly interested in her before. slowly she started to question that perhaps her brother was right all along

"Where is Daphne?" Mary looked around when she noticed the newly bride wasn't with them as Alexander grabbed the third glass from her hand

"Upstairs" he pointed at the stairs with a flirtatious smile and she rolled her eyes "Perhaps you should check the library first"

"Now you're just being mean for the sake of it, Alexander" she stated with a hurtful tone and he closed his eyes briefly taking a deep breath "Stop it"

Mary went to walk away but he caught her stopping her and she shook her head in denial shrugging his hand off of her wrist. She knew he was just hurt and that was his defence mechanism but it wasn't fair to her either, it wasn't like she willingly accepted Lord Montgomery's proposal

"Montgomery is not worthy of your love" he told her sincerely and she looked up with an exhausted sigh

"And you are?"

Alexander lowered his hand as his throat tightened, she was right, he did not deserve her. From the moment he laid his eyes on her, he knew that if he ever marry her, then he must've done something good in his past life. And the way he treated her just now proved it all

"Bridgerton!" William called out making Alexander sigh in frustration

"Today is not the day, William" Alexander dismissed him tiredly

"I owe you an apology" he said quickly stopping him at his tracks "What happened at Oxford was a long time ago... I shouldn't have held that against you. You were a boy... we all were"

"William Artois apologising to me" Alexander smirked in disbelief  "Who pointed a gun to your head"

"Well, my sister but... I am being sincere. I shouldn't have said what I said to you when you tried to court my sister" William said honestly and Alexander looked away instantly "That much I regret and now I cannot undo it. For what is worth, I am sorry"

"Just look out for her" Alexander said glancing at the one who owned his heart "I hope whatever it is that you were thinking when you accepted Montgomery's proposal will bring her happiness"

When Mary said goodbye to Daphne, she went back to her home, hammered. She went up to her room stumbling across Grace who frowned in confusion. She quickly caught her before she fall down and hurt herself "What the bloody hell did they offer you in that house?" She questioned

Grace helped her sister into her bed, she tugged Mary's hair behind her ear with a small smile. Whatever happened at the wedding had clearly wounded her but when she really thought about it, Alexander's presence was wounding enough for her

"Montgomery didn't even bother to show up" Mary informed her with a dry smile "And Alec had the audacity to rub in my face"

"Well, men are arses" Grace retorted with a shrug "Your words not mine"

"I'm right" Mary whispered wiping away her tears "What a fucked up society we live in"

Grace slipped inside the sheets next to her sister hugging her, Mary let out a sob as she cried and her sister let her because she knew that she wouldn't get to see her this vulnerable again and she desperately needed. Mary's cries felt like they were scraping out of her chest

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