Chapter 24: The Statue of Liberty in the making

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Aaron's POV

I was laying down on the crudy cabin. I got some sleep. But this pillow is barely bearable. And it's just not the pillow.

It's Mike. He keeps sleep talking in different voices. I mean, I slept through some of it. But he'll just have random out bursts.

Mike's personas woke himself up. Confusing, I know. Things on this team seem well. Cameron and Sam were sleeping.

It looked like some bug was sucking blood out of Sam. It turned his normal skin tone to pale.

Guess I should've brought my bug spray. I wonder how Courtney's doing? I got up and went to the girls cabin.

Courtney was happy sleeping. Sierra then took a photo of her while she was in bed.

"Gah! What the heck!" Courtney woke up.

"Courtney? What's wrong?" Zoey asked.

"What's wrong is that were sharing a cabin with a superfan with a bad case of crazy." Courtney stated.

"Hehehe. Hey Courtney. I've updated the sleeping section of your picture gallery on my fansite. Wee!" Sierra cheered.

"Okay... well. Good morning Courtney. How'd you sleep?" I asked.

"I slept well. Well, until I was woken up by stalker over there." Courtney pointed.

"Oh internet! Never leave me." Sierra hugged her phone.

"Room service suckers!" Chef stated and threw some sort of gruel on us." Here's breakfast."

Chef laughed, then left.

"Thank you Chef." Sierra thanked.

Courtney wiped the gruel off her face.

"We've got to win the next challenge and get into that spa hotel." Courtney stated.

"Yeah. I would like to have actually food." I agreed.

We then looked and saw Sierra in the floor obnoxiously eating on the floor.

"True love sure does build up an appetite." Sierra said putting more of that gruel in her mouth.

Me, Courtney, and Zoey exchanged looks.

"But um. Courtney. Can I speak to you? Well, alone?" I asked.

"Yeah. Sure. I'm just gonna get dressed first." She nodded.

After she got dressed into her normal attire, we walked away from the girls and moved some ways into the forest.

"Okay. What did you want to talk to me about?"

"Okay. Well, I just wanted to ask if this season are you gonna get side tracked?" I asked.

"What do you mean side tracked?" She crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow.

"I mean, your not gonna take boys and relationship risks over our alliance, right?" I asked.

"No. Of course not. This season, I'm in it to win it. No boys. No relationships. Zero distractions. It's the Courtney and Aaron alliance straight to the end." She told me with a grin.

"Okay. Good. I just wanted to make sure."

Chris started speaking on the announcer.

"Attention Campers. It's challenge time! Get your butts down to the beach, pronto." Chris said.

"I guess we better get going." Courtney said.

"Yeah. Let's try to win so we can get into that Spa hotel." I agreed.


We all grouped up on the beach with Villians on one side and Hamsters on the other. Me and Courtney saw Duncan attempt to flirt with Gwen but she completely ignored him.

I see Karma is still collecting his debt.

"Bonjour, Mes campers. Some of you will recall our season three Parisiam 'find and build a sculpture' debacle. Well, this time, our inters have buried 3D puzzle pieces all over the beach. Seven pieces per team. Find all your pieces and assemble them on your platform to recreate one of the landmarks visited on our World Tour! First to finish wins! Since the Villainous Vultures won the first challenge, they get to dig with shovels. Incoming!" Chef threw shovels at the Vultures.

"Hey. Where are our shovels?" Sam asked, but he walked off the platform we were standing on.

He then sunk into the moat.

"And getting on and off your platforms will be challenging due to the moats that are filled with-" Chris started but Sam started screaming.

"Crustaceans!" Sam screamed as the crabs continued to swarm him.

We looked over and saw Lightning jump off his platform but then a trap came out and hit him back.

"And you might wanna watch out for booby traps in the sand." Chris informed.

"What are we suppose to dig with?" Mike asked.

"Sorry. Shovels are for winners only." Chris laughed." I guess you'll have to use your hands. Your challenge starts now."

Me and the Hamsters grouped up.

"We should divide our area into sections and each dig in one." Zoey suggested.

"No! Let's separate the beach into quadrants and each pick a quadrant." Courtney stated.

"Correct me if I'm wrong but aren't those the same thing?" I asked.

"Yeah. They are." Cameron stated.

"Then good. We'll use the plan that Zoey and I came up with." Courtney stated.

Pfft. Classic Courtney.

"Go team!" Zoey annouced.

"Go team!" Me and the Hamsters cheered except Courtney.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Can we start digging now?" Courtney asked.

