09 || Loving you

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Third Person's POV // Author's POV

Classes went on as usual.

But this time instead of helping everyone out, Taehyung resumed to be more focused on himself. If anyone ordered or just came onto him, he would flat out reject their threat and ignore them. 

It surprised everybody to see such an attitude change on the dumb gullible DUFF of theirs. 

What had happened to the DUFF Kim Taehyung? 

One could only wonder what triggered such a massive change. 

And Taehyung was having fun. This was the first time he actually was able to listen and pay attention to class freely without multitasking and doing other student's work like usual.

His usually burdened shoulder felt so free. He was so happy that he had listened to Jungkook. 

He smiles to himself and skips to the next class carefree when a small pale hand raises infront of him and stops his happy walk. Jimin stomps forward and stood infront of him, not letting him walk away from the smaller.

"What do u want bestie?" Taehyung asks mockingly 

Jimin sighs sadly "Taehyung-ah what happened why are u behaving so weirdly?"

Taehyung scoffs "Am I the one actually behaving weirdly Jimin-ah? No, I am actually behaving accurately only now. What did u think huh? Did u actually think that I would never find about all the bullshit you and jennie kept whispering behind my back? To be honest i am so glad i can finally see u guys for the snakes You both are and not the self proclaimed angels, you claimed to be"

Jimin rolls his eyes finally dropping his sweetheart act "Look man, no offence but can you really blame us ? You had this choppy horse looking brown hair with ugly ass bangs, we couldn't even see your eyes half the time. You also always wore the worst off brand clothes which were so old, like you had no fashion sense at all. You also gained a lot of pounds last semester that is why we named u DUFF. It was Jennie's idea but you can't stand there and tell me she was wrong about any of it"

Taehyung clenched his hand into a fist, his knuckles turning white as his entire body trembled uncontrollably. Every word that spilled from Jimin's mouth felt like a dagger, each one piercing deeper than the last, straight into his heart. The pain was excruciating, a searing ache that made him feel as though he were bleeding out from the inside, his strength draining away with each breath.

The room seemed to tilt, and he struggled to keep his balance, the dizziness overwhelming as if he were on the verge of collapse. His heart pounded erratically, struggling to cope with the reality of hearing the harsh truths spoken aloud. He had known, deep down, what Jimin truly thought, but hearing it like this—so blunt, so final—was unbearable.

He swallowed hard, trying to clear the fog that was clouding his mind, but it was no use. The world around him grew hazy, his vision blurring as the gravity of the situation weighed down on him. He had always been able to put on a brave face, to keep up the sassy, confident act no matter what. But now, standing there, exposed and vulnerable, he felt the facade crumbling.

Tears threatened to spill over, and he knew he couldn't hold them back much longer. If this conversation continued, if Jimin kept tearing him apart with every word, Taehyung knew he would break. He wouldn't be able to stop the flood of emotions that were clawing at the edges of his composure, desperate to be released. He was on the brink, barely holding on, and it terrified him

"You realise that now right?" Jimin scoffs after seeing Taehyung silent "Even you can't deny that we were not wrong"

Taehyung opened his mouth to say something but, nothing would come out. It was his voice had been paralysed. Suddenly the familiar scent of wood and musk takes over his senses and soon enough, there was a muscular body between him and jimin.

"Sorry Jimin-sshi, I need to take Taehyung away from you now. It time for out tutoring session" Jungkook says smoothly, with a handsome smile making Jimin blush and nod in a daze 

Jungkook bows and grabs Taehyung's wrist, his hands encloses over Taehyung's thin wrist and pulls him towards him. 

"Let's go, Taehyungie hyung" Jungkook whispers sweetly and walks out of the hallway 

Taehyung gulps, as he feels the soothing feeling of Jungkook's touch over his wrist. He follows the younger blindly, in a daze himself.

Jungkook takes him into a quiet cafe and goes over to order leaving him confused and blushing. 

Taehyung screams internally 

'What the fuck just happened? Why was that so hot?' Taehyung buries his face inside his palms as he kicked his legs giddily under the table 'Was Jungkookie always so manly? or am i just too much in love with him? Maybe i am just delusional' 

Jungkook comes back with a tray of cherry coke and cappuccino. 

"You remember my favorite drink"  Taehyung says looking surprised 

"Why is that such a surprise?" Jungkook asks staring into the older's grey eyes "You're not just anyone else you know"

"Oh" Taehyung mutters, neck turning red. At that moment He felt grateful for wearing a hoodie as it covered both his blushing ears and neck.

