Chapter 7: Stand up tall and face your fears

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I woke up nice and early this morning. I changed out of my pajamas and got ready for today.

I joined the rest of my team in the main lodge. I sat down next to Courtney.

"Campers. Your next challenge is a little game I like to call phobia factor. Prepare to face your worst fear." Chris told us.

/Aaron:"How will this challenge work for me? I mean, I don't any particular fear."\

"Now for our first victims. Heather, meet us all in the theaters. It's sumo time." Chris said. Heather spat out her coffee on Trent." Gwen, you, me, the beach. Couple tons of sand " he told Gwen.

"Wait, how did they know those were your worst fears?" Lindsay asked.

Yeah. That's what I'm wondering. Did I miss something yesterday?

"Because we told them." Gwen said.

"At the campfire pit, remember?" Trent told Lindsay.

Yeah. I definitely missed something.


We first watches Beth sit in a pool of worms. Which I'm honestly impressed by. Most people wouldn't be able to deal with that and smile afterwards. Earning her team a point.

We then watched Heather go up on stage against a sumo wrestler. She was scared, but he ended up tripping over her. Also earning her team a point.

Bridgette was sent to the forest for 6 hours, and Gwen was being buried alive. 


We then went to the amphitheater. DJ had to pick up a snake. Though it seems like he's having a hard time doing it.

"Ay! You can do this buddy." Duncan encouraged.

"Yeah. Duncan's right. You got this!" I added.

All the snake did was blink and DJ freaked out. Courtney was frustrated.

"It's the smallest snake ever DJ. Come on!" Courtney said.

"Yeah but It's slimy and scaly, slithery." DJ started.

"We need this point, DJ. SUCK IT UP!" Courtney yelled.

All the guys were shaking their heads at Courtney's action.

"What? We're heading back to loservile people." She stated.

DJ finally got the courage to pick up the snake.

"See. Fear is only in the mind." Courtney said.

Pfft. Classic Courtney.


Next we headed back to where the cabins were. We were looking at a Celine Dion music store standie.

Duncan looked traumatized staring at it. Me and Courtney were going to go encourage him to hug the standie.

"She's pretty. She's nice." Courtney said.

"And I'm sure she's dieing to get to know you if you give her a chance." I added.

"Just one hug. And you're done." Chris said, snapping.

"That looks really, real man." Duncan said slightly frightened.

"Dude! She's made of cardboard! Get in the game!" Tyler yelled.

Well. That didn't help.

"Hey. It's okay if you can't do it." Courtney told Duncan.

/Aaron:"You know, I'm starting to think that Courtney just might li-... pfft. What am I saying? He's definitely not her type.... right?"\

Courtney grabbed his hand.

"Fine, I'll try." Duncan said hopefully.

"You can do this." Courtney told him.

He took a deep breath and ran towards the standie and hugged it.

"Woo hoo! Duncan, you're awesome!" Courtney cheered hugging him.

/Aaron:I take back what I said earlier. There's definitely something between the two."\

We all cheered about Duncan's accomplishment.


A bit later, we went to an area with a fence. Tyler was next.

"Tyler, for your challenge you need to get into this pin for three minutes with these chickens." Chris told Tyler.

"You can do it Tyler!" Bridgette cheered.

"Yeah. Unless of course you're chickened." Duncan commented.

Tyler didn't seemed to be handle this too well.

"I'm not sure we're getting anywhere on this one." Chris said.

"Tyler. This is the last challenge. Quit being such a girl! You have to do this or we're going to lose!" Courtney told him.

"Actually, if you do the math. You can't possibly win. The score is 7-3." Cody said.

"Not necessarily. We've got one more challenge set up." Chris said.

"Who? It must be for Aaron. It can't be me. But I didn't." Courtney started.

"You didn't have to. We're always watching you and your reactions." Chris said.

Yeah. Maybe I shouldn't have went to bed so early.

"I knew it! Didn't I tell you guys you were eavesdropping? " Lindsay said.

"Oh. Who cares? It's not going to make a difference." Courtney said.

