Chapter 26: A special breakfast

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Aaron's POV

It was a raining day in the crudy cabin. I went to the girls cabin to go check on Courtney. She seemed fine.

We were sitting on our bunks, having a discussion. Then Chef burst in and tossed cruel dusty Gruel on us.

Courtney and Heather complained loudly as I just tried to dust myself off. Literally. We heard a knock on the door.

Courtney got up and opened it. It was scott, holding a bucket.

"You gonna finish your gruel?" Scott asked her.

"What?! No! Gross! Help yourself." Courtney told him.

He took a piece if the gruel from her hair and bit into it.

"You clean up real nice." He commented and walked off.

/Courtney:"Smelly. Pit stainy. But me and Aaron are definitely going to need a third vote for we won't get kicked off. We'll need one more ally now that we're stuck on team villian. So. Hmm..." I thought to myself.\

Me and Courtney went outside in the rain and tried to dust off the best way we could. We then heard a voice in the confessional.

/Gwen:"This is the worst. I only came back to Total Drama make things better with Courtney. But now she hates me. More than ever."\

Me and Courtney stood under our umbrella and heard Gwen crying after her statment.

/Courtney and Aaron: "She came back for me? Yeah right. She probably knew I'd overhear. But. But how?" Courntey asked.

"I don't know. I don't think Gwen would plan something like that. Maybe she wants to change." I guessed.

*Courtney narrows eyes at Aaron*

"M-maybe." I nervously chuckled.\

It stopped raining outside. Chris started an announcement.

"Okay. Now that the weather's cleared up. Get your waterlogged butts down to the beach for today's beat down. I mean. Challenge." Chris corrected.


Both of the teams met up with Chris.

"Welcome contestants. Before we get started. Let's bring back last night's exile. Cameron." Chris told us.

Cameron was dropped down to the ground from the helicopter.

"Okay. A: how are you still alive after a night on the island? And B: why do you smell so rank?" Chris plugged his nose.

"Simple. Between seasons I read up on wilderness survival tips. If you dose yourself with the um, scent of the most viscous animal in the forest. Then all the creatures will give you utmost respect." Cameron explained.

"Not all creatures." Duncan commented.

"Disscusting revelations aside, It's challenge time. Chef didn't have time to cook team loser's breakfast this morning because he was busy making these!" Chris told us" Pancakes! That's right. It's eating contest time. Each team will get one minute to scarf up as much pancaky goodness as they can. When a hero's eating time is up, they hear this."

An angelic noise played.

"And the villians get this."

I couldn't make out what that sound was, but it didn't sound nice. But I guess that's what we get for being evil.

"Then you just have to race though a nausea obstacle course." Chris told us.

"Obstacle course?" Sam asked worried.

"It's a nod to the mad skills course from last season. The toughest parts anyway. First, you've gotta get past the bouncy butts. They're a real pain. Then It's on to the rolling pin. Then swift kick from the grape crusher gets you back in line." Chris explained.

"Pfft. That won't be so hard." Scott scoffed.

"Really? Huh. I wasn't gonna add this, but since Scott's not impressed, bring it in." Chris said on his walkie.

"Say hello to my metal friend. I call it: the salad spinner. The perfect end to a barftastic course." Chris told us.

"How does it work?" Mike asked.

"Probably painfully. I don't know, we didn't have time to test it." Chris told us.

"Nice one Scott." Courtney grinned." And yes. I was being sarcastic!" Courtney glared at him as he smiled." What? What?"

"You're pretty when your mad." Scott grinned at her.

"Barf." Heather rolled her eyes and walked off.

/Aaron:" Oh no. Here we go again. She better not fall in love with a guy she just met. Again! I would guess that she isn't into him, but we remember what happened when I guessed she wasn't into Duncan"\

"Speaking of which. Players have to make it through the course without regurgitating. To get back in line and stay in the game. But if you puke. You're benched. Leaving the other layers on your team to eat without your help. Once your pancakes toast, just complete the obstacle course on last time to win. Ready. Set. Scarf!" Chris annouced, blowing his blow horn.

Sierra started eating for the heroes.

"We need a team leader. And I think it should be you." Alejandro pointed at Heather.

"What!" Courtney exclaimed.

"Whatever." Scott rolled his eyes.

"Seriously?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Fine. You go first. But you better have a big appetite." Heather told Alejandro.

"As you wish." Alejandro told her and went to go eat some of the pancake. He started off Okay but then rats jumped on him and started attacking.

"Oh yeah. There might be some booby traps and feisty ingredients in those paincakes." Chris grinned.

Sierra mistakened fish eyes for blueberries and ended up barfing so she got benched. Cameron took her place.

Alejandro's eating time was up.

"Eaten time is over for Alejandro. Now it's beating time." Chris annouced.

We all cheered for him to do his best.

"Oo. Very nice moves from Alejandro. And he continues to impress on the rolling pins." Chris stated.

I will admit. That's pretty impressive

"Yes!" Heather cheered.

Alejandro was kicked onto the rolling pin, spun around then fell out. Alejandro was about to barf. We all gasped. Alejandro managed to swallow it down.

"Taste so nice. He ate it twice." Chris stated.

"Dirt for brains. You're next." Heather told Scott.

"Agh! The gruel is giving leg gut. I forgot that's what you get when you eat too much of the good stuff." Scott groaned.

"I'll go." I stated, approaching the pancake.