"I am sorry you had to hear that, Jimin was too mean. It even surprised me." Jungkook mutters as he slips his bag off, and sips onto the drink 

"It just felt too much when i heard it in person. I knew what he was going to say, had known it for a while, but hearing it come from his lips, in his voice, made it real in a way I wasn't prepared for. It shattered something inside me, something fragile and precious that I had been holding onto for years. In that one moment, the years of friendship we had built, the memories we shared, all of it felt like it crumbled to dust." Taehyung says sadly, looking down at his drink, fingers fidgeting 

He was being so stupid. Even though he knew the truth why did it thaw his heart so much. 

Jimin and Jennie, They meant so much to him, he couldn't even explain it in words. Was all those years a lie? It just felt like everything he trusted just shattered in an instant 

"Stop overthinking hyung" Jungkook says and caresses Taehyung's fidgeting hands 

"I know i shouldn't, But i feel like i can trust no one in this world anymore. And that sounds so lonely" Taehyung says sighing sadly 

"I don't know if you'll believe me, But if there was really no one you could trust in this world then i must've died." Jungkook says with a small "I know we parted due to a misunderstanding but Hyung I can't do this anymore" 

"W-What?" Taehyung licks his lips, suddenly feeling really nervous "What do you mean? Am I burdening you?"

Jungkook stops caressing the older's hand, and leans forward "You could never burden me. Trust me, Kim Taehyung can never be anything but a source of pure euphoria for Jeon Jungkook." 

Taehyung stops breathing when Jungkook's leans forward and caresses his curls, looking deeply into his eyes. He could feel the tension, his heart was beating so fast that he felt like he would burst anytime soon. 

"Even when I misunderstood you, I could never feel anything negative towards you Hyungie. Just seeing you happy from afar made my day." Jungkook says sincerely "So its genuinely killing me to have you so close to me but still not knowing about how I truly feel."

Taehyung leans into Jungkook's caress "Tell me, what is it that I don't know."

Jungkook chuckles feeling frustrated "If anyone dares to hurt you, I wouldn't hesitate to kill that person, even if it meant giving up everything, even my freedom. I'd willingly face a lifetime behind bars because your pain is unbearable to me. Every tear that falls from your beautiful eyes feels like a dagger piercing my heart, leaving a wound that only your smile can heal. When you smile, it's like the sun itself has risen in my soul, igniting a fire of joy so intense that it feels as though my heart might burst from the sheer happiness you bring me.

From the moment I wake up until the moment I close my eyes at night, you are the center of my universe. My thoughts are filled with you, and every beat of my heart is a silent whisper of your name. No matter where I am, my eyes search for you, craving the sight of you, the sound of your voice, the warmth of your presence. You are the light that guides me through the darkest days, the love that fills every corner of my being. I am utterly and completely in love with you, and there is nothing in this world that could ever change that."

A soft pink blush blooms across his cheeks, spreading like wildfire as his heart races, skipping not just beats but entire miles. His breath hitches, and his usually steady hands tremble as they clutch Jungkook's collar. The intensity of the moment overwhelms him, and he feels a rush of emotions flooding his chest, threatening to spill over. His grey eyes glisten with unshed tears, the weight of everything—the kiss, the emotions, the vulnerability—crashing into him all at once. He's never felt this way before, so completely exposed yet safe, terrified yet elated.

"I know it might be hard to trust the words of a player or what—" Before Jungkook could finish, Taehyung's eyes flashed with intensity, and in a swift, unexpected move, he grabbed Jungkook by the collar. The words hung in the air, unfinished, as Taehyung's lips crashed against Jungkook's, silencing any doubt, any hesitation.

The kiss was fierce, filled with a passion that spoke louder than words ever could. It was a declaration, a demand, a promise all wrapped into one. Taehyung poured everything he felt into that moment—the frustration, the longing, the undeniable connection that neither of them could ignore any longer.

Jungkook's initial surprise melted away, replaced by an overwhelming need as he grabbed the back of Taehyung's neck and kissed him with equal fervor. The world around them disappeared, leaving just the two of them, tangled in each other, breathing in the intensity of the moment

When they finally parted lips, Taehyung gasped for breath, his chest rising and falling as he tried to steady himself. Jungkook, without a moment's hesitation, pulled him into a tight embrace, holding him as if he never wanted to let go.

"God, I love you so much," Jungkook whispered, his voice laced with raw emotion, each word carrying the weight of everything he felt but had never been able to fully express until now.Taehyung's heart swelled at the confession, a wide grin spreading across his face as happy tears began to fill his eyes.

The overwhelming joy and love he felt in that moment was almost too much to contain. "I love you more," he replied, his voice trembling with sincerity. The words felt like a promise, one that would bind them together forever.


A/N : So they finally confessed.. 

hehe i hope you guys liked it, Do share ur thoughts

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