"Yeah. It wouldn't so. Basically, there's no point then. No pun Intended." I said.

"Let's make this interesting then. I'll give you triple points if you can complete. Aaron, since you don't have an exact fear. You will have to complete your task with Courtney." Chris said.

"Oh. Okay." I nodded.


Before we knew it, we were taken to a giant ladder with a pool of green jelly.

"You're afraid of jelly?" Duncan asked Courtney, slightly chuckleing.

"Shut up! Only the green kind. It's like. Surgery, giggly, snot!" Courtney said.

"You can face your fear and dive straight into this pool of jelly or, let your team lose other challenge." Chris said.

"We can dive together. Chris said we both have to do it." I told her.

She sighed

"This is insane. I could seriously die doing this" Courtney said.

We began climbing the ladder. I followed behind her.

"Ugh. That is just cruel. It's probably warm by now. Warm, green, jelly. Snotty. Bouncy." Gwen said.

"You're not going to make us quit! Right Aaron?" Courtney said.

"Yeah! We got this!" I added.

"That's it! Keep climbing!" Duncan yelled to us.

"She's just trying to psych you two out!" Bridgette told us.

We finally got to the top. Courtney looked at the jelly. She seemed really frightened.

"Like you said Courtney. It's okay if you can't do it!" Duncan yelled up to her.

She looked back at me.

"You okay? You don't have to do it if you can't." I told her.

"I can't do it. I'm coming down." Courtney said in defeat.

We climbed back down.

"And there you have it. The Gophers win invincibility this week. Again." I heard Chris say.

Courtney walked off in shame. I followed Courtney.

"Courtney, wait!" I said, running to catch up.

She stopped walking be she still held her head down in defeat.

"You alright?" I asked.

"I'm so embarrassed. How could I be so weak?" She said disappointed in herself.

"Hey, hey. What happened, happened. It's okay. You tried your best." I told her.

"My best wasn't enough. I deserve to go home." She said.

"You tried. you did great." I told her.

"You're just telling me what I want to hear."

"No. I really think you did good. You came so close to jumping. All we can do is hope that our team votes for someone that isn't us. If we stay, we can continue to give it our all. Besides, we've done so much for this team. We wouldn't have won the dodgeball challenge without Duncan. You were the one who got Duncan to play." I said

"Okay. I guess you're right." Courtney sighed.

"I am. That's what makes you a good friend Courtney. You always try your best. You're what makes this team a good team. What good is a co-captain without his team captain?"

"Well. Thanks Aaron." She said, putting a hand on my shoulder. I felt my cheeks slightly heat up.

"Yeah. Yeah. Anytime." I smiled.


We headed to the campfire. I didn't want Courtney to get kicked off. So, I voted for Tyler.

Everyone got a marshmallow except Tyler, Bridgette, and Courtney. There were two marshmallows on the plate.

"There are only two marshmallows left on this plate. The three of you did not complete your challenges today. One of you is going home tonight and cannot return. Ever. The next name I'm gonna call... is...Bridgette. the final marshmallow of the night goes to... Courtney." Chris annouced.

I sighed in relief. Tyler sadly walked off.

"Looks like a new pecking order has been established here." Chris said.

"It's not like he cried. Foul." Duncan said.

"Time for Tyler to fly the coupe." Geoff said.

"He won't be flying high tonight." Bridgette said.

Me and Courtney looked at each other and nodded.

"Okay. That's enough." We both said together.


After our elimination I walked towards my cabin. Someone tapped me on my shoulder. I turned around. It was Courtney.

"Hey Aaron. I just wanted to say thanks again. For the pep talk earlier. I think it really helped. I'm glad to have a friend like you too." she told me.

"Y-yeah. Any tune. I mean time." I said, slightly embarrassed.

Courtney chuckled at my sentence mistake. I blushed embarrassed.

"Well. Goodnight." She told me.

"Goodnight." I smiled waving.

I happily sighed and walked into the guys cabin. I contiued reading one of the books that I packed.

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