Chapter 1: My home for the next eight weeks?

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Aaron's POV

I packed all of my things in my backpack. I think I had everything I needed packed. My Clothes, my phone, a few books. I need to make sure I read a few books during my time here.

I still can't believe I manage to trick my mom. She thinks I'm going to a farm to tour guide children for the summer.

I mean, I told her I would get some time outside. So, technically that part isn't a lie, right?

"Okay, mom. I'll see you soon." I beamed.

"Oh. And don't forget your coat because-" She started waiting for me to finish her sentence.

"You never know when a freaky winter storm can occur." I finished. I've been doing this since I was three.

She has me do this because when she was pregnant with me a random winter storm occurred out of nowhere. And it was summer.

I stuff my coat into my backpack.

I gave my home one last smile before leaving. On my way to the summer camp, I kind of started to miss home.

I never slept anywhere aside from my home. I seen the boat approaching the dock. I took a deep breath and held my head up high.

I held both of the straps of my backpack and walked onto the dock, pridefully. It looks like a fair amount of people arrived. The host began introducing me.

"Everyone, this is Aaron." Chris said to everyone else.

"Hi everyone." I waved.

A girl with braces and a ponytail happily waved. Along with two blonde surfers. I joined the rest of the group.

I look to see who was arriving next. I couldn't believe my eyes. A girl, with shoulder length brown hair and dark brown eye was approaching the dock.

"And here comes Courtney." Chris told us.

Chris assisted her off the boat. She walked toward us.

"Hi. You must be the other contestants. It's very nice to meet you all." Courtney said to all of us.

"H-hi. I'm Aaron." I smiled, shaking her hand.

Did I just stutter? that's odd. Eh, not worth thinking to hard about.

"It's nice to meet you Aar-wow!" She started but turned around to see a guy on a boat. I guess he would be categorized as a 'dream boat'.

Most of the girls began falling into a daze, staring at him. Chris introduced him. Apparently that was Justin.

After Justin arrived, another girl with orange hair arrived, but she fell into the water. Courtney dashed over and assisted her. The crazy girl shook the water out of her hair.

"That felt soo... good! Except for hitting my chin" The crazy girl started." This is summer camp? That is soo cool. Do you have paper mache here? Are we having lunch soon?" She asked all at once.

"That is a good call." The chubby blonde agreed with her.

"First things first: We need a group photo for the promos. Everyone at the end of the dock." Chris directed us.

We all made our way to the end of the dock. Chris hopped onto the boat to take a photo with his camera.

We all got ready for the photo. I sat by Courtney and smiled at the camera.

"One, two, three." Chris counted"Oops. Forgot the lense cap... Okay, hold that pose. One, two..." he started but stopped again."No, wait. Card's full. Hang on." He told us.

"Come on, man. My face is starin' to freeze." A girl commented.

"Got it! Okay, everyone say:Wawanakwa!" Chris told us.

"WAWANAKWA!" We all said, but there was so much weight on the dock, it broke. We all fell into the water. I swam over to a stable piece of the dock.

I seen Courtney swimming towards the dock.

"N-need a hand?" I asked Couetney

I grabbed her hand and pulled her onto the dock.

"Thanks." She said to me.

"Yeah. No problem." I smiled."So, I didn't get to finish introducing myself. I'm Aaron."

"Well. It's nice to meet you Aaron." She smiled.

We smiled at each other for a few seconds.

"Well. I'm gonna go dry off." She told me.

"Yeah. See ya." I waved.


After we dried off, we all met Chris at the campfire pit.

"Welcome to camp Wawanakwa. Your home for the next eight weeks. The campers sitting around you will be your cabin-mates, your competition, and maybe even your friends. You dig?" Chris told us.

I looked over at Courtney and she happen to look in my direction. We happened to make eye contact. I smiled and waved as she did the same.

I felt my stomach tieing in knots. What is with me today? Why am I nervous? I never get nervous.