I ate as much of the pancake that I could. I felt something crawling on my arm. I rolled up my jacket sleeve and saw fire ants.

"Gah! Get off!" I stratched.

My eating time was up.

"Run Aaron! Run like your very life depends on it. Which it does." Alejandro told me.

"My life doesn't depend on this challenge." I rolled my eyes and took off running.

I stayed at a balence speed and managed to bounce pass the bouncing buds. Which literally looks like something straight out of wipeout.

I landed on my arm, but that's okay. It didn't hurt too much. I got back up and managed to get pass the rolling pin.

Then I was kicked into the salad spinner. I was so close to barfing. Luckily, I managed to hold it in. Barely. But still. I managed.

"And Aaron is safe to eat again. Villians need another eater." Chris announced.

I joined back with the villians.

"I'm not going after Gwen. She'll leave a booby trap for me." Courtney defended.

"Um. I think she's little to busy for that." Heather stated.

"Fine. I'll go next! But if we lose. Gwen goes home. Deal?" Courtney asked.

"Deal." Heather agreed.

We watched Gwen and Duncan do the obstacle course. She was bouncing on the bouncing buds and landed straight on her face making us cringe.

Duncan said something to Gwen that made him point out his mouth. That's a bruise.

"Hero Duncan is just ahead. And villian Gwen's head is turning a new shade of green." Chris announced.

Gwen tried her best but barfed. So she got benched. Duncan managed to get through the course without barfing.

Courtney went next. She was doing really good. Well until a trap covered her in green jelly

"GAH! GREEN JELLY! GET IT OFF ME! GET IT OFF ME!" Courtney panicked running back and forth.

I went up to her and grabbed both of her hands.

"Courtney. Look at me." I said calmy.

She was panting, still in panic of the green jelly.

"You're okay. You're fine. You're not harmed. It won't hurt or harm you in any way." I said calmly.

She was panting, looking around panicking. She then looked at me and she seemed to calm down. Her breathing went back to a normal calm pace.

/Courtney:"I'm glad me and Aaron are friends again. Who knows how long I would've been panicking. His voice is very calming. And his eyes are very blue and-.... what am I saying? We're just friends."\

/Aaron:"It's interesting that a strong, brave, tough girl like Courtney is afraid of green jelly. It's kinda cute, really."\

Courtney flew into the spinner.

"And Courtney makes it to the spinner!" Chris annouced.

The spinner started spinning at a very fast rate. Courntey flew out of the spinner. I gasped.

I ran over to the tree she landed in. I climbed up as fast as I could.

"Hello? A little help here?" Courtney sighed sadly at the fact no one was going to help her.

"I'm almost there Courtney. Just hang tight." I called up to her as I continued climbing the tree.

I saw her stuck inside a hole of a tree. I managed to pull her out.

"Thanks Aaron." She sighed in relief.

"Yeah sure thing." I grinned.

I easily hopped out if the tree, branch by branch. Courtney hopped out of the tree. I caught her with ease bridle style.

Wow. She looks even pretty up close.

"Um? Aaron? You okay? You're just staring..." She asked.

"Huh? Oh. I'm fine." I blushed.

"But thanks for the catch." She thanked.

"Don't mention it." I winked, still holding her.

"Seriously? Still with the winking? You haven't changed a bit, Aaron." Courtney crossed her arms.

"Do you not like my winking?" I asked with a grin.

She rolled her eyes. I purposely kept winking at her.

"Gah! Okay. Just stop!" Courtney demanded as I chuckled at her frustration." Stop laughing at me!"

"Okay. Okay. I will." I sighed happily.

"Can you put me down now?"

"Oh. Yeah. Sure."

I gently let her out of my arms.

"The Heroic Hamsters win!" Chris announced.

Sam did this very loud obnoxious burp. Yeah. Loudest one I've ever heard.


After our loss, we headed to the elimination ceremony.

"If not for me. We would have lost by a much more dishonorable amount." Alejandro stated.

"But we did still lose, right?" Heather asked annoyed.

"Then I suppose tonight I'll be forced to bid you farewell." He told her.

"I guess neither of us will be in the loser cabin tonight. Flush." Sam teased.

"Listen up campers. Because I have a shocking announcement to make. Gwen didn't accidentally on purpose serve Courntey an ouchie today." Chris announced.

"The day's not over yet." Courtney stated.

"Oh. And after reviewing the footage of today's challenge and laughing a lot. Turns out. The heroes didn't in fact complete the challenge." Chris stated.

We all gasped.

"But Sam finsihed the pancake and the obstacle course first." Mike defended.

"Sam. Will you stand up and turn out your pockets please?" Chris asked.

Sam stood up and emptied his pockets. A tiny bit of pancake fell out of his pocket. The heroes gasped.

"I just saves a tiny bit in case I had to go to Boney Island again. It's a terrible place. I'm sorry." Sam defened sadly.

"Heroes forfeit. Villains win it!" Chris annouced.

We all cheered happily. Scott and Courtney cheered holding each other. They both realized what they were doing and then turned away from each other.

"Time to vote someone out heores." Chris told the heroes.

/Aaron:"She better not start falling for Scott. He's evil too. He sabotaged his own team. What's with her liking bad boys?"\

Sam ended up being tonight's flushy and Scott was sent to Boney Island. After that, we headed to the Spa Hotel.

I had pizza and a lemonade. What? Don't judge my weird mixtures of foods.

But after that I went to bed.

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