"I suppose so." I answered.


We were all sitting in the sand, digging for pieces. Cameron set off a trap that blasted him with Chef's dirty clothes.

In that pile, Cameron found a hat and gave it to Mike. He then changed his whole personality and found a piece.


We've been digging for about an hour now. And we still have only one piece.

"WHAT IS TAKING SO LONG?!" Chris shouted.

We all started stating our reasons.

"Blah blah blah, whine. Hurry up! I have dinner plans!" Chris complained.

He has no reason to be complaining. If he didn't want it to take so long, he should have designed the challenge differently.

I kept digging. Suddenly a cannon fired a fist that pushed Courtney right into the moat with crustaceans.

I quickly ran over and assisted her. I helped her get the crabs off.

"You Alright Courtney?" I asked.

"Yeah. Thanks for the help." Courtney smiled.


"Check it out guys I found-" Sam started but a trap went off and hit him in the worst place possible." Another one."

Me and Courtney kept digging together.

"So. Did you do anything interesting after season 3 ended?" I asked.

"Not particularly." She sighed.

"Yeah. Same here. I mostly just spent my time in my room. So, do you have any plans for the money?"

"Yeah. I do have a few things in mind." Courtney said." Hey, I think I found a piece."

She picked it up.

"Nice work." I grabbed it and tossed it on the platform.

"We've got six out of seven pieces!" Cameron informed us.

"You guys start working on the puzzle. We'll keep digging." Zoey told us.

"Yeah. Good plan. Just gotta catch my breath." Sam said but was then flung off into the ocean and got hit by a yacht and fell into the water.

Sam then came running out of the water.

"Ow! Jellyfish! It stung my butt!" Sam yelled running around.

Me and Courtney exchanged looks of slight concern. The villains laughed at Sam's misfortune. And Mike laughed too.

"How can you laugh?" Zoey asked, disapproving of Mike's action.

"'Cause the only cure for a jellyfish sting is to pee on it." Mike grinned.

How does that make it funny? Sam ran into the water and peed. Sam happily sighed.

"Ew." Zoey cringed.

Me and Courtney exchanged looks. Yeah. He's definitely gonna need the spa more than any of us.


Me and the Hamsters grouped up and build the statue.

"One piece to go! It has to be in Sam's quadrant." Zoey stated.

"Sorry guys. I'm moving as fast as I can." Sam stated, dragging himself across the sand.

"All we need is the torch. Hurry!" Cameron exclaimed.

Zoey and Mike managed to find the final piece together. Zoey picked up the torch and threw it and it landed perfectly on the statue. Dude, is she like a foot ball champion or something? That throw was perfect. Eh, not gonna think too hard about it.

Me and the Hamsters cheered.

"The Heroic Hamsters win!" Chris annouced.

The villains groaned at their defeat.

"Spa hotel! Spa hotel!" Me, Courtney, and Sierra cheered together.

Chris coughed, getting our attention.

"I do require a volunteer for exile duty." Chris stated.

"This one's on me, guys. To make up for my lack of digging skills and ah-" Chef put Sam on the boat and they road off.

Me and the Group happily walked off. Gwen then approached us.

"Hey Courtney I just wanted to say congrats on the, woah-" Gwen started but a trap then flung up in the air out of nowhere.

It was a bunch if garbage. Gwen hit the garbage forward and it ended up getting on both me and Courtney.

Courtney coughed." Ew."

"Seriously?" I glared.

"That was an accident I didn't mean-" Gwen started.

"You're not sorry. You did that on purpose. You haven't changed a bit. You're a horrible person. I hope you know that. Come on Courtney." We left Gwen.


We went to the elimination ceremony and sat in the peanut gallery section.

"Welcome Hamsters. Sit back, enjoy the show. Vultures, It's time for you to vote off your first villain." Chirs told the villians.


"The following players are safe for another day: Duncan, Gwen, Scott,  Alejandro and Heather. Lightning, you're on the chopping block for your crummy math skills and obsessive biscep kissing" Chris said.

"If they were yours, you would do it to." Lightning defended, then he started doing it again.

"And Jo. You're on the block for your annoyingly pushy campaign to send Lightning home." Chris said

"What?!" Lightning asked in shock.[see what I did there? ;) ]

"Tonight's loser is...... Lightning." Chris annouced.


After the elimination ceremony, me and The Heroic Hamsters headed to the Spa hotel. It was nice to have an actual dinner.

After our dinner, we went to sleep.

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