Not even when I have a presentation. Maybe I'm just home sick. Yeah, that's probably it. My train of thought was broke by the guy with the mohawk speaking.

"What will the sleeping arrangements be. Cuz I'd like to request a bunk under her." He said pointing at the skinny girl with long black hair.

"They're not co-ed are they?" She asked, slightly concerned.

"No. Girls get one side of the cabin and dudes get the other." Chris smiled.

"Excuse me, Kyle? Can I get a cabin with a lakeside view since I'm the prettiest?" A blonde girl with blue eyes asked. Wow, that didn't sound narcissistic at all.

"K, you are. But that's not really how it works here. And, it's Chris." Chris told her.

"I have to live with Sadie or I'll die."

"And I'll break out in hives. It's true." Two best friends said, holding each others hand.

"Here's the deal. We're going to split you into teams. When I call your name out, go stand over there. Gwen, Trent, Heather, Cody, Lindsay, Beth, Katie, Owen, Leshawna, Justin and Noah. From this moment on you are official known as: The Screaming Gophers." Chris told them.

Which means I'm most likely on the other team with whoever's names were not called.

"The rest of you over here. Geoff, Bridgette, DJ, Tyler, Sadie, Izzy, Courtney, Aaron, Ezekiel, Duncan, Eva, and... Harold."

"But, Katie's a Gopher. I have to be a Gopher!" Sadie cried.

"Sadie is it? Come on, it'll be okay." Courtney told Sadie.

"Yeah. You have us. You'll still be able to see her." I added.

Me and Courtney both ushered Sadie to the rest of our team.

"You guys will be officially known as:The Killer Bass." Chris said, tossing Harold a team flag.

Well. I guess this is it. Chris also told us about this thing. Basically it's a toilet with a camera where we rant our inner thoughts.

/Aaron: "Okay. This is dump stinks. I mean, seriously. Why can't they get someone to clean it? And get these flys out of here." I took out my bug spray and sprayed the flys."This could stand to be cleaner. But, I'll work with it."\

"Any questions? Cool. Let's go find your cabins."


"Gophers, you're in the east cabin. Bass, you're in the west." Chris told us.

I sighed and walked into the cabin. I sat to myself on one of the bunk beds. Since I don't really know anyone here.

My attention was drawn when I heard a loud scream from the other cabin. I, along with most if not all of the campers gather around the Gopher Cabin.

"What is it? Kill it! Kill it." Lindsay said frightened.

She was freaking out over a cockroach. DJ gasped and jumped on one of the beds bending it.

Harold and Leshawna both attempted to attack it but failed.

"All you have to do is kill it." I said taking out my bug spray and killing it with ease.

Duncan went the extra mile, and sliced it in half with an axe.

"Well, that's one way to kill a cockroach." Gwen commented.

They totally over exaggerated the situation. There was over 20 of us, and one of it. And we were all the bigger threat. Literally.


We all headed to the main lodge for a meal.

"Listen up! I serve it three times a day! And you'll eat it three times a day! Grab a tray, get your food, and sit your butts down now!" The Chef yelled.

I was next in line holding my tray. Seeing how the Chef acted with the rest of the campers, I decided not to make any eye contact and just quietly got my lunch.

Which didn't look quite right to me. I sat down, looking at the horrible tray of food. I lightly poked my spoon at the brown slop.

"Ew. What is this stuff?" I heard Courtney complain.

"I know right. It's so vile. I'm not eating this." I said, dropping my spoon on the plate.

"Your first challenge begins in one hour." I heard Chris says behind us.

Yeah. It's the first challenge. I'm pretty sure it's pretty simple.


Before I knew it, we all headed up a cliff in our swim suits.

You know. Doing that summer farm tour guide thing doesn't sound like such a bad idea anymore.

What did I just get myself into?


Tell me whatcha think about my second OC.

But, anyways, thanks for sticking around. I'll see you all in the next chapter.


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