~2~ - The Meeting

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(Ah yes... Editing. Isn't it fun?

Anyways, top song is a B O P ! I recommend a listen!!)

The two sat and chatted for a while, talking about their lives and how their days has been. Luckily, T-Bone softened up a little bit.

That was when heavy footsteps stepped were to be heard, along with panting. "Guys..."

Cagney snapped his attention towards the person, seeing part of the person shined in the sunlight, "Baroness Von Bon Bon?!"

"Yeah... And, well... Hilda as well..." Baroness answered, stepping aside to let the males see another woman was behind her.

"The Devil... Wants to take a meeting for us..." Hilda said, her little French Accent popping in, "And it's somewhat urgent... I think..." She continued, unsure.

Cagney tilted his head, "Why, exactly?"

Hilda just let up a shrug, looking to the Candy Queen nervously.

The flower looked to Blind, the Ghost smiling to him, "Let's go!" The Specter flew towards the exit way, tail waving a bit.

The Carnation couldn't help but to smile a little...

~At the heckin' Casino because I'm lazy aHA-~

They had finally arrived to the Devil's Casino. T-Bone, of course, had went with the small group.

Baroness stayed behind, staying in her glorious cake castle.

Hilda walked up to the door first, brave enough, as she is normally. She made a few knocks on the door to break the silence.

Someone talk and dandy opened the door. A dice like head, purple bowtie and green eyes that looked serious, which softened up once the answerer saw the woman, "Ah yes, madam, the Devil wanted to see you and..." He looked up and counted the group, not counting T-Bone, "Cagney Carnation and Blind Specter, asides from you, Hilda Berg. Come on inside, we got some nice, hot tea and some cold water." He moved to the side, letting Hilda in first, Blind in second and Cagney as the third. T-Bone stayed behind and outside.

There sat a few pool tables, barstools, a bar, dining tables along with chairs. A large group of people and creatures in different spots. Either bartending, cleaning, playing a game, Gambling, etcetera.

There were even some rooms as well, one leading right into the Devil's Office, which was the doorway they all took.

A deep voice was heard throughout the room right after the door shut, "Welcome to my Casino, Lads...." ( ♪ ArE yOu dOwN fOr a DeAl TonIgHt?! Let's see if the luck is in your hands! So come on, and roll the dice~ {SNAKE EYES!} Beg on your knees, you can't flee; bring those contracts to me! ♪

I'm sorry, I had to qwq)

The source of the voice was nothing but the Devil himself. His tail swayed from side to side as he was wearing a toothy grin.

Hilda surely was scared of him, but she was brave enough to keep herself from shaking and quivering in fear. Cagney wasn't really scared by anything. Blind, however was frightened - Horrified! He was hiding behind Cagney like he was his best friend.

"No need to be scared, young one..." The Devil said quite confidently, "I just wanted to talk..."

The Little Ghost let out a small, yet soft breath, showing his fear. His lips finally moved, "O-okay..." He forced a smile.

"Good!~ I'm glad you understand."

The Dice was still standing by the door, "No need to fear him, he's not gonna eat you." He said calmly, making Blind Specter relax a little more.

Cagney looked to the Specter, then rested a hand on his shoulder, "It's gonna be alright. If anyone has plans to hurt any of my friends, they're gonna wish they haven't." He spoke with a smile on his pistil. (HE'S A FLOWER, WHAT DO YOU EXPECT?!


The Ghost smiled sweetly back to him, "Thanks, Cags..."


Sorry for this taking forever! I was having a case of Writer's block and it's annoying!!


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